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Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION)

13 Mar 2009 /  #691
For all of you, sausage lovers ;-]

  • Gay_Cartoon_Fantasy..jpg
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
13 Mar 2009 /  #692
Have they got Elizabeth Dukes in Poland? ;0)

Oh that reminds me!
13 Mar 2009 /  #693
My first post on the topic, so I'll I'm going to say is this. Gays deserve the same rights and in my opinion are nothing less (in fact most gays that I meet are among the nicest people I know).

As long as men in those costumes don't attack me sexually I'm totally fine with them ;)

And even that is a preference issue. I wouldnt' want fat women chasing me in Tigger costumes either.
Randal  1 | 577  
13 Mar 2009 /  #694
I wouldnt' want fat women chasing me in Tigger costumes either.

How about a cow suit?

cow suit in poland
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
13 Mar 2009 /  #695
Oh that reminds me! Nice :)

I just remember those nasty clowns! or the necklace with the dodgy name lettering! oh!!! let's not forget the sovereign! Loverly :)

For all of you, sausage lovers ;-]

Nice outfit Raf...do they do it in pink too?
13 Mar 2009 /  #696
For all of you, sausage lovers ;-]
Nice outfit Raf...do they do it in pink too?

ShelleyS - for you I can even wear a leash ;-]
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
13 Mar 2009 /  #697
I just remember those nasty clowns!

Oh yes I was in Poland when this craze hit but I saw one of them round the neck of a girl in Croydon once and thought it was a bit tacky, even when set against her hoop earrings.

Sovereign rings? Classy! THEY would certainly go down well in Poland
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
13 Mar 2009 /  #698
Wealth is not inherently wrong. I've never been hired by someone poorer than me. Have you?
Your damn right i have

Really? Then you should have hired them instead of being hired by them. What sort of upside world do you live in?

I wouldnt' want fat women chasing me in Tigger costumes either.

How about Mickey Mouse outfits?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
13 Mar 2009 /  #699
"Children dying in Africa is more serious than telling people about homosexuals so you are a bastard for implying otherwise." Ha ha! I laugh at you and your pathetic arguments. Ha!

Wow, you laugh at me!
Isn't that a killer argument.
Goes to show the result of that queer education of yours :)
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
13 Mar 2009 /  #700
Wow, you laugh at me!

Yes! Ha ha ha!


Ha ha!

Great riposte by the way. ha ha ha!
LAGirl  9 | 496  
13 Mar 2009 /  #701
Nothing wrong with gay people they are actually very nice.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
14 Mar 2009 /  #702
I'm sorry to say there are members of society who need to learn about people different to them

You're totally right. Why not let 'em learn it the way I learnt it? Naturally, as the time and age flows. I have no problems with it, as long as it is NOT mandatory to celebrate every gay parade as a bigger event than Christmas Day or Independance Day for that matter. Or Kwanzaa. Or April Fool's Day.

For all I care, one dude can do his boyfriend until the doee bleeds and requires a new rectum, I don't give a damn (sh!te was too funny to use) - just don't force my kids to LEARN ABOUT THAT IN A F SCHOOL!
14 Mar 2009 /  #703
For all I care, one dude can do his boyfriend until the doee bleeds and requires a new rectum

Is rectum replacment (due to mis-use?) covered under medicaid in the states?
Ironside  50 | 12916  
14 Mar 2009 /  #704
do you know all gay people?
there some good and some bad dudes
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
14 Mar 2009 /  #705
just don't force my kids to LEARN ABOUT THAT IN A F SCHOOL!

What if your boys are botters? Would you rather they learned the joys of botting one another in the school playground or in a seedy bar? Or would you rather they hated themselves for having such perfectly natural curiosities and not knowing what to deal with them? Perhaps they should just repress their feelings and repeat a mantra to themselves - "I am not a homo". for example.

Now, are you going to sit down with them and chat about human sexuality or would you rather leave it to the school, because sure as shooting there are plenty of parents out there who don't want to discuss it with them.

But you're OK because your kids are straight, right?
Randal  1 | 577  
14 Mar 2009 /  #706
perfectly natural curiosities

Nothing perfect or natural about it.

they should just repress their feelings and repeat a mantra to themselves - "I am not a homo".


there are plenty of parents out there who don't want to discuss it with them

And it's their choice.

until the doee bleeds and requires a new rectum

Ah, this is called the 'pink sock'. It comes from unintended use. Google Images will show you more than you ever wanted to know. But be forwarned: You can't unsee the images!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Mar 2009 /  #707
It's natural for some, Randal. Mind you, so is killing :(

How can so many gays be wrong? ;)
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
14 Mar 2009 /  #708
there are plenty of parents out there who don't want to discuss it with them

And it's their choice.

But it's not the child's choice and they are the ones who will have to grow up with whatever problems their parents couldn't face.

Google Images will show you more than you ever wanted to know. But be forwarned: You can't unsee the images!

Sure, you and Terran sit together and look at pictures of busted recta for a while. Nothing unnatural about that at all. No way. Nope. Just two guys swapping pics. Much more natural than two men liking one another. You go educate yourselves on the innernets.
Randal  1 | 577  
14 Mar 2009 /  #709
the ones who will have to grow up with whatever problems their parents couldn't face

Or that Libs caused by forcing all this "Gay is great!" BS on unsuspecting school children.
14 Mar 2009 /  #710
do you know all gay people?
there some good and some bad dudes

you mean there some good and some badasses? ;-]
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
14 Mar 2009 /  #711
Or that Libs caused by forcing all this "Gay is great!" BS on unsuspecting school children.

Accept it. People indulge in homosexual behaviour. The Liberals did not invent it. Children have to be introduced to it at some stage, if only for their own safety. Schools fill the gap caused by incapable parenting.

Now I'm going to lie down for a while while you try to think of an answer to that. You will see that the logic is quite solid and based on sound principles. You may try to refute it but I assure you your efforts will be pointless.
14 Mar 2009 /  #712
Children have to be introduced to it at some stage, if only for their own safety. Schools fill the gap caused by incapable parenting.

Incapable parenting. Ehh, these not-good parents - they don't know what's good for their children...at least


knows what should be done, LOL
Randal  1 | 577  
14 Mar 2009 /  #713
Accept it. People indulge in homosexual behaviour.

I have accepted it.

The Liberals did not invent it.

No, but they promote it as if it were something wonderful to be celebrated.

Children have to be introduced to it at some stage, if only for their own safety.

This isn't what Libs have in mind. See above.

Schools fill the gap caused by incapable parenting.

Yes, Libs abuse the school setting to supplant education for their Liberalism and indoctrinate children.

Now I'm going to lie down for a while while you try to think of an answer to that. You will see that the logic is quite solid and based on sound principles.

You go take a nap. All that Lib spinning must make you tired.

You may try to refute it but I assure you your efforts will be pointless.

Consider it done. ;)
14 Mar 2009 /  #714
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
16 Mar 2009 /  #715
I had a conversation with a friend of mine at weekend - she is gay - she thinks that teaching young kids about gayness at school is PC gone mad! As to the new books with gay penguins - she just said it's just another way for someone to make a bit of money out of PC gone mad! ...She also said that tolerence is taught at home and it's parents that need re-educating not kids that need indoctrinating.

To Randle -some women suffer with prolaspes of the womb after having children do you suggest women stop having children? After all it must be unatrual if something like this could happen!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
16 Mar 2009 /  #716
She also said that tolerence is taught at home and it's parents that need re-educating not kids that need indoctrinating.

A very good point.
School can teach whatever school wants to teach. If the society doesn't accept the teaching then the teaching process not only is a waste of everybody's time and money but can actually antagonize where it tried to help - vide. the fall of communism after 50+ years of constant attempts to teach us how to love the commie doctrine.

Gays can shove it up their asses, but they won't shove it down our throats. It won't work. People will sooner bite those misplace dicks off.
Randal  1 | 577  
16 Mar 2009 /  #717
To Randle -some women suffer with prolaspes of the womb after having children do you suggest women stop having children?

Certainly not. This would be a medical issue related to a natural process. While the other is outside the intended use of the anus.

not only is a waste of everybody's time and money but can actually antagonize where it tried to help

Liberalism always pushes too far.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
16 Mar 2009 /  #718
While the other is outside the intended use of the anus.

How do you know? Men have been at it for 1,000s of years..it's nothing new! Not all gay men end up with problems, same as not all women end up with a prolapse
Randal  1 | 577  
16 Mar 2009 /  #719
How do you know?

(sigh) Imo, rumphumping is a misuse of the anus.
Happy now?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Mar 2009 /  #720
Randal is just a Bible-basher who has no clue about any issues. I wonder what he knows about AIDS. Probably nothing.

Randal, why do some men have homosexual urges and feelings? Is it because they want to be different or simply because they are different?

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