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Black American Living In Poland

Styles  2 | 21  
13 Mar 2007 /  #181
White power! *Dave Chappelle voice*
13 Mar 2007 /  #182
Speak of the evil red army?

The Social Democrats in Germany circa 1920 were not evil. Democratic socialism, French communists, left wing NY liberals are not evil. Don't put them all in the same slate.

The evil Red Army were not sweathearts but they were necessary to remove a greater evil - Nazi Germany.

as for me being bojownik in your dreams.

You spell my name like Bojo- Joscito which is wrong. You make the same arguments as he does. You call me the same names that he called me plus you aren't registered.

Blonde hair, red hair, black hair, blue eyed, green eyed, lily white folk are beautiful. Any hispanic will tell you this. Look at our soap operas- novelas- that's all we have. No hispanic will say they hate white folk. Its just the idiocy of militant violent whites who want to make trouble and make other races feel like they are less. Any hispanic wants to marry someone lighter with better features to "mejorar la raza". IOW to better the race- a spanish saying that is common amongst all hispanics.
13 Mar 2007 /  #183
Yes thats it! Many people on here have similar arguments. Registered or not im pretty sure admins can see. I don't understand why you are always going on about hispanic crap this is not the forum for it. As for The red army being greater evil well the soviet union was responsible for killing far more people then hitler did. Get your numbers correct. The mighty josef killed millions. If you knew anything about poland you would know because of the soviet occupation many poles was forced to leave home. Being half german I can say that germans are smart people VERY smart people. You don't even compare in the brains department. Cuba or little CUBA aka miami could never do what germans have done in terms of building the world. Polish people are also smart. You just need to deal with europeans with pride because they have done so much good for the world. It far outdoes the bad done. Your society "hispania" has done nothing but breed.

WHITE EUROPEAN PRIDE! , WHITE PEOPLE ROCK! SORRY PUERTO ITS A WHITE THING YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND. See I am damn proud of my european heritage and I love looking into my gorgeous polish wifes blue eyes. I am sorry but I understand why you have no pride.

Rozumiem? :)
shewolf  5 | 1077  
13 Mar 2007 /  #184
Red meaning Native American

Seriously? Which tribe(s) are you from?
13 Mar 2007 /  #185
". No hispanic will say they hate white folk."

I dount that. However you are not very smart to use the terms , all of them or none.

"Its just the idiocy of militant violent whites who want to make trouble and make other races feel like they are less"

Is it the fear they are inferior to the average white person? Studies done show they are not as smart. Therefore they are a lesser race. This may not be correct in public by todays standards but thats the reality of it. Wether or not you agree with that well thats another sunday ball game. I am polish and I have pride! I am also proud to be white. If you cannot understand that sorry for you my friend.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
13 Mar 2007 /  #186
The evil Red Army were not sweathearts but they were necessary to remove a greater evil - Nazi Germany.

Stalin ended up killing more than Hitler did...who really was the greater evil?

At least the germans were honest in their intentions to a degree, they made no bones about what they intended to do.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
13 Mar 2007 /  #187
Is it the fear they are inferior to the average white person? Studies done show they are not as smart. Therefore they are a lesser race. This may not be correct in public by todays standards but thats the reality of it. Wether or not you agree with that well thats another sunday ball game. I am polish and I have pride! I am also proud to be white. If you cannot understand that sorry for you my friend.

I think it all started when the Europeans first saw the Native Americans and believed that they were not human. They honestly believed this. I guess they thought they were animals. And it's just been an idea since then that the Native Americans are a lesser race. But more recently archeologists and scientists have discovered that they were very advanced in things relating to math and science. If today they are not as smart as whites, I would think there are factors involved besides race. This includes malnutrition and lack of proper education, among other reasons. Given the same priviledges as whites, I believe many would flourish, as many have.

By the way, the indigenous people of Latin America are considered Native American.

Blonde hair, red hair, black hair, blue eyed, green eyed, lily white folk are beautiful. Any hispanic will tell you this. Look at our soap operas- novelas- that's all we have. No hispanic will say they hate white folk. Its just the idiocy of militant violent whites who want to make trouble and make other races feel like they are less. Any hispanic wants to marry someone lighter with better features to "mejorar la raza". IOW to better the race- a spanish saying that is common amongst all hispanics.

I've noticed this in the novelas. The actors are all light skinned and light haired. The dark skinned people are the servants. It's like that even in the noticias. The newscasters look white. But despite their color, they are considered Latinos as well, aren't they? Something like 95 percent of all Mexicans, no matter how light skinned they are, have Mexican Indian ancestry which I think would make them mestizo and latino.
espana  17 | 951  
14 Mar 2007 /  #188
Its just the idiocy of militant violent whites who want to make trouble and make other races feel like they are less

dont you feel like you are less becouse look like you are doing that,

shewolf and you are from los angeles
Los Angeles was founded in 1781 by Spanish Captain Rivera

If today they are not as smart as whites

14 Mar 2007 /  #189

if really so called "white people" were in power as you stated, why do they need to announce that they are so proud. Is is because they are loosing their power slowly , but surely and feel threatened, like you?

It has happened before with feminism, gay, immigrant, and other minorieties movements.
It's a complicated social process and I understand that you may feel that you are loosing that power. I am not sure why you fee that way.

Anyways, my point is: if you feelt empowered, you wouldn't need to put anybody down, as you have. If you really secure in who you are, you would go about your bussiness and look after your life and your community, as you said you have.

So, what is really troubling you?
I have met so many people such as yourself who fear changes and advances in society.
The strange and a peculiar thing is that the people I am talking about were part of minorities in the past (they still are, but their status has improved). They often bash people like themselves, who are trying to establish a new life. My conclusion, after careful observation was that those people have been bashed by others in the past.

Is that your case S?
I live in a city with the population of over 50% so called "visual minorities" and I understand the process if immigration that has been taking place for years, since that's the government politics.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
14 Mar 2007 /  #190
Seriously? Which tribe(s) are you from?

Lenni Lenape
14 Mar 2007 /  #191
me from Cairo :)
14 Mar 2007 /  #192
at least I learn somethign from you. Last week I saw a relly excellent documentary by a Mohawk woman on the life of teengers in the Indian reserve north of Montreal. Really goood film, I talked to the director(Tracy Deer), who has a degree in movie making from the Montreal college. She is from Kehnawake.

The movie title is: Mohawk Girls:)

her website: mohawkprincess.com is set up but not in a working stage yet. She is a brilliant girl.

FISZ  24 | 2116  
14 Mar 2007 /  #193
Unfortunately life on reserves these days(the ones I've been too) is a bit depressing. I dated a girl in MI who belonged to the Chippewa tribe and lived right next to the reservation, but had family there. The tribe has a casino near Saginaw and the family receives money from them. Most people spend all of the money on Alcohol.
14 Mar 2007 /  #194
I know what you are saying. Part of my studies involve Native issues, or rather a glimpse of what's really happening. This movie has been filmed over th eperiod of 2 years, and concentrates on the lives of 4 girls. It's not depressing, but it definately deals with some issues.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
14 Mar 2007 /  #195
I'll have to check it out. Thanks.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Mar 2007 /  #196
See I am damn proud of my european heritage and I love looking into my gorgeous polish wifes blue eyes. I am sorry but I understand why you have no pride.

schultz, nothing wrong with having pride, its the above crap thats getting old.

everyone should be proud of who they are, but when it gets to the point I made
above, thats where I draw the line, it only attracts jerks to this site and it keeps
coming. people here come from all races, all places, so those kinds of posts dont
belong here, would you want something to happen to someone you love just
because they werent your same color. what if your wife dyed her hair black and
got a really good tan and looked mexican or another race? and someone came up
and did something bad.

this is what I am talking about, were in the year 2007 so people need to chill out
and get a life. stop all this crap. GROW UP!!
14 Mar 2007 /  #197
Stalin ended up killing more than Hitler did...who really was the greater evil?

You would have preferred Nazi Germany instead in Poland than the Red Army. That would make an interesting thread to poll the poles, hehe, and see how they would answer this question.

Your society "hispania" has done nothing but breed.

I know many so called minorities who are much more intelligent than many whites. I know more about history, mathematics, science, geography and current events than the majority of your precious white race. In America they are as dumb as beans. So please stop harping about intelligence by race nonsense which no university upholds. That's bogus science. The best jobs are going to the asians. Its not the race that counts but the environmental and motivational factors which create the intelligence necessary to achieve great things.

You sound like an old codger, Schultz. Only a nincompoop like yourself would limit himself to just one culture or one viewpoint. I enjoy the virtues of listening to Bach, Mozart' Requiem like I enjoy Biggie Smalls, Snoop Dogg and Marc Antony. I shoudln't waste my time talking to OLD people like you. We are from different generations. My generations wants to mix and experience other things while you old farts want to entrench and shroud yourself in a world which has gone the way of the dodo.

So in that sense you'll never change. You're the outgoing admin. and I am part of a generation that would hold the future in our hands. Take care old man.

Is it the fear they are inferior to the average white person? Studies done show they are not as smart. Therefore they are a lesser race.

You would me laughed off any campus with that garbage.

Cuba or little CUBA aka miami could never do what germans have done in terms of building the world.

No doubt, Germans have contributed alot to the world. But for 12 years they demonstrated that they are no different than the worst savages known to history. They blindly followed, joined and worshipped violence, anger and death. They behaved in the same exact fashion as the genocides in Rwanda, Pol Pot's genocide etc.
14 Mar 2007 /  #198
like black, like white, like yellow, like brown.

like polish woman :) :)
setmefree  - | 3  
14 Mar 2007 /  #199
as i can see, you are yellow, green and red ahmed, when you write polish woman :)
Styles  2 | 21  
14 Mar 2007 /  #200
''They are dumb as beans'' I think you're confusing whites with mexican people.

and uhh, biggie's music was mostly about gay (He said some gay things in his lyrics)sex, *******, guns, thinks about killing himself etc. Snoop sucks ass and didn't do **** but smoke half his life away. Your proud of that lol?

don't get me wrong I love hip-hop, and I love the 1990's, but I can't feel that I'm experienced in other races culture because I listen to it.

and stop with the nazi bs, germans, poles, jews.. have moved on, live, learn and forgive...
FISZ  24 | 2116  
14 Mar 2007 /  #201
but smoke half his life away

...to being rich
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
14 Mar 2007 /  #202
If today they are not as smart as whites, I would think there are factors involved besides race. This includes malnutrition and lack of proper education, among other reasons.

Yep, I agree.

As for being proud of being European, yep, there's a lot to be proud of, but I don't understand why we should put down other nation's/race's/nationalities... Romans didn't think exactly high about our forefathers. Comparison of those cultures at that time doesn't turn out very positive for us, but our forefathers survived, strengthened learned and finally improved. What makes you think that it's not going to happen with Hispanics, etc?
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
14 Mar 2007 /  #203
You seem to want me or some crap sorry sir im taken and don't swing that way

Wow. Just like a third grader. Proven wrong and then makes a comment suggesting one is gay.....hmm.....you should really just quit life.

Go drown yourself or something. Its really much better than sitting here and saying people want you by proving you wrong.
14 Mar 2007 /  #204
"I know many so called minorities who are much more intelligent than many whites. I know more about history, mathematics, science, geography and current events than the majority of your precious white race. In America they are as dumb as beans."

I'll bet you do lol. Dumb as beans? well then that makes hispanics like you less then the dirt under my boot after a muddy walk. That last comment could get you smacked out I know I would if you said it to my face. Clearly you are not inteligent and your people have proven to be dumb in very large numbers.

"The best jobs are going to the asians"

They work cheap.

"So please stop harping about intelligence by race nonsense which no university upholds. That's bogus science."

You would like to think so ,but at the end of the day everyone knows the truth. No matter how many times you try to cover it up.

"I know more about history, mathematics, science, geography and current events than the majority of your precious white race"

No you don't. Yep my precious white race :) not yours. You talk hard on this webpage but you would get dropped pretty fast in person and you know that. Which is why you don't open your mouth other then on the internet. Nice picture btw your one ugly man.

:) See Ya

"Wow. Just like a third grader. Proven wrong and then makes a comment suggesting one is gay.....hmm.....you should really just quit life."

Proven wrong? I awnsered your question. Learn to read.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
14 Mar 2007 /  #205
Proven wrong? I awnsered your question. Learn to read.

You said Mexicans were hard workers and good people. But Puerto Mexicans are dumb@sses and are worthless. Just because they are half Peurtorican doesn't make them stupid.

How about you learn about those people before you generalize??? Go to their country and meet some of the natives and get to know the culture. It's much better than one or 2 bad experiences with a group of people and saying they are all bad.

Nice picture btw your one ugly man.

So now you're judging men? And you thought I was the gay one.
14 Mar 2007 /  #206
I think you have a issue have you been called gay before? It would seem so. Yes I looked at his picture and yes he is ugly. Yes mexicans are dumb but so are most puerto riccans. But mexicans are still hard workers.

How about you learn about those people before you generalize??? Go to their country and meet some of the natives and get to know the culture. It's much better than one or 2 bad experiences with a group of people and saying they are all bad.

I have.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
14 Mar 2007 /  #207
I have.

So you've been to Puerto Rico, Turkey, Mexico, America, and England?
14 Mar 2007 /  #208
Nope rnever been to ricco. Yes,Yes,Yes and YES.

You are from america? Well your puerto riccan friend says your stupid and "dumb as beans". What you have nothing to say about that? Hilarious.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
14 Mar 2007 /  #209
I think you have a issue have you been called gay before? It would seem so.

Never been called gay before this. I'm always chasing the girls, all my friends try to get tips from me on how I can get the girls so easy. :)

So no. No problem with being called gay at all. I just wanted to know why all of the sudden I'm gay in your mind?

Nope rnever been to ricco. Yes,Yes,Yes and YES.

You are from america? Well your puerto riccan friend says your stupid and "dumb as beans". What you have nothing to say about that? Hilarious.

The Puerto Ricans that say that are just as ignorant as you. The Puerto Ricans I am friends with are wonderful people. Never make any negative comments about anything. Like I said, you're meeting the wrong people.

You are from america?

I was born in America yes, a week later moved to Poland with my mother. I was born while she was visiting her sisters here in the states. I spent 5 years of my childhood in Poland. The rest I have been here. I don't consider myself American though. Not too patriotic about being American. No problem with Americans or anything, but much more pride when it comes to Poland. Why, you hate America too?
14 Mar 2007 /  #210
No you don't. Yep my precious white race not yours. You talk hard on this webpage but you would get dropped pretty fast in person and you know that. Which is why you don't open your mouth other then on the internet. Nice picture btw your one ugly man.

You are no different than the thugs from L.A. You are the exact same thing as the Crips and the Bloods except you're white allegedly. Your kind knows only violence. Your kind knows only how to use pejoratives and expletives when their feeble arguments are torn asunder. No reputable university in the world believes in eugenics or craniometry. Your beliefs are outdated and outmoded.

You use Newton, Descartes, Galileo and others but they are not in your league. They are not of your kind. All of them would reject your idiotic beliefs which rational people of all colors see as nonsense.

Why would I speak to a cretin like you in public? Your white supremacists are outlawed in the USA and are under constant surveillance by the FBI especially after 9-11. So be careful. They are traitors to the America, the Constitution and the ideals it upholds.

You are from america? Well your puerto riccan friend says your stupid and "dumb as beans".

Not only whites but blacks, hispanics and most students in public education. There just isn't any motivation to learn.

Yes I looked at his picture and yes he is ugly.

LOL, you're funny. I have no problem with the ladies of all colors. The opinion of an old man regarding how I look doesn't mean squat to me.

I dount that. However you are not very smart to use the terms , all of them or none.

You can't doubt that. You are not hispanic. Hispanics love white folk. They love everything about them. Their looks, character, calm behavior and gentle demeanor, work ethic. Hispanics prefer to work for anglo-americans rather than other exploitative hispanics. Hispanics want to be accepted by whites but racist morons confuse many hispanics. Then discrepancies occur. Hispanics can not understand how some whites have so much hate in their heart towards them when the whites have all the power, money and resources yet hate an ethnic grouping such as hispanics who have suffered so much. Its quite contradictory.

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