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What is there to do in Warsaw??

DannyJ - | 129  
17 Nov 2009 /  #31
so I guess you are about to move here

Middle next year,, still waiting for flat to be built
Raijin 1 | 20  
18 Nov 2009 /  #33
-Old town
-Parks (lazienki, saski...)
-Clubs and discos (nothing special. All clubs are almost the same, 80s 90s style, electornica)

That's all.
szczeciniak 4 | 92  
18 Nov 2009 /  #34
ust keep in mind that you aren't allowed to drink alcohol and ride a bike in Poland - your (car) driving license can be taken away....

ow s*** i didnt know that!!!
is is really ,if you ride bike drank you can lose the car drive license? or you pulling my leg?
is this a law? or advice?
esek 2 | 228  
18 Nov 2009 /  #35
is is really ,if you ride bike drank you can lose the car drive license?

yes, this is Polish law....
scottie1113 6 | 896  
18 Nov 2009 /  #36
Not only can you lose your license, you can spend up to 11 months in prison. I'm not kidding. This happened to two Polish guys I know, and it was their first offence. Don't drink and drive. Don't drink and ride.
kika - | 7  
20 Nov 2009 /  #37
thanks for all the answers. and yes, it's true you can't drink and drive in Poland or you can't drink and ride in Poland. But cubs are pretty cheap

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / What is there to do in Warsaw??Archived