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Black people in Poland

10 Feb 2007 /  #301
Why is it that black people refer to women as *******.

They talk on that forum like they are all dating 3 women at once, there must be some stupid girls in london if they are in fact dating theese low lifes
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #302
They talk on that forum like they are all dating 3 women at once,

yeah but its really funny... theyre only kids... :)
10 Feb 2007 /  #303
nah there not, all black people in london are like that, you get gangs of 20 year olds hanging round on street corners, they all talk like that and hassle / grab girls as they walk past.

I hate theese people so much! They are worse than chavs.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #304
you get gangs of 20 year olds hanging round on street corners,

exactly... kids...
FISZ 24 | 2116  
10 Feb 2007 /  #305
I have a uncle that is an atheist, almost every time we talk he brings up this subject. I try to ignore him but we seem to only get into fights.

Sounds like he's the one with the issues then . I know athiests and they don't even bring up the subject because there's nothing to talk about.
10 Feb 2007 /  #306
exactly... kids...

Theese "kids" as you call them are dangerous individuals, most of them carry knives and use them. We have daily stabbings and beatings all over london by black people. And before you ask, no I'm not white I'm Asian. The blacks are a LOT worse than us.

BubbaWoo I invite you to come to London and meet theese people you seem to be defending. Maybe you should walk the streets of peckham at night and see how long you last.

I'm guessing 15 minutes max.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #307
thats really kind sandy... i grew up in brixton... perhaps youve heard of it...?
10 Feb 2007 /  #308
I'm from Peckham myself. You're obviously black yourself and are trying to defend your race. I find it impossible that a white person in Brixton would be defending black people, unless of course your mentally challenged or have never actually left your house.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #309
im white - i grew up in a multicultural society - i learned lessons
10 Feb 2007 /  #310
I don't beleive you are white.
10 Feb 2007 /  #312
If your white then who is the darkie in your profile pic?
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #313

im the white kid getting jacked

listen mate... you dont have to black to be a little rude boy on the streets of london... :)
Ranj 21 | 947  
10 Feb 2007 /  #314
who is the darkie in your profile pic?

no way  
10 Feb 2007 /  #315
Sandy don't bother with him, the geezer is an idiot.
lol @ him being white and living in brixton.

Bubba this is what I think

a) Your black and poor and want to find a polish girl because no girl in england wants your broke arse for more than 1 night.

b) Your one of those Polish "multicultural" traitors who wants to come to england and kiss black mans arse and call anybody who isn't black racist including your own race
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #316
I needed money, I used to be a stick-up kid
So I think of all the devious things I did
I used to roll up, this is a hold up, ain't nuthin funny
Stop smiling, be still, don't nuthin move but the money
But now I learned to earn cos I'm righteous
I feel great! so maybe I might just
Search for a 9 to 5, if I strive
Then maybe I'll stay alive

eric b & rakim
10 Feb 2007 /  #317
listen mate... you dont have to black to be a little rude boy on the streets of london...

If you can find me one black boy that isn't rude in london out of say 100 I will personally give you a cheque for £50. 99% of blacks go on this way in London, the reason you disagree is because your not even in England so you don't know. LOL!!
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #318
damn... you got me there...
FISZ 24 | 2116  
10 Feb 2007 /  #319
Ha ha I really do love this place.

B woo the brotha man :P
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #320
99% of blacks go on this way in London

so what... you seem to have a problem with them... i dont...
10 Feb 2007 /  #321
So you don't have a problem with people causing trouble and making your home town an unsafe and dangerous place?

What are you stupid or something?

How would you like it if one of theese people beat up a member of your family? You wouldn't care?
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #322
B woo the brotha man

thats the *bubba* :)
Ranj 21 | 947  
10 Feb 2007 /  #323
Ha ha I really do love this place.

B woo the brotha man :P

He is "Bubba from da block.":) :)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2007 /  #324
So you don't have a problem with people causing trouble and making your home town an unsafe and dangerous place?

london was an unsafe and dangerous place long before it became what it is today... more so probably...

What are you stupid or something?

im stupid... but i know im stupid... and that almost makes me smart...

How would you like it if one of theese people beat up a member of your family? You wouldn't care?

its very rarely blacks who have inflicted violence on my family
10 Feb 2007 /  #325
its very rarely blacks who have inflicted violence on my family

So you wouldn't mind taking your family for a leisurely stroll through the black parts of peckham on a mid summers night? After all, you have no problems with black people, so they won't attack your family right?
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
10 Feb 2007 /  #326
And da block is in da bit*y town :)
10 Feb 2007 /  #327
I know you're only joking Sandy but seriously don't write stuff like that on here, he's obviously polish and has no idea what black people are like round south london.
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
10 Feb 2007 /  #328
Btw, this is a topic about black ppl in Poland, not in Peckham or Brixton, mind you.
10 Feb 2007 /  #329
I know you're only joking Sandy but seriously don't write stuff like that on here, he's obviously polish and has no idea what black people are like round south london.

Im not joking adam. If he wants to delude himself into thinking black people are safe then i think he should learn about black people the hard way... by taking a walk round peckam at night, ok maybe he should leave his family at home i mean its not their fault there son is retarded.
10 Feb 2007 /  #330
Btw, this is a topic about black ppl in Poland, not in Peckham or Brixton, mind you.

I've only been around british blacks so I can't comment on black people in other countries. But from what I've been told the blacks in america are just as bad as the ones we have here, if not worse because its easier to get guns in america.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Black people in PolandArchived