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Poland's youth & their way of living

NO 14 4 | 44  
26 Jan 2008 /  #1
With so many Poles living in England i am wondering if when they return to Poland will they take with them the British way of life, & will Poland become as ruined as Britain has become?

I am not against any Pole by the way, i love Poland & will be living there soon, i ask this question because i dont want Poland to be like England in the future, such as young girls pregnant, binge drinking, friday-saturday nights out EVERY weekend ETC.

I really hope that Poland stays the way it is with its culture & people, to much freedom can ruin a country.
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
26 Jan 2008 /  #2
Poland to be like England in the future, such as young girls pregnant, binge drinking, friday-saturday nights out EVERY weekend ETC.

I am worried that it is to late maybe it isn't UK but ...
isthatu 3 | 1164  
26 Jan 2008 /  #3
return to Poland will they take with them the British way of life,

wow,fluent in talking out of your arse...........

friday-saturday nights out EVERY weekend ETC.

really? maybe for teenagers and early 20 somethings,with money to spend......

to much freedom can ruin a country.

hhhmmmm,Adolf or Josef speaking?
26 Jan 2008 /  #4
all the poles in my work do not integrate with the scots, they are simply here for money. I see no chance of them improving themselves by assimilating british culture.
isthatu 3 | 1164  
26 Jan 2008 /  #5
nope,they just dont intergrate with you.....
and,er,sorry,but,last time you mentioned it,you didnt work but were a student of law....make your mind up dummy.
26 Jan 2008 /  #6
With so many Poles living in England i am wondering if when they return to Poland will they take with them the British way of life, & will Poland become as ruined as Britain has become?
I am not against any Pole by the way, i love Poland & will be living there soon, i ask this question because i dont want Poland to be like England in the future, such as young girls pregnant, binge drinking, friday-saturday nights out EVERY weekend ETC.
I really hope that Poland stays the way it is with its culture & people, to much freedom can ruin a country.

I think that you aren't giving the Polish people in the UK much credit. Most likely they've come over her in their twenties anyway so they've already established the "moral code" they'll live by. I don't think they're likely to be swayed by "English" culture in the sense that you describe.

Don't pretend that these things don't happen in Poland. Maybe not on the scale of the UK but they do happen.

How do you think clubs survive in Poland? Probably with people who go out every weekend.
kirbyclaire - | 1  
5 Jun 2008 /  #7
My limited experience of Polish people in the Uk is that they have a high moral code.....hope it rubs off on us! Certainly Polish workers in the building trade have a brilliant reputation for having a very good work ethic, sadly lacking in many Brits I'm ashamed to say. I think many Polish people have hard time over here because of ignorant racism. Sorry! I'm hoping to establish some youth work in East Hants to support young Polish people. Any ideas of any groups I can get in touch with?
esek 2 | 228  
5 Jun 2008 /  #8
such as young girls pregnant,

My cousin get pregnant a year or two ago.... she was 16. As you see it happens even in Poland ;)

should be 'got pregnant', sorry - my English isn't perfect.
osiol 55 | 3921  
5 Jun 2008 /  #9
'got pregnant'

... became pregnant, or my favourite one: fell pregnant.
esek 2 | 228  
5 Jun 2008 /  #10
Got pregnant isn't good enough? I mean... could you explain why your phrases are any better? Thanks.
randompal 7 | 306  
6 Jun 2008 /  #11
i ask this question because i dont want Poland to be like England in the future, such as young girls pregnant, binge drinking, friday-saturday nights out EVERY weekend ETC.

Not so rare in Poland - especially in Warsaw's Praga neighborhood..and binge drinking is one of the things Poland is known for.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
6 Jun 2008 /  #12
My limited experience of Polish people in the Uk is that they have a high moral code.....hope it rubs off on us

Speak for yourself, my morals are just fine and the same goes for my friends and family!

good work ethic, sadly lacking in many Brits I'm ashamed to say

Really, thats funny I work with all Brits and they are all very hard working again same with family and friends...hmmmm

I think many Polish people have hard time over here because of ignorant racism. Sorry

Again wrong...most Polish people do just find.

I'm hoping to establish some youth work in East Hants to support young Polish people.

How about supporting young British people first? Or do you think it's okay to ignore the indiginous population?

Claire, if you are ashamed of being British / English then that is your problem, dont come on here beating down the English, it's just not Cricket!
Seanus 15 | 19668  
7 Jun 2008 /  #13
Shelley has a good point here. Many Poles have admitted to making England a mini-Poland. They benefit from higher wages and still can enjoy a Polish way of life. More attention needs to be focussed on the indigenous population but are the English just too lazy as many people say? Any comments?
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
7 Jun 2008 /  #14
I know one or two people who have been held back by ageism, not lazyness.
MrBubbles 10 | 613  
7 Jun 2008 /  #15
Many Poles have admitted to making England a mini-Poland.

Integration is a two way thing. The locals need to make just as much of an effort to accept people as the migrants do.

Sorry! I'm hoping to establish some youth work in East Hants to support young Polish people.

Good luck Kirby. Maybe find some way to integrate the locals into the group?
Seanus 15 | 19668  
7 Jun 2008 /  #16
I agree with what u said MrBubbles but I also feel that they have a choice. Not everyone wants swarms of migrants living beside them and I know that it would be the same here were many foreigners to come along. I've read so many stories about competition, that's why locals resist such an influx.

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