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Toy horse in pocket for good luck according to the Polish tradition?

rayality 1 | 3  
20 Feb 2008 /  #1
I have been in a serious relationship for the last four years with a Polish girl and this year was the first year that her Grandmother gave me a gift. It was for my birthday, a little plastic toy horse. She said to keep it in my pocket for good luck. I searched everywhere to see if this gesture has a greater meaning or where this custom originated but there is absolutely nothing on the internet. Anyone here have any knowledge to impart? It would be greatly appreciated as even my girlfriend (who is very connected to the culture) has no idea what this is about.
plk123 8 | 4,134  
20 Feb 2008 /  #2
never heard of this either.
joo who - | 100  
20 Feb 2008 /  #3
it has to be more lucky than a real horse in the paddock! Certainly less time and money involved, far less commitment and if you get peed off with it you can stick in the back of a cupboard. It won't kick or bite you, and there's no shite to evict from your pocket (or cupboard) at the end of the day. I think, this SHOULD be a tradition, if it isn't already!
Ronek 1 | 261  
20 Feb 2008 /  #4

seems like 'your' new grandma is takking the **** out of you.
OP rayality 1 | 3  
20 Feb 2008 /  #5
My new grandma? Lets not get carried away. heheh.
Thanks for the interest in my query. The family is very traditional so I wouldn't be suprised if it is a not very widespread tradition. Or maybe she is just ******* with me... that would be funny. Doesn't seem likely though as she is quite old and doesn't seem the type to do that kind of a thing.
Wroclaw 44 | 5,366  
20 Feb 2008 /  #6
It was for my birthday, a little plastic toy horse. She said to keep it in my pocket for good luck.

Just a gift, given with affection.
OP rayality 1 | 3  
20 Feb 2008 /  #7
That seems to be the only explanation. Thank you for the response.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Toy horse in pocket for good luck according to the Polish tradition?Archived