EraAtlantia 2 | 106
16 Jan 2009 / #1
Walking home last night, around 10 pm. A few poles ( I discovered this when I eventually reached as far as them) are standing at the traffic lights waiting to cross. At this crossing you could spot on coming cars from up to half a kilometer.
30 secs later I get as far as them and they are still standing there. The road is dead so I cross. I turn find them still standing there and only when the green man showed did they actually cross. Not a car in sight (k, maybe one or two). I have noticed this before, I almost feel like I'm taking my life in to my hands when crossing now.
Are they very strict about this in poland???
30 secs later I get as far as them and they are still standing there. The road is dead so I cross. I turn find them still standing there and only when the green man showed did they actually cross. Not a car in sight (k, maybe one or two). I have noticed this before, I almost feel like I'm taking my life in to my hands when crossing now.
Are they very strict about this in poland???