Yes it's a real problem in Poland
- Really? Aren't you lying a bit perchance?
I have waited for a train, and waited to board a plane in Poland
- I travel to Poland frequently and have never seen Polish people jumping the queque. In fact, compared to many parts of, say, US, Poles stand in lines quite orderly.
Aren't you therefore attempting to do a little branding here? Any bull$hot will do in order to discredit the Poles, eh?
Try it in China - Even worse.
- Hm, an interesting and flattering comparison - between Poland and China.
I've got another interesting comparison - with Canada. There, folks that come later e.g. to the bus stop, position themselves right at the top of the line-up and when it comes to getting into the bus, one of the late-comers gets in, then one of the early comers, and so on and on, alternately, until all are in.
It's quite orderly this way.