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Well You visited and/or lived in Poland, tell us what its like.

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
19 May 2008 /  #1
give us the good and the bad.. but please dont generalize,, share your experience
and bring us into the town you stayed..or share with us whatever should be
avoided and not avoided. :)
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
20 May 2008 /  #2
I've been to Warsaw lots of times.... I could write a book all about my experiences :)

Any particular aspect that you want to focus on?
raina  - | 6  
20 May 2008 /  #3
I live in Warsaw since almost 11 years now.

I love the malls which are now everywhere. My favourites are Zlota Terraces and Mokotov.

The winters are VERY tough and please dont compare them to Canada as here the streets are not in the same condition lots of potholes make driving tough!!

Also many of the smaller roads are not even salted at all..

Also lots of crime and hardly any policeman around. But then crime is there in London as well!

Medical care is way behind even a place like India.

People are not friendly towards a foreigner and generally leave you to your self.

Try to come here with zero expectations and you will be fine.

But I try not to grumble too much as its me who has chosen to stay and make this home......
(And I am what is known as a positive person )
zion  16 | 168  
20 May 2008 /  #4
Raina I live here also nd agree 100% with what you said
raina  - | 6  
20 May 2008 /  #5
Zion- Am glad you agree.

As its not very easy going here for expats generally.

But if one has an open mind then its easier.....
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 May 2008 /  #6
People are not friendly towards a foreigner

I think that people are just like this in general.. to everyone you are a stranger
and you might not appear dangerous, but your still a stranger.. and until there
is a formal hello and introduction.. it happens in every city..

Any particular aspect that you want to focus on?

anyone that you think we should hear about :)

I really think just from reading Raina's post the only difference is that maybe
you see more traditional culture ( like food, dancing, & such ) that Poland
wouldnt be any harder to live or visit then where i live..

I think someone from a southern state iin the united states would have a
harder time with the not so friendly folks, but I dont believe its them not being
friendly, I think its more of a cautious/keep your guard up thing.. because
someone in New York has a better chance at being robbed vs someone who
lives in the woods and same in Poland only probably it doesnt matter because
they have more country, small towns so they are just cautious..

our family was always welcoming, so I think the dirty looks are caution looks
because utimately we are the protectors of our property and when you dont
know someone , your whole comfort level changes.. least this is how I feel around
someone I dont know... trust is something you build and earn.. its really not
valmoe1  11 | 52  
20 May 2008 /  #7
People are not friendly towards a foreigner and generally leave you to your self.

Really? I don't live in Warsaw but being in Lublin I have to say I disagree with you on most of your opinions. Once the weather is above freezing the police march around 2 by 2 here at all hours of the day. I pass at least 6 sets on my short little walk into town. I hear the sirens but I see Lublin as pretty decent. I've never been scared but I also don't walk down the dark ally alone. Common sense right?

As far as the people. I haven't met a person I didn't like and who wasn't nice. Even the elderly people I run into don't pass a dirty look when I explain I don't speak polish. I LOVE it here and can't complain about much. Now, I dislike Warsaw but that's just me. I've been north and south in Poland and every stranger I've met is just like any other. Kind and more than willing to deal with my lack of polish language and eager to use me as a english lesson.

I came here with NO expectations other than a good vacation and found myself living here!
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 May 2008 /  #8
I came here with NO expectations other than a good vacation and found myself living here!

thanks,, nice positive for a change.. even though we know not everything is
perfect :)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
20 May 2008 /  #9

I agree, I also love it here

even though we know not everything is
perfect :)

I do not understand why people on this forum are so negative, it seems almost like if someone does have some positive view they are belittled, nowhere is perfect (so why say that), but if valmoe1 or I enjoy living here why would it bother you, I am not having a go at you Patrycja19 and I do apologise if it looks that way, this is my first forum and maybe it has something more fundamental to do with people who use forums.

I have just given up telling people that I REALLY enjoy living here and that things are good. I have lived in far worse place, believe me.

I suppose it is also part of the human condition, just watch the news, read a news paper, doom and gloom, happy stories dont sell, people are just not interested
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 May 2008 /  #10
I have just given up telling people that I REALLY enjoy living here and that things are good. I have lived in far worse place, believe me.

well I think the reason people become negative is because what is their reality
and yours isnt the same.. not everyone has the picket fence and I think thats
why so many say negative.. it is all in what we experience and its nice to hear
positive.. I agree with that.. because of so much negative, but we still have to
keep a grip on the reality too.. which is same for every country , especially those
who are tourists.. some places are not for visitors.. as much as we like to protect
our country.. we all know bad things happen.

but I dont mind if this thread stays on the positive :)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
20 May 2008 /  #11
I think life is too short to mope around making non-constructive negative opinions.

what is their reality
and yours isnt the same..

I agree, If I understand you correctly, if you change the way you perceive things, the things you perceive change.
I like to think of myself as a realist with a tint of optimism.

which is same for every country , especially those
who are tourists.. some places are not for visitors.. as much as we like to protect
our country.. we all know bad things happen.

I do not understand what you are trying to say? could you please clarify.
I also think sometimes people like wallowing in misery, like a pig in mud.
Life is difficult enough, I suppose I just like to look at it and laugh, beats crying.
raina  - | 6  
20 May 2008 /  #12
valmoe1- Am sorry if you dont agree as Patrycja has asked for opinions good or bad.

If you read my post carefully I am not being negative as I say I have an open mind.

But here in Warsaw I have been a victim of a carjacking in broad daylight and also a robbery so feel that there are less police officers in Warsaw.

Also I never said Foreigners get dirty looks I said they leave you alone.

Which means they leave you to your ow devices which can get lonely in my opinion

Maybe I should have been a bit more elaborate about this in my previous post??
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 May 2008 /  #13
if you change the way you perceive

yep just like when someone says they have dark clouds over their skys
well that wont stop the fun from happening.. if it rains then go inside :)

I do not understand what you are trying to say? could you please clarify

well I dont know how much more explanation you need.. its plain and simple
what part dont you understand? I said every country has same problems
and there are places people shouldnt go to because of higher crime etc..
thats all over the place. but all in all I would think Poland is a beautiful place
to visit/live..
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
20 May 2008 /  #14
I said every country has same problems
and there are places people shouldnt go to because of higher crime etc..
thats all over the place. but all in all I would think Poland is a beautiful place
to visit/live..

That is more clear for me, thanks


Are you stuck there? it just sounds crap,
can I say crap on PF? I will cheak with this
Is there a list of words I can not say on PF?
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
20 May 2008 /  #15
I *think* that I see where you are coming from... if you take London as an example, an Investment Banker from New York and living in Mayfair is going to see the city differently than somebody who is born and bred Bethnal Green. Is that what you mean?
ForsakenOne  - | 38  
20 May 2008 /  #16
You can't say "I hate bigos". Other than that you are free to speak.
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 May 2008 /  #17
I *think* that I see where you are coming from... if you take London as an example, an Investment Banker from New York and living in Mayfair is going to see the city differently than somebody who is born and bred Bethnal Green. Is that what you mean?

investment banker?? is he single :) LOL

kidding :)

Are you stuck there? it just sounds crap,
can I say crap on PF? I will cheak with this
Is there a list of words I can not say on PF?

u r being negative.. lol..

besides.. its ok to have negative.. this gives room for improvement.. and
it can only get better..

but potholes.. I hate them too.. they anger me.. sometimes I need to
go in other room and fight the urge to call the govt out and say what is
your problem??? do they not realize how much money we spend fixing
our cars yearly??? get off their lazy butts and fix the roads!!!
raina  - | 6  
20 May 2008 /  #18
Sean BM

Am I stuck where??

Your post makes no sense to me .
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
20 May 2008 /  #19
I *think* that I see where you are coming from... if you take London as an example, an Investment Banker from New York and living in Mayfair is going to see the city differently than somebody who is born and bred Bethnal Green. Is that what you mean?

Nepal’s royal family was virtually wiped out when the heir to the throne, Prince Dipendra, shot and killed King Birendra (55), Queen Aishwarya (51) and several other family members before shooting himself.

This guy was heir to the throne, sweet life right? obviously not. I am not talking about a money thing or a relationship thing, I am talking about a perception thing, a life thing.

that story stuck in my head for years.
Life is ****, deal with it, have a laugh

You can't say "I hate bigos". Other than that you are free to speak.

That's class and much more about what I am talking about
raina  - | 6  
20 May 2008 /  #20
Patrycja- Come and visit between May till September and this place is wonderful.

In winter its tougher.

Like I said all places have good and bad so keep an open mind which is most important
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
20 May 2008 /  #21
Yes and Poland has a lot to offer, mountains sea, desert, forest, urban night life etc
And if you like snowboarding come to the mountains for winter
iman  15 | 39  
21 May 2008 /  #22
Well I've had a very different experiance in Warsaw, so far. Coming from New York, people were shooting me sympathetic looks and giving their condolences when heaing I was moving to Poland. I came with zero expectations (in feb) and the number has only risen higher.

I LOVE the people here. They are friendly, helpful and ready with a smile! Yes, I know, i had also heard that people do not smile here often...NOT my experiance. Someone I barely knew for a week, was nice enough to give me a "surival guide to poland" to make it easy for me. People who could not speak a lick of english tried their hardest to get the meaning across(inlcuding making pictures on a piece of paper!) while in the process getting a good laugh out of it. In general they are kind and caring, and seem to have a good heart. They are sincere in their expression, as in whatever they feel you see, which is something lacking in the US.

Not knowing the language ofcorse makes things difficult, but I have always believed that a place is made by its people, and with a welcoming enviorment, much can be overcome with support.

I am sure there are negatives as well, where is it not? But for me right now, the positives far overcome the negatives.

Btw, Im South asian, incase anyone is thinking that I'm getting this treament due to having the blonde hair, blue eyes syndrome!
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
21 May 2008 /  #23
Coming from New York,

well, I dont get mean attitudes here in the united states,, living in New York, I
can say I know someone who came back from New york and she said it was
horrible.. New York is not the place to live or visit.. they have a very hard
core, fast environment.. the are a city within a city.. its just a different place
to live.. I can say, that when things like 9/11 happen, all the differences go
away and people come together.. as observed on tv when it happened..
the whole United states was pulling their weight to offer assistance and
so your above comment might have been true for you personally living there
but the united states as a whole I disagree.. if you havent been down south
people are extremely friendly and you get hellos all over..

it depends on where you go I guess. btw, the girl I know said that where she
lived, was bugs in her apt, she said she had hard time finding how to get to work
she said people were not friendly like we were in Michigan ( we rock)
and she missed us so much.. she went for 6 months and before the 6 months was
up she was calling and trying to get the heck out of there..

if you never grew up there, and dont know how things work, your going to
feel out of your element.

Btw, Im South asian, incase anyone is thinking that I'm getting this treament due to having the blonde hair, blue eyes syndrome!

well good, glad to hear that people are treating you well.
valmoe1  11 | 52  
22 May 2008 /  #24
Also I never said Foreigners get dirty looks I said they leave you alone.

Must be Lublin has a different kind of people. I refrain from using my cell phone in the stores when I am in a hurry. 8 out of 10 times if they hear me speak english I end up with a personal shopper/translator. It's not always a bad thing and can be fun at times. When I am rushing I don't have time for a impromptu english lesson.

Now, I don't come from a big city so maybe that's why my opinion seem to be more positive. This IS the big city for me! As far as Poland it's got a lot in common from my state. Bad weather, pot holes and crime... but I think you can get that anywhere. I can truely say, I LOVE it here and I don't think there are many places in the US that compare and I have traveled a fair amount.

I think Poland fits my personality where as others it may not. I do agree though, this forum tends to lean towards the negative. So, if so many of you have more negative than positive where is it that you rather be??
Spade  1 | 81  
22 May 2008 /  #25
raina on rants, zzzzzz
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
22 May 2008 /  #26
I think someone from a southern state iin the united states would have a harder time with the not so friendly folks, but I dont believe its them not being friendly, I think its more of a cautious/keep your guard up thing.. because
someone in New York has a better chance at being robbed vs someone who
lives in the woods and same in Poland only probably it doesnt matter because
they have more country, small towns so they are just cautious..

I can see this possibly being true being as I haven't had any issues in PL yet except for maybe a few drunken street encounters :)

People are not friendly towards a foreigner and generally leave you to your self.

Fortunately, I've never had this issue. I was always welcomed and treated well, even by strangers.

Medical care is way behind even a place like India.

Again...fortunately, I've never had a problem with this either. I had prompt ambulance service and treatments during the following week were hassle free and very inexpensive.

It may also have sth to do with the city. I primarily travel to Poznan, but even when travelling somewhere I don't have any issues....except for the fact that many of Polands older generation don't speak English, no problem there that why I study Polish :)
iman  15 | 39  
22 May 2008 /  #27
[quote=Patrycja19]well, I dont get mean attitudes here in the united states,, living in New York, I
can say I know someone who came back from New york and she said it was
horrible.. New York is not the place to live or visit.. they have a very hard
core, fast environment.. the are a city within a city..

I think you got it wrong. I happen to LOVE NYC. Lived there 10 years. When i said coming from NY, i was telling ppl where I was before Warsaw, and that my friends were all teasing me and warning me of things to come when I moved to a place like Poland. If you see my previous posts, I have always maintained that ppl in NYC are super friendly and open, I made great friends that I will cherish forever. Its a melting pot of cultures and everyone feels welcomed because of it.
southern  73 | 7059  
22 May 2008 /  #28
Basically there are so many beautiful girls in Polnd that it is hard to concentrate and notice anything else.So whatever happens it always remains a wonderful experience.
argumentive36  - | 12  
22 May 2008 /  #29
I've been to Warsaw twice with a Polish friend. I found people very friendly, actuallymuch friendlier than many places. The food was great and the nightlife was good too. I would love to go to Poland again.
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
23 May 2008 /  #30
Its a melting pot of cultures and everyone feels welcomed because of it.

well maybe, the friend I know said she never felt welcome, she is a nice person
too, she smiles ,and she is friendly, she said that the atmosphere was a whole
different story.. now her experience to yours... I guess it depends on the area
because within six months she was back here in Michigan.

so no I dont have it wrong, I maybe should have worded it differently and I
will correct my mistakes, but this is her experience, I do know that the pace
is alot faster there.

I've been to Warsaw twice with a Polish friend. I found people very friendly, actuallymuch friendlier than many places. The food was great and the nightlife was good too. I would love to go to Poland again.


I would love to see Poland and England.. I really think both are two of my goals
to be able to visit in the future .

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Well You visited and/or lived in Poland, tell us what its like.Archived