It seems that in Poland they have the same tradition as the UK , that of hanging up a horse shoe on the door as a good luck charm...problem is....seems to be some controversy over which way up it goes in Polska...?
In the UK we hang our horse shoes up so that it looks like a letter U , in other words , with the open end upwards , but after seeing my shoe this way up a Polish girl friend told me that this way up would allow the good luck to float up to i turned it the other way up , only to be told by another friend that it now looked like a frowning mouth , it should be the other way up , like a smiling mouth......SO.... which way up does my horse shoe go in Poland.....i could of course do it the English way , but its Polish good luck i need as i am living in Poland......?????
In the UK we hang our horse shoes up so that it looks like a letter U , in other words , with the open end upwards , but after seeing my shoe this way up a Polish girl friend told me that this way up would allow the good luck to float up to i turned it the other way up , only to be told by another friend that it now looked like a frowning mouth , it should be the other way up , like a smiling mouth......SO.... which way up does my horse shoe go in Poland.....i could of course do it the English way , but its Polish good luck i need as i am living in Poland......?????