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What type and brand of cars do Polish people like?

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
28 Nov 2007 /  #31
the fact that they drive a BM gives them the right to drive without respect and courtesy for other drivers.

good idea to re-phrase but it still raises an interesting issue -

is the fact they drive a volvo more likely to make them boring?


is the fact they are boring make them more likely to drive a volvo?
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
28 Nov 2007 /  #32
Is the purpose of this thread to find our what Polish people like or what they buy?

I'd LIKE an Audi R8 but have to settle for a less up market Audi (just). Come on marketing person, refine your question.
Mufasa  19 | 357  
28 Nov 2007 /  #33
good idea to re-phrase but it still raises an interesting issue -

is the fact they drive a volvo more likely to make them boring?


is the fact they are boring make them more likely to drive a volvo?

i don't think it's either or, i think it's both and ... ;)
plk123  8 | 4119  
28 Nov 2007 /  #34
skoda fabia
toyota yaris
skoda octavia
ford focus
fiat panda
fiat punto
volkswagen passat
opel astra
toyota corolla
opel astra classic

highly gasoline efficient. :D

as an after thought ill add that i drive with confidence and assertion - i choose my path and i take it without dillydallying on the way - i also drive with respect and courtesy

eff that.. i miss my f-150 for those mornings when everybody is in my way.. hahahaha
lazybones  2 | 52  
28 Nov 2007 /  #35
VW Golf is very popular
Mufasa  19 | 357  
28 Nov 2007 /  #36
is it true that VW isn't as reliable and value for money as they used to be? Friend of ours has lot of problems with his VW.
lazybones  2 | 52  
28 Nov 2007 /  #37
sorry, but have no idea, just saw a lot on the roads
Avalon  4 | 1063  
28 Nov 2007 /  #38
Anything that can overtake another car, preferably with no indicators, must have previous dents to show indication of serious intent to damage you if you do not get out of the way. Insurance, maybe?..........respect,.........no.way!!!!!!!....get over you m...th.fu....ker!!!!... end of story..hundreds of deaths!.....fact.
plk123  8 | 4119  
28 Nov 2007 /  #39
VW here in the US seem to be popular and i haven't heard any of my friends complain about theirs. but it is a cheaper car the and MB or BMW, for sure.
Maat  - | 21  
28 Nov 2007 /  #40
Everything thac cheap [primary concern], fuel efficient [secondary concern due to gas prices high. Thac why you wont find too many SUV's and all those big cars that burn s... load of gasoline with r v popular in USA], third would be the size since most people with cars serv as drivers for whole families when it comes to vacation and bigger events. Last but not least, the safety and how long will the car be able to withstand Polish roads...

and imo most popular would be Peugot, Fiat, Daewoo, VW, Ford, basicly all that meets at least two of the above criterias. Ppl with thick wallets usually ride Mercedes [guess its like synonym of Polish luxury still], BMW goes usually for the peeps called "dresiarze" or at least that what most ppl think bout them, most of them r stolen from Germany too, but thac a different story ;] .

Im personally saveing for a Camaro z-28 from ~1980, that beast gonna be really fun to drive throu Poland :] .
plk123  8 | 4119  
28 Nov 2007 /  #41
Im personally saveing for a Camaro z-28 from ~1980, that beast gonna be really fun to drive throu Poland :] .

ouch.. can you really afford petrol for that thing? lol you'll be lucky to get 15mi/gal..
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
29 Nov 2007 /  #42
no sh** there's some goof that owns a late 80's camaro in my complex and i see that thing parked a lot more than not.

I've always been curious, is it that so many people here can actually afford all the high-end vehicles i see on the roads or is it that so many people want to look like they can. And how does a foreigner4 get credit so he doesn't have to throw down huge wads just to buy a used car?
randompal  7 | 306  
29 Nov 2007 /  #43
What type and brand of cars do Polish people like?

one that runs
Polanglik  11 | 303  
29 Nov 2007 /  #44
Thac why you wont find too many SUV's and all those big cars that burn s... load of gasoline

I have found quite the opposite ..... large numbers of 4x4's around Warsaw and Krakow - these are the cities where I spend most of my time when in Poland.

when I bring clients over to Poland for a viewing trip they often comment on how many expensive cars there are on the roads .... something they had not expected to see on Polish roads.
Maat  - | 21  
30 Nov 2007 /  #45
Considering that Im comeing to Poland for 30 days a year and earn my sallary in $ [not to mention that there isnt much to spend it on when you spend 6 months of the year on a ship underway...] so idk too much, allthrou Im definitly going to change the engine and such and one of my priorities is fuel efficiency and enviorment since European union cares about that a lot more than Americans do... I dont think id even get papers for that car without a big modernisation :] .

Im from Wroclaw so not shure bout Warsaw, it all depends on the market you want to hit, if its rich class [managers, buisness ovners, foregin buisnessmans etc] than yea Id shoot for nice SUV's and such, still regular working people with fammilies wont afford something that burns too much fuel etc. warranty is also important, its really hard to get a stolen car back in poland so any type of anti theft stuff would be appreciated. I could ask my uncle about it, he lives in Wroclaw with a family [3 kids] and he needs a car for both work and personal usage, now I think they got one of those wierd looking Kia's, fammily type car.
beckski  12 | 1609  
30 Nov 2007 /  #46
personally, i like MB and Nissan vehicles

I think a Yugo suits you better!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
30 Nov 2007 /  #47
is it true that VW isn't as reliable and value for money as they used to be? Friend of ours has lot of problems with his VW.

It seems to be true. VW's reliability ratings seem to be rather poor here in North America. The company itself recognized the problem with the change of their CEO in the recent months. They now ponder the idea of opening a manufacturing plant in the US or Canada, considering the disappointments with the Mexican one.

So it all may have to do with where some vehicles are manufactured. For instance Ford; I had a the misfortune to have owned two. No more. Never again. They tend to have issues with the front wheel drive.

However, I drove Fords in Europe and they seemed better than American equivalents.
Maat  - | 21  
30 Nov 2007 /  #48
My friend says that its all about where the car was made, you can have top class BMW made in Mexico and it wouldnt be half as good as VW made in Germany or even a Peugot from France, car factories tend to be build in poor areas so it would be cheaper for the manufacturer, no offence but a guy from mexico with 5 grades in school compared to an expierienced german/french engeneer isnt a best choice... cars made in Poland arent bad throu, dawoo was korean but as far as I know manufactured in FSO [or ex fso, whatever] and for the price it had it wasnt so bad [and it was very popular in ~1998 - 2002].
szmata  - | 23  
1 Dec 2007 /  #49
Green polis BMW
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
10 Dec 2008 /  #50
In Chicago area Polish people mostly like Nissans, Toyotas, BMW, Mercedes Benzes, Fords and Hondas
pawian  226 | 27583  
10 Dec 2008 /  #51
one that runs

or rolls

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