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Where can i get a real good piece of juicy steak in Warsaw....?

GoDfaTheR420  6 | 43  
19 Jan 2009 /  #1

I've been here 10 months now...loving it!!.etc (reasons explained in my post in the relationship section!)...

Anyway...where oh where can I get a real good piece of juicy steak...I'm getting steak withdrawal symptoms!!...man at this point I'd even eat a mad cow!!! (I'm mad anyway so I doubt if it'll hurt!)

When I first saw Tesco a few months back..( I was living in the Sochaczew... otherwise known as the back end of well...nowhere!...for the 1st 7 months!) ...I was sure they would have all my old favorites from England!...I was mistaken!...they had steak..or something they called steak...it looked a lil ummm..well ..lightish pink!...not the true...bloody red I'm used too!..I shelved out 19zl for it anyway.....brought a brand spanking new griddle pan...and of I went home too cook it....Terrible...disaster...shocking...the meat turned grey ...and tasted of well stale water!...Totally Disappointing!

Help me...pleaaaaaaaaase!!!!...I live in the Warsaw btw...so please don't tell me about any ''great lil butchers with black Angus beef in Krakow!!....I don't think I'd be able to cope!

Anyway...I'm off to the The Champions bar to see the mighty Scousers (Liverpool) take apart the Blues Muppets (Everton)

I'll have a beer for all you who find me steak!!


Imran aka Caveman!

Stop press...Tescos do have Heinz Baked Beans!!!...
jonni  16 | 2475  
19 Jan 2009 /  #2
I agree! The Poles have many fine qualities but good beef butchery is not one of them. The first time I bought steak, it was cut using a bread knife by an old lady who wiped the blood off her fingers onto her dress. That was at Marcpol.

Try Carrefour. They're a bit hit and miss but sometimes have good steak. If not there, try the shopping arcade next to Hala Mirowska (NOT the Hala itself, but the newer buildings to the right. There are some reasonable butchers there and sometimes even lamb. Mini Europa have good steak but expensive.
20 Jan 2009 /  #3
Just go to NoBo (Wilcza 58a) and have one there. Best steak in Poland.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
20 Jan 2009 /  #4
Try the red light district
25 May 2009 /  #5
I'll second that, fab food. Not a vast amount on the menu, but, what is there is great.

Or Sense on Nowy Swiat, not a steak but for red meat....I had a really nice beef in Oyster sauce, other half had lamb shank, he said that was gooood.
magdalenaG  2 | 67  
25 May 2009 /  #6
The best steak in Warsaw can be found in a butchers on Pulawska ... I just can't remember the name or number of it ..
I can , however , give you directions.. so , driving south on Pulawska( ie in the direction of Wilanow ) , when you go past the left hand turn for Idzikowskiego , on your right , just past the post office building & under a big yellow canopy you will find yourself in meat lovers heaven.
changsh  - | 4  
18 Jul 2009 /  #7
Based on magdalenaG's deescription, I drove past Pulawska to look for the place. found it and tried buying some beef. It is located on 176/178 Ul. Pulawska, has a bright yellow canopy. The name of the shop is "MIESO WEDLINY". It is actually located in the corner building between Pulawska & Domaniewska street, on the side of Pulawska.

Besides beef, they have pork, chicken, sausages, ham as well as sauces. Beef I bought was fresh, tasted good and was reasonably priced, although I was not able to learn what cut it was because the staff did not seem able to converse in English
cjj  - | 281  
18 Jul 2009 /  #8
i know i shouldn't've read this thread ...

can anyone suggest similar for Gdansk?
BB630  1 | 19  
22 Oct 2009 /  #9
Most beef, even from butchers, would not hit Select certification. Your best bet is to find a restaurant that imports if you are looking for Ribeye, Strip or other steak-grade cuts. Finding decent beef for other purposes (flank steak, round, etc.) is still pretty difficult. I've been to almost all of the standard big-box stores and groceries and have been unpleased with the selections at any of them. Check the local butchers and pray they have a good kill in the case that day, if not get something else. Good luck cjj.
jonni  16 | 2475  
22 Oct 2009 /  #10
Finding decent beef for other purposes (flank steak, round, etc.) is still pretty difficult

I agree. A lot of 'meat shops' here are exactly that. Shops that sell pre-butchered meat. There's a good one on ul. Czerniakowska (called, I think, 'John') and shops in the '£uków' chain often have a trained butcher present.

One bargain here is beef heart. People don't buy it much, which keeps the price down, and if you cook it right, it can be wonderful.
Wroclaw Boy  
22 Oct 2009 /  #11
One bargain here is beef heart.

Think ill give that a miss, the vegetarians are gonna love you.
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
22 Oct 2009 /  #12
I wanted to cook veal scalops (the Italian way) for my gf in Krakow last year but couldn't find a butcher who would cut them the right way (thin and long). Finally I was at Alma in Galeria Kazimierz and running out of time, I accepted what they could do there. wanted, but still acceptable. The meat was delicious, but not cut the required way.

I had only one experience with beef. I bought 2 steaks from some supermarket but I forgot which one. It was either Lewiatan or Kaufland. I think it was Lewiatan. The meat was too old and it tasted too strong. As I don't usually like meat (except top quality one cooked specific ways), I got disgusted and just couldn't eat it.

How about mashed meat? can you get a good beef mashed meat here? and what exactly is "mielonka" ? I haven't tried yet.
Wroclaw Boy  
22 Oct 2009 /  #13
How about mashed meat? can you get a good beef mashed meat here?

What mince, yeh thats easily available.

The meat was delicious, but not cut the required way.

Why didnt you just batton it?
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
22 Oct 2009 /  #14
Why didnt you just batton it?

I never batton meat. It crushes the meat fiber, then it feels different when you bite it. Not as tasty, I find. ;-)
jonni  16 | 2475  
22 Oct 2009 /  #15
and what exactly is "mielonka"

Something like Spam, only not usually as good.

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