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Places to meet Canadians or Americans in warsaw? Online Groups?

25 Feb 2008 /  #1

I am a canadian pole moving to warsaw, are there any palces or online groups where you can find forgeiners aged 20-30 living in warsaw??
alanko - | 12  
26 Feb 2008 /  #2 is one place you might want to look
26 Feb 2008 /  #3
Bar Below (Marszalowska 64) is always packed with foreigners on any big sporting occasion. Warsaw Tortilla factory tends to get quite a few foreigners in but is mostly Poles these days. Jimmy Bradleys is good for sitting at the bar and having chats with random people who speak English. Someplace Else (at the Sheraton) is ideal if you want to laugh at drunk sweaty 40-something businessmen chase pro-am tarts.

For Canadians try the Canadian Circle/Cercle Canadien but they tend to be more expat family types than 20 to 30 year olds. Just google "Canadian Circle" and Warsaw.

There's a reasonably decent Canadian cafe (Stash II) but I've never actually seen any Canadians in there.

You can read more about Warsaw by subscribing to the New Warsaw Express (it's free and comes in .pdf format every friday, go to and submit your email address). They employ a particularly talentless hack to write the 'Club Corner' column (usually found on the last page).
jones101 1 | 349  
26 Feb 2008 /  #4
Wow man...that is lame. Shameless pitching of your sad, sad drivel. Not enough attention as a lad?
26 Feb 2008 /  #5
Do you actually have anything of any use to add to this forum or do you only come here to post insults?

Look, we know that you live in a city which you hate and I country you can't wait to leave, we know that you can't get any kind of job, let alone an interesting job. We know that the challenges of daily life here are quite beyond you. But just because you are miserable about how utterly dire your pathetic so-called life is does not give you the right to come here and attempt to make a pain in the butt of yourself.

The original poster was asking where to meet Americans. Perhaps you'd like to tell her where you hang out so she can avoid you.
jones101 1 | 349  
26 Feb 2008 /  #6

You keep saying things that are not true. Do you think if you repeat them over and over it makes them so?

Again slowly for you Harold...I have a job (you have no idea how interesting it is and I am positive it pays more than yours as it is not based in PL..and no harold is isnt teaching full time) and manage just fine. You confuse LIKING a place with managing it. The whole permit ordeal is much more complicated for non EU members and that is your only perspective. I got that sorted and legally without succumbing to the mafia nonsense. I bet you would have just walked in and TAKEN a permit since you are such a stud.

You write a back page column for some nonsense excuse for journalism and call others pathetic? try again when you do more than blather on about unimportant drivel in order to get your attention fix.

You are so easily manipulated here it is almost boring...Bad A$$ Harry gonna put me in my place....
26 Feb 2008 /  #7

Do you have anything at all which is in the slightest bit helpful for the original poster? Or are you only posting in this thread to feed your ego? I wonder which it could be....

victoria: Contact details for the Canadian Circle in Warsaw: Mariola (tel. 022 644 35 05/0601 08 03 54) or Carol (tel. 0606 46 66 64). Those are all Polish phone numbers. Sorry but I can't find any email address. There's also the American Friends of Warsaw but that tends to be even more of a 'family' thing than the Canadian Circle!
db1874 7 | 227  
26 Feb 2008 /  #8
I am a canadian pole moving to warsaw

there's a Canadian Expat Ice Hockey team that are based in Warsaw......
26 Feb 2008 /  #9
Are they still playing? I thought they stopped a year or so ago.
db1874 7 | 227  
26 Feb 2008 /  #10
I know someone who's played for them recently; I think they just play the odd fixture here and there as there's not too many opposition teams around.

Warsaw Canadians Website: warsawcanadians.
iman 15 | 39  
26 Feb 2008 /  #11
Harry, I for one would like to step in here, and thank you for always making the effort of helping us out (the new ones) with invaluable information, something which makes visting these forums worthwhile.

Hopefully, one day, I too, can be in a position to assist people with the information they need here, because I know how overwhelming it can be not knowing about things and how greatful one is for those who reach out and help so altruistically.
db1874 7 | 227  
5 Mar 2008 /  #12
If there are any hockey players out there the Warsaw Hockey League is starting again this weekend and the Warsaw Canadians are short on players, contact details are here:
5 Mar 2008 /  #13
Contrary to popular belief, the Hockey League is still alive. If anyone or their friends are interested, please visit and contact Jan. We're about to start the second half of the season and are short on players as two Canadians recently fled back to Toronto. Being Canadian is not a prerequisite.

Eerik - | 1  
5 Mar 2008 /  #14
I might be intrested about IceHockey. I'm from Finland so I know at least basics of game even I haven't been skating for years and my skills are quite rusty.

How seriously you are playing? Are you expecting some NHL level skills? :)

And is there any extra skates & other equipments available as I left everything to Finland...
6 Mar 2008 /  #15
Eerik, you are more than welcome to come out. You don't have to be a former pro or anything. It's not Poland's answer to the NHL. As for equipment, I would suggest contacting Jan (through the team site i posted above) to see if he can find some gear for you. If you'd like to see what the league is like, we play at 10 45 saturday morning at Torwar arena and there is a second game after ours. It's a 4-team league.
Aki Rio - | 4  
22 Dec 2008 /  #16
I speak very little Polish and would like to meet other English speaking people. Rio is one of the biggest clubs in down town Warsaw and offers different venues. I would like to reserve one section for us Expats to meet and have fun. The music is a mix between House, Latin House, R&B and Oldies along with concerts performed by stars and rising stars.

The club is open Fridays and Saturdays from 9:00 pm to 3:00 am.

Hope to see you all at the New Year's Party. A great night is planned offering Welcome Drinks for all and Sparkling wine at midnight. There is also VIP tickets available offering Dinner and Open Bar at a very reasonable price. For more information please e-mail me at or visit

Hope to see you there! :)
sobieski 106 | 2111  
22 Dec 2008 /  #17
We are spending New Year's Eve with friends at their home - 4 couples together - just enjoying good food (the host is an excellent cook), good wine...perhaps watching one of the several concerts going on in Poland on TV....Or perhaps a good DVD...We will take a sernik made by my mother-in-law....

Very laid-back really. At midnight the champagne corks will be flying around + the SMS messages to the loved ones.
And then the party continues :)
Neither of us 8 are party-goers.
No clubs for us, thank you very much. I will be the only foreigner between all these Poles, but I will survive easily :)
Aki Rio - | 4  
27 Dec 2008 /  #18
Sobieski, sounds like a relaxing night amongst friends. Have a great night and maybe we will meet another time. Cheers.
9 Oct 2009 /  #19
Dear Victoria,
Why would you wish go to Poland to find Canadians?
Stay in Canada, where they are much easier to find.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Places to meet Canadians or Americans in warsaw? Online Groups?Archived