The people's nature is to hate something or someone - hardly could be changed...
Are Polish People Racist?
23 Jul 2006 / #32
i was born in poland. australia is better because we have a n easier life here.... ie. u dont have to work urself to death in order to just pay the utilities.
Actually my parents didnt move to the US because of money. One went there to study english and the other for college degree. So it just goes they met, fell in love, blah blah blah...
As for Australia or US being better... whatever way you look at it there will be arguments there. I think the US has a lot of bad laws, but so does Australia. I dont agree in getting paid to sit around and watch TV like so many Australians get away with. And the people who REALLY need help have a hard time to get this Australian government money. As for the states, land of the free it is not... I think Australia is land of the free and freedom is not a great thing if there is too much of it. The states has its dark side as any country and although is an economic power has also been a bully to many many nations (ie.. Iran... example... Iraq's US command to attack Iran)... so Im not saying the US is so ''Wonderful''. I have always said there is good and bad to all countries, reread my posts. BUT I am also so sick of hearing this BS that AUSTRALIA IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. IT IS NOT! No country is the best! Australia is a strong country and for a young country its made a good mark in the world... but its also an individuals opinion. I think the Australian accent is cute but I cant understand your slang... its weird... and theres so much of this Image-thing going on in the US with Australia, lots of people here this you live with kangaroos and koalas in your backyard... But I guess its the same with Australian's thinking in a narrow way that they are really so multicultural, all your ethnic visitors are sitting in their own groups of people cause they felt no acceptance from your general public!
And yes I do think Poland and India are so great. They are countries on the rise. The have strong cultures and strong people. India is going to be (and already is becoming) a leader in the HiTech world and with a 2nd highest population of people we are practically everywhere in the world. Poland is also on the rise. It is still going through changes and is growing into the new world. People themselves are still changing from old ways to new ways. You are forgetting Polish people, in general are VERY intelligent people and are also making their place in the world, and all over the world!
And yes people move to places like Australia, US and UK for MONEY... but have u noticed that most people usually plan to say max 3-5 years and move back to their country? My parents didnt plan to live here, it just happen. All my family is back in Poland or India and really I have no family in the states besides my parents, bro and sister. We ourselves are probably going to move somewhere within a few years, if it is not Poland it will be India. And for you it may be hard to understand, since in your multicultural country you probably dont really know what it means to feel culture and to live in it. Its something you have to be raised in and around and its something you cant live without. It all sense it can define a big part of you!
23 Jul 2006 / #33
Why are black and mexican people so rasist on poles?
Maybe you should be asking them that!
Maybe you should be asking them that!
23 Jul 2006 / #34
found some of those who wrote there extremly racist....and still i have no idea why?
one of them wrote..."I must agree with rafik, english people (aussies even better) are very good people, loyal and ready to help, and not rip somebody off, unfortunatelly england is full of indians/pakis/ turks and they give the whole country a bad name."...
sorry but SOME polish people are really racist
I think that there are rasists everythere. I met quite a few in England. The difference is that because of political correctness in England they only whisper their rasists remarks . I Poland they say them loudly- probbaly soon they will not be allowed to.
one of them wrote..."I must agree with rafik, english people (aussies even better) are very good people, loyal and ready to help, and not rip somebody off, unfortunatelly england is full of indians/pakis/ turks and they give the whole country a bad name."...
sorry but SOME polish people are really racist
I think that there are rasists everythere. I met quite a few in England. The difference is that because of political correctness in England they only whisper their rasists remarks . I Poland they say them loudly- probbaly soon they will not be allowed to.
23 Jul 2006 / #35
I think its worth remembering that how we say something is in many ways as important as what we say...If we use names or words that we know hurt or offend then we should not use them...simple...its worth asking yourself if there is a way of saying something that will not cause offence ! Black people are proud to be black...and are not offended by being called so...but when some people on this forum use the term "paki" ,and say that it is short for is worth remembering that the term is only used in England in a negative way, and that most english people who use the term include everyone of the same skin tone!
As for political Correctness...hey...whats wrong with laws that stop people insulting each other...our parents used to teach us this...its called being polite and having good manners !
As for political Correctness...hey...whats wrong with laws that stop people insulting each other...our parents used to teach us this...its called being polite and having good manners !
23 Jul 2006 / #36
were you talking to me blueberry? i hope not.
23 Jul 2006 / #37
you hope not...why?
I was merly stating my opinion on this thread...I guess having lived in Australia and America I have some thoughts on the matter...
I was merly stating my opinion on this thread...I guess having lived in Australia and America I have some thoughts on the matter...
23 Jul 2006 / #38
cause i thought you were referring on my message about Black word etc. answering to Rafik..
23 Jul 2006 / #39
Tolerance can - and is - being used also as a weapon by various minorities (i.e. Islamists) to exercise preassure on a democratic society by forcing democratic government to tolerate intolerance, voilence, the lack of respect for law and hate - all
in the name of tolerance.
in the name of tolerance.
Yep, it all depends how you use the words - same with weapons: sometimes they are really useful for the whole society, but other times they just destroy everything...
Quoting: Guest
taught to be very prejudiced by the Church and by the fact that Poland was always invaded and badly treated by other countries.
taught to be very prejudiced by the Church and by the fact that Poland was always invaded and badly treated by other countries.
It seems to be the new fashion for poles to blame the Catholic Church for everything wrong with Poland
found some of those who wrote there extremly racist....and still i have no idea why?
one of them wrote..."I must agree with rafik, english people (aussies even better) are very good people, loyal and ready to help, and not rip somebody off, unfortunatelly england is full of indians/pakis/ turks and they give the whole country a bad name."...
sorry but SOME polish people are really racist
one of them wrote..."I must agree with rafik, english people (aussies even better) are very good people, loyal and ready to help, and not rip somebody off, unfortunatelly england is full of indians/pakis/ turks and they give the whole country a bad name."...
sorry but SOME polish people are really racist
With respect, because one makes a critical comment about a nationality he is branded as a racist..IVONA get a lifeand some residence of certain countries develope a bad reputation.
As for Australia or US being better... whatever way you look at it there will be arguments there. I think the US has a lot of bad laws, but so does Australia. I dont agree in getting paid to sit around and watch TV like so many Australians get away with. And the people who REALLY need help have a hard time to get this Australian government money
Indianpolishgirl you should hold your head up in shame, you have been the quest of many countries and all you can do is to criticize and put the boots into people who have welcomed you. You like so many other false pretenders on this forum, miss and say Poland is the best place on earth (it may well be) well for gods sake, pack up and return there as soon as possible.
The truth is that like the 1 million over poles who are working overseas, Poland cannot provide the economic security as other countries can provide.
A bit of advice to you...stop talking bull***
23 Jul 2006 / #42
Poland cannot provide the economic security as other countries can provide.
Wow and there he is people... he is pissed! Dude... relax. I just dont like the fact that people like you cant see the good things Poland has to offer as for your wild claim of me being a false pretender... well... whats so false about me saying how I feel? I know what I have experienced in my life. I know what I want to do and I know where I felt good. Just because I didnt feel at home in your australia does not mean you can tell me that Poland is not a good country. If I was half african and felt I wanted to live in Kenya, so be it... thats how I would feel regardless of the many worse situations.
You obviously dont get the understandings of people who want to live or return to poland. Its not always just about the money. Of course it is harder to live in Poland. I know some people who get 500 zł a MONTH... 500 dollars US or otherwise is only enough to pay weekly rent.
I aint takin no BS buddy and if u think thats the way I am, then I feel sorry for u. You dont even see how beautiful Poland is. Get them kangaroos out of your head and for once look that the world has a lot more to offer then free vegemite and money falling from the ceiling of your home (thanks to the Australian government who pays people to be bums).
I aint takin no BS buddy and if u think thats the way I am, then I feel sorry for u. You dont even see how beautiful Poland is
why arn't you living in Poland then, please stop talking nonsense
24 Jul 2006 / #44
LOL.... Dint I tell u to get the kangaroos out of your head? You must have a ton of koalas there too because u cant seem to get anything through that thick head of yours...
I cant just go and live there without parental permission...I AM in fact moving to Poland about this time next year! As for my family they are also looking to move either to Poland, Warszawa or to Mumbai (India)... And thats one of the WHOLE POINTS OF ME LEARNING TO WRITE FLUENT POLISH... alas that is how I found this place...
I cant just go and live there without parental permission...I AM in fact moving to Poland about this time next year! As for my family they are also looking to move either to Poland, Warszawa or to Mumbai (India)... And thats one of the WHOLE POINTS OF ME LEARNING TO WRITE FLUENT POLISH... alas that is how I found this place...
24 Jul 2006 / #45
think its worth remembering that how we say something is in many ways as important as what we say...If we use names or words that we know hurt or offend then we should not use them...simple...its worth asking yourself if there is a way of saying something that will not cause offence ! Black people are proud to be black...and are not offended by being called so...but when some people on this forum use the term "paki" ,and say that it is short for is worth remembering that the term is only used in England in a negative way, and that most english people who use the term include everyone of the same skin tone!
As for political Correctness...hey...whats wrong with laws that stop people insulting each other...our parents used to teach us this...its called being polite and having good manners !
yes- paki is offensive words.I am not rasist never judge people by their skin colour or convictions.
But I don't like this political correctness in England. It is nothing to do with being polite and having good manners and it has nothing to do with TOLERANCE.
It goes to extreme in this country and term"free speech" doesn't work any more.
beacuse I come from Poland country where free speech was not allowed before my attitude and perspective is different.
As for political Correctness...hey...whats wrong with laws that stop people insulting each other...our parents used to teach us this...its called being polite and having good manners !
yes- paki is offensive words.I am not rasist never judge people by their skin colour or convictions.
But I don't like this political correctness in England. It is nothing to do with being polite and having good manners and it has nothing to do with TOLERANCE.
It goes to extreme in this country and term"free speech" doesn't work any more.
beacuse I come from Poland country where free speech was not allowed before my attitude and perspective is different.
24 Jul 2006 / #46
Guys as my Girlfriend is Polish, and as I am about to go there for a vacation...I would really like to know the "good things" that Indian Polish Gurl talks about....If I were to read everything that the peope on this forum write I would be forgiven for thinking that Poland is a horrible place full of racist, lazy scroungers who are not proud to be Polish...that cannot be the case...can in?
24 Jul 2006 / #47
yes- paki is offensive words.I am not rasist never judge people by their skin colour or convictions.
But I don't like this political correctness in England. It is nothing to do with being polite and having good manners and it has nothing to do with TOLERANCE.
But I don't like this political correctness in England. It is nothing to do with being polite and having good manners and it has nothing to do with TOLERANCE.
you contridicted yourself...I am English and proud to be so, I dont like Paki's they're over running my country...when you have a large ethnic population in Poland that build Mosqs on ever spare bit of land then my friend please have your points of view..until then sit back and read the papers and realise that political correctnes is prevelant, so are the race related attacks....I dont agree with murder but people in England are sick of them!!!!!!
24 Jul 2006 / #48
why do you attack me? I am not English I just live here so I am not so sensitive about it like you. And yes i read papers.
Maybe you should say "thank you" to your leftie government for letting everyone in? Like terrorist's Bakri wife and 6 children living on benefits.
I guess that you don't have many places that you can express your opinions exept forum liek this or whisper to someone's ear? Living in free country ( ???)
Guys as my Girlfriend is Polish, and as I am about to go there for a vacation...I would really like to know the "good things" that Indian Polish Gurl talks about....If I were to read everything that the peope on this forum write I would be forgiven for thinking that Poland is a horrible place full of racist, lazy scroungers who are not proud to be Polish...that cannot be the case...can in?
The best way just go and see. I think that you will like places like Krakow, Warsaw,Gdansk,Zakopane.... We are ok not so bad people.
Maybe you should say "thank you" to your leftie government for letting everyone in? Like terrorist's Bakri wife and 6 children living on benefits.
I guess that you don't have many places that you can express your opinions exept forum liek this or whisper to someone's ear? Living in free country ( ???)
Guys as my Girlfriend is Polish, and as I am about to go there for a vacation...I would really like to know the "good things" that Indian Polish Gurl talks about....If I were to read everything that the peope on this forum write I would be forgiven for thinking that Poland is a horrible place full of racist, lazy scroungers who are not proud to be Polish...that cannot be the case...can in?
The best way just go and see. I think that you will like places like Krakow, Warsaw,Gdansk,Zakopane.... We are ok not so bad people.
24 Jul 2006 / #49
Guys as my Girlfriend is Polish, and as I am about to go there for a vacation...I would really like to know the "good things" that Indian Polish Gurl talks about....If I were to read everything that the peope on this forum write I would be forgiven for thinking that Poland is a horrible place full of racist, lazy scroungers who are not proud to be Polish...that cannot be the case...can in?
Well, lets begin with the fact that this man had made some nasty comments about white people, which shows that he dosn`t quite understand what the word "racism" means. He thinks that each criticisma about the Muslim immigrants is "racism" while making nasty comments about the native inhabitants of this continent is "ok".
I wouldn`t have anything against that - becaouse we can say everything what we want - but if he`s indeed belives in what he preaches - then he`d better stick to what he`s saying. He dosn`t do that - so in my opinion everything what he`s saying about "racism" is worth a "bull-poo"
If he`s going to settle here - he also should learn something about the freedom of speech , which according to him is ok while making racist comments about Europeans, while it`s a bad thing while criticising Pakis.
24 Jul 2006 / #50
Yet again Wujek you totally ignore the thread and troool off into some obscure rant about something that is of no are so have so may opinions but all are there nothing good about your country...or is it just that you fail to see it...I NEVER made made nasty comments about white people...I made nasty comments about people I percieve to be Racist....I do not care if they are white,black or yellow...racism precice
By the way shelly....Mosques on every spare bit of land..."I dont agree with murder but people in England are sick of them!!!!!!"(pakistanis) really are racist! a big girl and admit it !¬
By the way shelly....Mosques on every spare bit of land..."I dont agree with murder but people in England are sick of them!!!!!!"(pakistanis) really are racist! a big girl and admit it !¬
24 Jul 2006 / #51
The topic here is about RACISM - and the point is that according to your wicked world view you`re a RACIST.
(fuking pollocks)
And in that topic - untill the moment you`ve begun behaving like a RACIST - noone said anything about Pakistan or Pakistanians - so it seems to me that you have some kind of difficoulty in logocal thinking or - you`re following some kind of Kain and Abel logic.
Pieprzone Polaczki
(fuking pollocks) polish girlfriend says that I have to stop this...she thinks perhaps you are really German and Gay....
And in that topic - untill the moment you`ve begun behaving like a RACIST - noone said anything about Pakistan or Pakistanians - so it seems to me that you have some kind of difficoulty in logocal thinking or - you`re following some kind of Kain and Abel logic.
24 Jul 2006 / #52
Very strong opinions on this forum.
I wouldn't describe myself a s a rasist. But I have quite definied views.I don't judge people by their race but .......
I can't stand all these slobbish, lazy people living here on benefits - fre house, bills, money for food.( It doesn't matter race).
I have mixed feeling emigrants from Asia- I accept if they asimilate here- learn english, go to school, work- I met here lots Indians people, nice, warm, hardworking.
But some of them after 20-30 years don't even bother to learn language struggle to find work and blame English for it?!!!!
I wouldn't describe myself a s a rasist. But I have quite definied views.I don't judge people by their race but .......
I can't stand all these slobbish, lazy people living here on benefits - fre house, bills, money for food.( It doesn't matter race).
I have mixed feeling emigrants from Asia- I accept if they asimilate here- learn english, go to school, work- I met here lots Indians people, nice, warm, hardworking.
But some of them after 20-30 years don't even bother to learn language struggle to find work and blame English for it?!!!!
24 Jul 2006 / #53
I am Polish.. well a Polish Canadian.. but im in Poland right now.. I do see it to. I think its only a few. But I wore a Canada shirt and some lady working at a booth looked like she wanted to kill me. By the way. Are those relatives from Warsaw by any chance ? Cuss I took a roadtrip.. and I realized its pretty much only in Warsaw.. and the people who have problems.
24 Jul 2006 / #54
and some lady working at a booth looked like she wanted to kill me
Maybe she just had bad day.
Maybe she just had bad day.
Hey Wujek you are usually sensible but bubbleberry has made no racist anti-white/anti-European comments.
guest-iwona you are correct.We have a problem in England.After 1945 for 50 years we had managed immigration into the UK.Most migrants came from India,Carribbean,Italy,Poland etc and had some understanding of Britain.For the last 10 years we had unmanaged immigration when anyone who reaches Britain stays in Britain.
Each year there were up to 150,000 asylum seekers,150,000 illegal immigrants and 400,000 legal migrants.
I too hate lazy scroungers of whatever race -but their attitude is the fault of the government and system which pays them to do nothing.
I have worked with all races(Africans,Carribbeans,Indians,Chinese,Europeans,Arabs) and (despite what some newspapers say) even most Muslims are decent people.The only problem I had was with some(not all)Pakistanis.Basically,its all about education -if someone (of any race) is educated/intelligent they are ok.Unfortunately,some English and Pakistani people are not and some newspapers and stupid government/council rules(political correctness)make things worse.Despite this in many areas of London and the south-east we have a great multi-cultural society but in other areas we have a segregation disaster (blame councils/government)
guest-iwona you are correct.We have a problem in England.After 1945 for 50 years we had managed immigration into the UK.Most migrants came from India,Carribbean,Italy,Poland etc and had some understanding of Britain.For the last 10 years we had unmanaged immigration when anyone who reaches Britain stays in Britain.
Each year there were up to 150,000 asylum seekers,150,000 illegal immigrants and 400,000 legal migrants.
I too hate lazy scroungers of whatever race -but their attitude is the fault of the government and system which pays them to do nothing.
I have worked with all races(Africans,Carribbeans,Indians,Chinese,Europeans,Arabs) and (despite what some newspapers say) even most Muslims are decent people.The only problem I had was with some(not all)Pakistanis.Basically,its all about education -if someone (of any race) is educated/intelligent they are ok.Unfortunately,some English and Pakistani people are not and some newspapers and stupid government/council rules(political correctness)make things worse.Despite this in many areas of London and the south-east we have a great multi-cultural society but in other areas we have a segregation disaster (blame councils/government)
24 Jul 2006 / #56
I dont have to whisper in anyones ears, I'll voice my view where ever I go, I'll make sure that a Paki doesn't get in front of me when I get on a tram and I intentionally look down at them with a look of disgust!...My government is starting to recognise the problems and are now doing soemthing about it - like I said read the papers you bafoon!
Only since Paki's started burning down churches, beating up old people and raping white women.....slowing down in cars when I stand at a bus stop and making comments....thinking they have the right to speak to you the way they wouldnt one of their own....I am a what? most of my friends dont tollorate pakis and a lot of others with their cultural differences....You can call me whatever you like, I'm English and Proud! really are racist! a big girl and admit it !¬
Only since Paki's started burning down churches, beating up old people and raping white women.....slowing down in cars when I stand at a bus stop and making comments....thinking they have the right to speak to you the way they wouldnt one of their own....I am a what? most of my friends dont tollorate pakis and a lot of others with their cultural differences....You can call me whatever you like, I'm English and Proud!
24 Jul 2006 / #57
I support Shelly here - I think that many people in the UK as well as in other parts of W. Europe - think the same way - the only problim is that their own government dosn`t want to protect them - and they don`t have any real options to be able to vote for a political party that would be able to protect them becaouse all mainstreem parties follow this wicked view about political correctness and the non-mainstreem parties - like the BNP - consist of dangerous extreamists - So it is a very dificoult situation for all of the British (and other people in Europe) who want to feel secure in their own country and don`t want to live in their own version of PRL that is begining constructed on their own eyes.
24 Jul 2006 / #58
And to ease the atmosphere - here`s a censorship level badge for Europe made by a Belgian author :)

24 Jul 2006 / #59
I think this forum should have the same similar "epithets" right next to the usernames of some posters... :).
The best way just go and see. I think that you will like places like Krakow, Warsaw,Gdansk,Zakopane.... We are ok not so bad people.
i think you should go to islamabad instead.dont forget to wear a shirt with the british flag on and shout:"guys i love you all,please give me hug".i am they would be very friendly to you