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Wlatcy Moch??

PoloToon  1 | 9  
20 Feb 2009 /  #1
I'm wondering if anyone knows about Włatcy Móch, because I have not seen any threads or messages about that cartoon show.
If anybody wants to say anything about it, please do not hesitate to state your comments.
I don't understand it because it's in Polish, but I watch it anyways..but still, I almost know nothing about it.
należy opublikować swoją opinię na jej temat!
mafketis  38 | 11176  
20 Feb 2009 /  #2
Brilliant dialogue with Czesio and his teacher Pani Frał (Miss Frau):

Czesio: ja jej nie lubię (I don't like her)

Pani Frał: dlaczego (why not?)

Czesio: bo ona nie ma wacka (because she doesn't have a willy)

Pani Frał: czego??? (a what???)

Czesio: no ... siusiora ... a Pani ma? (you know ... a peepee .... do you have one?)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
20 Feb 2009 /  #3
You either love this cartoon or hate it. I truly hate it.
OP PoloToon  1 | 9  
20 Feb 2009 /  #4
Brilliant dialogue with Czesio and his teacher Pani Frał (Miss Frau)

I love that scene!!! Czesio is my favourite character (he's a zombie...and he goes to a living human school??)
I like how he says all of that-
"Dzien dobry, allelujah, ona nie ma wacka, bara-bara-bara-BOOM!, bay bay maszkaro!"[etc...]
their voices are very distinct and unusual from the other cartoon voices!
frd  7 | 1379  
20 Feb 2009 /  #5
oh how I hate this cartoon, especially cause my friend told me I sound like one of the characters.. South Park becomes sophisticated intellectual ride next to Wlatcy Much..
OP PoloToon  1 | 9  
20 Feb 2009 /  #6
well, everyone has their own opinion, and I will not argue with that. I deal with it...it's cool...!
Mogę zajmować się to wszystko tak długo, jak długo istnieje wszyscy mamy coś wspólnego!
esek  2 | 228  
20 Feb 2009 /  #7
this is cartoon for retarded people...

ps. Polish people - who do understand (or at least more or less understand) what they say there.
Switezianka  - | 463  
22 Feb 2009 /  #8
You either love this cartoon or hate it.

I neither love it or hate it. I think it's an attempt to make a Polish version of South Park but South Park is sharply satyrical, and Włatcy are just stupid.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
22 Feb 2009 /  #9
Agree, plus, I truly hate Southpark too.
frd  7 | 1379  
22 Feb 2009 /  #10
What about Family Guy ?
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
22 Feb 2009 /  #11
Can't stand it. The Simpsons are the real deal for moi. Absolutely briliant.
OP PoloToon  1 | 9  
22 Feb 2009 /  #12
Isn't it weird how Matt Groening created Homer Simpson and his family, modelled after Eddie Haskell (and his family) from "Leave It To Beaver"??

I never knew that before...
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
23 Feb 2009 /  #13
anyone here a fan of Kartony? i watched a few episodes and some of it made me laugh, but a lot of it is toilet humour and generally pretty stupid... i do like southpark (most of it anyway) and i generally enjoy send-up and parody, that's why my sister recommended Kartony to me and i got it on dvd. the song at the end of the Anna Dupa (Ania Mucha) episode is mental lol.
OP PoloToon  1 | 9  
4 Apr 2009 /  #14
Is there a version of Wlatcy Moch in English? I'm okay with not understanding what they're saying, but a version in English would be nice to have...

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