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Are Polish People Racist?

11 Jan 2007 /  #541
IMO diversity ,multicultralism will and is haveing a far worst effect then a euro vs euro war.

WOW, multiculturalism is worse than Generalplan Ost. You are radical Bojo.
Bojownik - | 115  
12 Jan 2007 /  #542
You know nothing. Why are you here anyway? You post nonsense. You lie about yourself which is shown in posts easily. You are not polish. Your views are far more extreme then anyone here.

Go sail away to ricco.
12 Jan 2007 /  #543
Your views are far more extreme then anyone here.

So please explain to me the Polish viewpoint on the above and I promise not to refute you.
13 Jan 2007 /  #544 silly, im half german and american (mixed btw) and never got a racist comment ever, and also ive had 2 polish boyfriends in the past and i have a polish guy in my house rigth at this moment downstairs, sure there are SOME racist polish people but just like there are SOME racist americans and SOME rasist germans

but there are still more unracists than rasists
so lets all calm down and live on, o and my cousin is austrailian and shes loverly, so are her friends :)
13 Jan 2007 /  #545
**********NEWS FLASH******************

White people still are and still will be the majority of the US population for the foreseable future. So to the white nationalists on board, you have nothing to worry about.

74.7% of the U.S. population[1]
Frank 23 | 1,183  
13 Jan 2007 /  #546
13 Jan 2007 /  #547
75% of the US population is white. How is that racist? The majority of whites will continue to marry whites out of comfort, preference and similarities. So what this proves is that, ridiculous white nationalism is redundant, repetitive and retarded. White nationalism like Black nationalism is nonsense. Birds of a feather flock together. A few whites and a few blacks are mixing and the nationalists go berserk.
Frank 23 | 1,183  
13 Jan 2007 /  #548
White nationalists as you put it are KKK /BNP/Le Pen supporters.....who actively seek to discriminate, treat less favourably, those groups they see as less deserving than themselves........

Usually outside of the main national body, ethnic groups, new immigrants etc.......

The Irish enjoyed this sort of treatment for 100's of you think we rejoice in this fact?

You racist/white supremacist apologist!
13 Jan 2007 /  #549
You obviously don't understand sarcasm. I am not a racist. My posts are a tongue in cheek response. Must I spell it all out like Sesame Street?
Frank 23 | 1,183  
13 Jan 2007 /  #550
Never watched it appears you watched too much of it........

If sarcastic...why bother feeding racists already on the board....?
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
14 Jan 2007 /  #551
Jose, good try, but Frank is right, just forget responding, now its getting to the
insults, and this topic, like several others, cant be discussed or debated without
people getting upset.

you are right though white is not fading, but let it all go. its not worth the headache
to stress out , and we all know what good we do in our own hearts. what we
Frank 23 | 1,183  
14 Jan 2007 /  #552
If nationalist means nazi then just what does liberal mean? The word genocide comes to mind.

WOW, multiculturalism is worse than Generalplan Ost. You are radical Bojo.

The Nazi party was indeed the nationalist party of German, well spotted ..its ok to admit to being one ...but just don't post your ill-concieved discriminatory rubbish on here.

PS You do realise you're spitting on the graves of millions of Polish people......happy?
Bojownik - | 115  
14 Jan 2007 /  #553
The Nazi party was indeed the nationalist party of German, well spotted ..its ok to admit to being one ...but just don't post your ill-concieved discriminatory rubbish on here.

Idiot comment. I guess black natinalists are in the nazi party as well. God your a moron. The funny thing is you wouldent have such a big mouth in the real world.
Frank 23 | 1,183  
14 Jan 2007 /  #554
Racist......white supremacist..........denier....thats all you are feeling the need to threaten me....such a big boy.........
Bojownik - | 115  
14 Jan 2007 /  #555 feeling the need to threaten me....such a big boy.........

WOW what a big imagination you have!! taking one thing and calling it another like you do in every post!
14 Jan 2007 /  #556
Racist......white supremacist..........denier....thats all you are feeling the need to threaten me....such a big boy.........

calm down and restore a good wibe Frank
Frank 23 | 1,183  
14 Jan 2007 /  #557
Perfectly calm this end Miranda.........
14 Jan 2007 /  #558
you are right though white is not fading, but let it all go. its not worth the headache
to stress out , and we all know what good we do in our own hearts. what we

Exactly, I'll bury these ideas.

PS You do realise you're spitting on the graves of millions of Polish people......happy?

Great point, the nationalists don't recognize this very important point.
16 Jan 2007 /  #559
I know I am probably in the wrong forung to express this but...Wow, I am an American... whatever that means. I guess it means that I was born in U.S. land. But does the simple fact that I was born here, make me equal to any of the white folks, obiously not to them. I am ashamed of the way this country is going. No more freedom of speech, now you can't say the word idiot, not even laugh in certain way. Most of this laws are going to pass under our American noses, and yes, us the people... we are not going to notice till is all done. The goverment is trying to control every single aspects of the daily life of the americans. There is in fact still a voluntary slavery, where to show certain status, you should have certain things that would make you a good cool american. In order to do that you will be in debt, which means you have to work to pay. I know lots of americans, that have a nice car but are hungry right now. I know other that will let themselves go hungry just because they are so busy with work, that they can't stop and have something to eat, and then they really get groushy... :)

You are not good enough if you don't have that plasma tv, that colorless diamond ring, or that fancy new car. We being blind by the media, wich is entertaining us 24 hours a day, while things of important matter, about our daily lives and the control of the goverment upon us are presented and aproved. But most of people don't care, they care more about buying that magazine with miss Britney's picture on the cover, that their own future. Regulating what can be or can't be thought in universities and colleges all around the U.S. Just letting you learn what they want you to know and nothing else. We need to make our people smarter, and stop trying to fix every body else problems away from home.

Getting our solders (soldiers of every race) kill for a reason that's not the thruth, not even really defending our nation. Worring about oil, enstead of looking for a alternate source of energy and doing so more agreesively. Maybe if you put those same soldiers to work into it, they maybe able to find a excellent result, then we will have a real good to export, and this way our national debt (which seems no body knows about, or don't really care) will start to go down.

Have anyone dare to ask why is all of those techno products been imported (I am not against anybody) from Japan or China. If we only buy and do not manufacture, our money is making Asian's countries more powerfull. Our money is not staying at home. Does not that tells you something. We are buying in the world's market, but we aren't really producing goods. We are all about buying not manufacturing or own goods. Hamburgers get more manufacture than anything else here. That right there, makes me worry.

They rage against imigrants, but us americans don't want to pick the apples from the trees anymore, we want white collar jobs. Why is this war againts the very same people who stablished this beautiful country. EVERY one here have a decendant from somewhere else, and as far as I know this land belong to (first of all God) the native indians. It sad to see how the mistreat the people who have the ability to change things for the better. But enstead, everything that goes wrong and will go wrong, it is going to be blamed onto the imigrants, or the X-men. :) I have a question... if an illegal immigrant is working with a fake S.S. number, Isn't he just adding money to this found without asking for it back whatsoever, so who keeps the money? Imagine, I don't think S.S. should be in trouble anymore... :)

There is still racism and segregation, even among whites, which they call trailer park white trash. So, in a country so confused, I wish we were to find a way to come together, to work to make this awesome country, with more quality education, jobs. As for me... If things keep going the way they are...I thing I am going to take a lifetime vacation, buy a small boungaloo in some paradisiac island with just internet and selling sunglasses for a job. What can be better than that. :)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
16 Jan 2007 /  #560
I know I am probably in the wrong forung to express this but...

Jen, you are quite welcome to express such thoughts here - thank you... perhaps you would like to register and contribute to other threads...?
16 Jan 2007 /  #561
I hate jellybabies. Especially green one's
17 Jan 2007 /  #562
if an illegal immigrant is working with a fake S.S. number, Isn't he just adding money to this found without asking for it back whatsoever, so who keeps the money? Imagine, I don't think S.S. should be in trouble anymore...

Nice point. Those people are contributing to the fund yet will never use any of its benefits. Very interesting!
19 Jan 2007 /  #563
why polish they have to be a Rscist!! because most of them they are pretend to be english but they are not they think they own this countery. But they donot. as a Geraman I donot like them because they are not educated they have rubish culture. I got so many english friend they sayd ((we well come any pepole from any country but not poland they ****** the job in this country & they donot care if working for (£2) per hour the way they act it is all ******* fake))
19 Jan 2007 /  #564
ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

ENOUGH ALREADY. Look some people are racist, some aren't. Some are classist, some aren't. Some are rich some aren't etc etc etc.

look at the caste system in India, surely that is a combination of classism and racism.

I don't think Polish people are anymore or less racist than most other nationalities.

Therefore its boring topic./
19 Jan 2007 /  #565
You got tht right Giles... perfect >>>>>>>>
globetrotter 3 | 106  
19 Jan 2007 /  #566
look at the caste system in India, surely that is a combination of classism and racism.

Too true it is. I remember laughing at the time India lead the protests against South Africa being in the Olympics. I know the caste barriers are less strict now but they still exist.
Frank 23 | 1,183  
19 Jan 2007 /  #567
Truth being guys.....take the mote from your own eye first before noticing the speck in mine!

Racism, classism, elitism - whether they are tied into religion, colour, job, title, money and any other "you're not he same as us" reactions, are all a live and well in most countries, so why be surprised!
Amathyst 19 | 2,702  
19 Jan 2007 /  #568
Good ole Em for starting this troll ridden thread!...lets face it we are all prejucide in one way or another so...this thread is, brown, yellow, white, eastern / western european...American, Mexican, Aisan...!
FISZ 24 | 2,116  
19 Jan 2007 /  #569's easier just to hate everyone.
krysia 23 | 3,058  
19 Jan 2007 /  #570
Yeah, some like when the fish is fried, others like it raw.
You're catching up to me by the way...

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