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Age for Polish couples to get married + divorce rates + possessive guys

stev1963hit  1 | 4  
6 Jul 2008 /  #1
Interested to know-what is the average age for polish couples to get married?What is the divorce rate? Is it true that polish guys are quite possessive of thier girls? Is it a stereotype that polish girls are much more carefull with thier virginity than our English women & are generally less promiscuous?Boring questions-any answers?
puercoespin  - | 129  
6 Jul 2008 /  #2
Is it true that polish guys are quite possesive of thier girls?

Try to date someones girlfriend and you'll find it out..:)

Is it a stereotype that polish girls are much more carefull with thier virginity than our English women & are generally less promiscuous?

It's not stereotype, but true is that polish women have more self respect..
OP stev1963hit  1 | 4  
6 Jul 2008 /  #3
Ha! cheers,just what i expected & wanted to hear!Funny tho-can you explain why[according to my polish ex]Czech girls are completely the opposite?
urszula  1 | 253  
6 Jul 2008 /  #4
You guys got nothing better to talk about. Geeez
mafketis  38 | 11168  
7 Jul 2008 /  #5
Random observations:

Pre-marital sex has long been the norm in Poland. Typically a serious couple that might get married starts having sex. If they break up before getting married, well that can happen. On the other hand, if pregnancy results, the wedding plans are moved up (the proportion of visibly pregnant brides is pretty high). The parents may not be happy about this, but they did the same thing and their kids are liable to know it which doesn't give them much room for making sermons.

Random sleeping around has never been the norm and is very much looked down on.

So, very few Polish people expect a woman to be a virgin at marriage. On the other hand, the expectation is that sex has been restricted to serious relationships. Also note, many Polish women are not catholic enough to restrain from pre-marital sex but they are catholic enough to not use birth control. If you're not ready for parenthood and have a Polish girlfriend, take contraception into your own hands (so to speak).

I don't know if Polish guys are really that possessive but:
a) the things that make them jealous are different than the things that make western guys jealous
b) there's a psychotic sub-class that never knows when to let go (generally not violent but very annoying - a friend tells me how his wife's former suitor showed up at their honeymoon hotel).

Age of first marriage is trending up. I remember when female students expected to be married (at least engaged) by the end of their studies. That's just not the case anymore.

Divorce is also trending up. Formerly, a couple that would probably get divorced in the US would still live together but quietly agree to have their own (discreet) private lives. Now, they're more likely to get divorced.

One of the most common causes of divorce in Poland are meddling in-laws (his or hers). Young couples traditionally had to rely on help from parents and the parents used this to try to maximize their influence over the young couple, usually with bad results.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Jul 2008 /  #6
& are generally less promiscuous?

No,polish girls are always horny.
OP stev1963hit  1 | 4  
7 Jul 2008 /  #7
Cheers man,very helpfull!I had a polish g-friend in 05/06 & she was a virgin at 24 & made us wait for 5 months before 'doing the deed'...but sounds like this is'nt unusual. Ha ha....think Southern's right too-once she got going,straying hands[often in public!]were a daily problem!!
irishdeano  5 | 304  
7 Jul 2008 /  #8
once she got going,straying hands[often in public!]were a daily problem!!

i know what you mean hahahahahaha
OP stev1963hit  1 | 4  
8 Jul 2008 /  #9
Ha-worse problem was getting up to go to the bar for more drinks ,when she'd been fiddling about under the table for the previous 20 mins!! Nice prob tho eh! Never done so much sport outdoors...even at school!!!

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