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Rudeness of polish people when they are drunk

vndunne 43 | 279  
30 Nov 2008 /  #1
I have been living in poland for nearly 3 years. One thing that i am noticing recently is the rudeness of some polish people when they are drunk. Last night i had a girl bump into me and spill drink over me. I asked her politely to be careful. She thought it was hilarious that i would be annoyed at drink being spilt over me. She then purposely spilt drink over me and when i was not looking spilt drink over my coat. It was unbelieveable. Also, on numerous other occasions, drunk people have bumped into me and then dont have the decency to apologise. I know not all polish are like this but there is a considerable number who are.

Sorry for the rant but i just cannot understand this ignorance.
Switezianka - | 463  
30 Nov 2008 /  #2
I don't believe that it has anything to do with alcohol. Nice people stay nice even if they're very drunk. Being drunk is not a justification for such behaviour.

I think you should change the environment.
Misty 5 | 144  
30 Nov 2008 /  #3
Yeah I'm with Switezianka, you need to change where you drink. Obviously they don't mind people there who drink until they fall down. Drinks get spilled by accident but when it's done deliberately then you know that person has a nasty streak in them. If the girl had been a nice person she would have apologised and you'd not have seen her the rest of the night.
30 Nov 2008 /  #4
read what people post here after a few drinks...haha..
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
30 Nov 2008 /  #5
Mary had a little lamb
It's fleece was white as snow
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go (hic)
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
30 Nov 2008 /  #6
One thing that i am noticing recently is the rudeness of some polish people when they are drunk.

It's part of the modern age in Poland. More pubs and clubs than ever before with the addition of more money in people's pockets.

You are bound to bump into some clown every once in a while. Or rather some clown is..........
Bad news, if it was your local. However, I can't see it happening every time you go out. Treat it as a one off.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
30 Nov 2008 /  #7
The problem is when the boorish types come out to drink. There's rudeness everywhere when people get totalled. In Scotland, it's pretty bad. I rarely got tanked up because I knew that I may face a fight on my way home. Even in peaceful countries like Japan, I heard inflammatory comments and had to pretend that I didn't understand.

In Poland, you get those who go out to fight and you may have bumped into them, in more ways than one. I have seen a fair bit of selfishness here, people not giving a Castlemaine XXXX but it's much worse in England I've heard. Proper nobs there
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
30 Nov 2008 /  #8
drunk people have bumped into me and then dont have the decency to apologise

maybe they were too drunk to notice they bumped into someone? sometimes they just stumble out from a bar stomping on peoples feet, pushing and spilling their drinks and never saying sorry, but i would never expect them to apologise cos they were DRUNK and didn't do it on purpose. if they do it on purpose then they are idiots and they should be ignored or if it really bothers you, go see the bouncer about it. there are people like that everywhere and you kinda have to get used to it im afraid.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
30 Nov 2008 /  #9
Some people just can't handle their drink.

pubs and clubs than ever before with the addition of more money in people's pockets.

Very good point.
There is a very small bar on Rynek glowna main market square in Krakow, that was the only bar open during communism, there was no need to advertise as every body knew where it was but only "rich" people would drink there. It has the statue of the poet, who looks like he is waiting for someone outside it.

Here's a photo I found of it.

I think we have all met Jekyll and Hyde personalities on drink from every country, people who get incredibly obnoxious on booze.

I have woken up with regrets and a killer hangover.
Switezianka - | 463  
30 Nov 2008 /  #10
I think we have all met Jekyll and Hyde personalities on drink from every country, people who get incredibly obnoxious on booze.

I've never met anyone who'd be obnoxious on the booze without having such tendencies sober.
Whenever I drink with people I like, they just become silly, cheerful and playful.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
30 Nov 2008 /  #11
it depends on the person, some people change a lot after they had a few drins, or maybe thats just their true persona coming out, i dunno. but it is not a rule that someone who is nice when they are sober will be nice or even nicer when they're drunk.
Cardno85 31 | 971  
30 Nov 2008 /  #12
I know when I get drunk I start buying people drinks and telling them I love them.

Never been much of a drunken fighty type.
Rakky 9 | 217  
30 Nov 2008 /  #13
i had a girl bump into me

When you say "girl," what age do you mean?

Nice people stay nice even if they're very drunk

Not all of 'em, in my experience.

Whenever I drink with people I like, they just become silly, cheerful and playful.

I think the key phrase here is "people I like" - it implies a closed circuit of friends in the environment. Out in the bars all bets are off as to the types of people you'll encounter. As JustysiaS says...

it depends on the person

I know not all polish are like this

Not all people of any nationality are like this - but some in all are likely to be. When you drink IN public, you drink WITH the public.
1 Dec 2008 /  #14
it depends on the person, some people change a lot after they had a few drins, or maybe thats just their true persona coming out, i dunno. but it is not a rule that someone who is nice when they are sober will be nice or even nicer when they're drunk.

I'd like to get you drunk.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
1 Dec 2008 /  #15
that would be the only time i would ever even glance at slime like you. i suppose you only target drunk girls with that charm and wit of yours.
Tanya Nikii - | 4  
1 Dec 2008 /  #16
I've known my current bf for 2 years and I have never seen him drunk. I, on the other hand, have passed out on the bathroom floor in front of him. But I don't get rude though, I just get really woozy. But anyway, he refuses to get drunk around me. He says he becomes a different person. I asked him what he meant by that and all he said was, "I'm happy guy." So he's obviously hiding something. He's probably so happy he doesn't give a f#&% about anybody anymore and is rude as hell. :( And he doesn't want me to see him that way. Fair enough...

However, his buddy Maciej got drunk one night. He took a blunt object and beat the hell out of my bf's car. Broke three windows, cracked another window and put several dents all over it. Of course they are still friends. It must be a guy thing.
Lotnik767 3 | 145  
1 Dec 2008 /  #17
The truth comes out when you are drunk!!
1 Dec 2008 /  #18
And if you are drunk enough, so does the drink.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
1 Dec 2008 /  #19
You've found him, Poland's teetotaller ;)
1 Dec 2008 /  #20
It has the statue of the poet, who looks like he is waiting for someone outside it.

Piotr Skrzynecki (Piwnica pod Baranami)
Misty 5 | 144  
1 Dec 2008 /  #21
I, on the other hand, have passed out on the bathroom floor in front of him. But I don't get rude though, I just get really woozy.

A sure sign that alcohol is not for you... ;)

Banging into people when you're drunk isn't really a sign of rudeness I guess, more a sign of "tipsyness" but pouring drinks over peoples belongings is just bad manners whether the person is drunk or not. Being drunk is not an excuse for bad behaviour.

When I drink I sometimes get the giggles. :)
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
1 Dec 2008 /  #22
i spill drinks and grin like a muppet ha ha...
Seanus 15 | 19668  
1 Dec 2008 /  #23
I grin like a muppet, spill some drinks, then go back to grinning like a muppet :)
Plywood 4 | 36  
1 Dec 2008 /  #24
deer vndunne !
They are rude for the West and the East ! They simply rude... They are rough to themselves

go to
1. Polish people in shops, businesses, and government departments often appear rude to foreigners visiting Poland (not to mention to other Polish people).

2. Polish people are extremely polite and hospitable in private social situations.

3. Polish people sometimes are, in fact, extremely rude because they like being extremely rude.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
1 Dec 2008 /  #25
Polish people sometimes are, in fact, extremely rude because they like being extremely rude.

yes i enjoy it very much, especially being rude to prejudiced, stubborn and narrow minded ruskis :)
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
1 Dec 2008 /  #26
go to URL

[quote=] Rudeness is an art form in Poland. Polish people take great, but secret, delight in the devastating insult or social slight.

This is a very unimaginative text.
1 Dec 2008 /  #27
Polish people sometimes are, in fact, extremely rude because they like being extremely rude.

aaaww... Plywood needs a group hug (Polish people only!)
Plywood 4 | 36  
1 Dec 2008 /  #28
I shall add

The north and the south do not exist....
On top of Poland the sea, and in the bottom of Poland the gipsy...
Seanus 15 | 19668  
1 Dec 2008 /  #29
The People who know Poland apparently, LOL

Some don't need to be drunk to be rude though, in any country. My fiancee was working today and she told a guy not to take the last catalogue. New clients came along and she was taken up by them. What did the guy do? Sneekily removed it and hopped it, bellend.
Plywood 4 | 36  
1 Dec 2008 /  #30
yes i enjoy it very much, especially being rude to prejudiced, stubborn and narrow minded ruskis :)

I know each Pole up to bones
No Pole will surprise me

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