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Warsaw - most boring capital in Europe, after Brussels - comments?

SouthOfDaThames - | 87  
16 Mar 2008 /  #31
I'd rather not say on a public forum... but at least it's in south, which is all that matters! :)
Wizzard - | 5  
18 Mar 2008 /  #32
Personally I find Krakow as overrated as Paris. Give me Bratislava, Milan or Wroclaw any time.

Bratislawa-hitch-hiking in Brat-land.. ah the memories.

I'll have a stronger opinion after my trip to Bratislava.

Hang on - I have no plans to go to Bratislava.

Hello, guys. I would like to ask what did you mean by these posts, cause I don't get it :) I live in Bratislava and I am coming to Warsaw on Thursday so I would like to know what to expect. Is Warsaw really a boring city? I was in Krakow in 2006 and I liked it more than Prague and Budapest, but always wanted to see Warsaw too, even more than Krakow. I like the skyscrapers and Warsaw is something like European New York (and Bratislava is like Slovak Warsaw) :)
isthatu 3 | 1164  
18 Mar 2008 /  #33
I like the skyscrapers and Warsaw is something like European New York

lmao ,oh,please,stop,right now,yer killing me !!!:)Only resembelance last time I was there was to ground zero.........
Great little city,loads to do,but NY,nah,not quite mate.
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
18 Mar 2008 /  #34
Nothing can compare to the great concrete jungle :)
Wizzard - | 5  
18 Mar 2008 /  #35
Well, you are laughing, but the newspapers in Bratislava often compare Bratislava with New York and this is what I laugh about :) Anyway, Warsaw skyline looks good, I think, especially that PKIN reminds me ESB in NYC etc. The height of Warsaw skyscrapers is one of the highest in Europe, so this comparation was only metaphoric.
18 Mar 2008 /  #36
Nothing can compare to the great concrete jungle :)

I still think New Amsterdam sounds better than New York though!

wot30 3 | 20  
18 Mar 2008 /  #37
"Surprisingly Warsaw residents didn't themselves think their city was so bad to live in, mostly it was foreign visitors." And this is exactly why I like Warsaw very much (more than Kraków where I lived for five months). Kraków is very nice, especially for tourist and students. But to me (in my thirties and not merely in Poland for a long weekend) Warsaw is a very pleasant place. OK, maybe not that beautiful esthetically- but fun, and easier to integrate than in Kraków, frankly speaking. And much more international (if you omit Erasmus students and stack parties ;), which is also a positive virtue in my opinion.
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
18 Mar 2008 /  #38
I still think New Amsterdam sounds better than New York though!

Me too.....similar laws would be nice too ;)
18 Mar 2008 /  #39
I agree.. Shall we start a political party to liberate New York from these evil laws they've inherited from the long forgotten British Empire?

LondonChick 31 | 1133  
18 Mar 2008 /  #40
"Surprisingly Warsaw residents didn't themselves think their city was so bad to live in, mostly it was foreign visitors." And this is exactly why I like Warsaw very much (more than Kraków where I lived for five months). Kraków is very nice, especially for tourist and students. But to me (in my thirties and not merely in Poland for a long weekend) Warsaw is a very pleasant place. OK, maybe not that beautiful esthetically- but fun, and easier to integrate than in Kraków, frankly speaking. And much more international (if you omit Erasmus students and stack parties ;), which is also a positive virtue in my opinion.

I think that I can see where you're coming from: Similarly, I've been to places like Venice and Prague, where you feel like you are walking around with "tourist # 4646353252" stamped on your forehead. Give me a night out in Warsaw any day...
18 Mar 2008 /  #41
Give me a night out in Warsaw any day...

I'm sure some bloke will oblige if you ask em nicely.
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
18 Mar 2008 /  #42
But I'm not Polish and I don't need some sweaty, ugly bloke who can't pull in his own country....
18 Mar 2008 /  #43
I don't need some sweaty, ugly bloke who can't pull in his own country....

Who said ya did ? I never. Ya don't have to be Polish either. Sheesh ya try an help someone out an they spit in ya face.......
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
18 Mar 2008 /  #44
OK, ok... fair enough... but I am capable of going out in Warsaw with my own mates.
andysterdam 3 | 45  
18 Mar 2008 /  #45
Similarly, I've been to places like Venice and Prague, where you feel like you are walking around with "tourist # 4646353252" stamped on your forehead. Give me a night out in Warsaw any day...

I hear you loud & clear there. Though I've never been to Warsaw, I've often felt like a tourist-drone in Venice, Rome, London, Paris, etc.
Buddy 7 | 167  
18 Mar 2008 /  #46
Surely it depends who you are with rather than where you are?

I have fun where ever I go.
Wizzard - | 5  
19 Mar 2008 /  #47
Guys, do you think that Warsaw is more boring than Bratislava? :)
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
19 Mar 2008 /  #48
Surely it depends who you are with rather than where you are?

I have fun where ever I go.

I agree...and me too.... I always make the effort.

But some cities have a better vibe than others.
isthatu 3 | 1164  
19 Mar 2008 /  #49
I agree.. Shall we start a political party to liberate New York from these evil laws they've inherited from the long forgotten British Empire?

Hey,I'll join,and I live 20 miles from Old York lol
Mind you,the gov' of NY seems to think he's in Amsterdam anyway...........
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
19 Mar 2008 /  #50
Haha yeah, he's pretty liberal. Already, people are digging up dirt on him.

LOL never knew there was an Old York. Is it a large city?
isthatu 3 | 1164  
19 Mar 2008 /  #51
sorry,Its just called York,its an ancient city in England,Yorkshire(oddly enough lol). Its pre Roman,but most famous for Vikings and with some amazing medievil buildings...the birth place of Emperor Constantine,the bringer of Christianity to the Roman empire.....ah well,I shall let you off Z',but if you do ever visit the UK i highly recomend it :)
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
19 Mar 2008 /  #52
let you off Z',but if you do ever visit the UK i highly recomend it

I just may one day. My ancestors were from England, so it would be nice.

Family Coat of Arms
isthatu 3 | 1164  
19 Mar 2008 /  #53
If you do Z' let me know and I shall make the effort to try to show you around one day.
(just make sure you dont have Scottish one of the ancient laws,still not repealed,is that a native born son of York is legaly entitled to shoot,with a bow and arrow,any Scotsman found within the city walls after dark !!!! ;) )
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
19 Mar 2008 /  #54
No way... an ancient law that hasn't been tested during this day and age? Say someone actually did this, do you think it would hold up in court? Interesting. Do you have a lot of ancient laws that still exist? I heard once that it's illegal to die in the Parliament blgd.....fantastic :)
isthatu 3 | 1164  
19 Mar 2008 /  #55
lol,yes,we have loads of anachronistic "laws" that are still on the table:)
I rather imagine anyone trying the Bow n arrow thing would be charged with murder ......I hope :)
Theres also laws such as Taxi drivers having to carry Hay in their cars because in the "olden days" when the origional Hackney carraiges were horse drawn feed was obliged to be carried.

( see, Hack drivers,something I know is slang in the states,comes from olde londone :) )
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
19 Mar 2008 /  #56
I rather imagine anyone trying the Bow n arrow thing would be charged with murder ......I hope :)

Hahaha reminds me of when I was a boy riding my bicycle down the street and having an arrow skim off the frame. Some neighborhood bully actually tried to shoot me with one of these.

Hack drivers- hack golfers...we have plenty of hacks :)
dcchris 8 | 432  
19 Mar 2008 /  #57
swag is free stuff
cyg 5 | 119  
20 Mar 2008 /  #58
Warsaw is not for seekers of the obvious, but it does have some decent places. Actually Praga seems to be the place to be if you're into arty/cultural happenings, but you really have to know where to look/know the right people.

As far as Krakow goes, I lived there for the better part of a year in the mid-90s, and I can't think of a thing that could make me move back. I was dying to bust out by the end and haven't gone back for more than a few days since. I hear that it's changed for the better, though. Ventilation in the pubs, and all that. :-)
finT 12 | 167  
21 Mar 2008 /  #59
Actually Praga seems to be the place to be if you're into arty/cultural happenings, but you really have to know where to look/know the right people.

Actually I think the "underground" myth making marketing of Praga is far more interesting than the reality. One still feels like an extra in Tarkovsky's 'Stalker' wandering around there. Avoid the arty farty/ DJ/ curator cum poetry joints, no-one will talk to you anyway! The words HEAD and ARSE spring to mind!
cyg 5 | 119  
21 Mar 2008 /  #60
You're right, I think I should have put more of an emphasis on knowing the right people.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Warsaw - most boring capital in Europe, after Brussels - comments?Archived