Of course we are WHITE - not as white as the British - which is amnesia-like of white.
The Slavs are a mix of the Veneds who lived c.a. 150 B.C. in the region of Vento - presant day Italy - and the Sarmatians who came to Europe from the Caucasus somewhere during the II century A.D.
btw. as you might now - or most likely - not. The Saxons have Sarmatian ancestors as well.. beside that ...Canute the Great, who ruled England from 1015 was 1/2 Slavic cose he was a grandson of Mieszko I - the duke of Poland.
..So as you see we are VERY much related :)
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If anyone could give me an insight to Polish culture and where these racist attitudes are coming from i would really appreciate it!
Well, this is a lot of crap. The same way you could say: why are the Americans so racist ? Why are the British so racist ? Not even mentioning the Germans..
I somehow don`t see any indications that we are more racist than any other nation in Europe. As a matter of fact I find that we are even slightly more tolerant than some of the other Europen nations, cose our tolerance is real, t comes from the people, it isn`t twofaced just like in some of the other countries in the old EU, where officially there is a policy, both in the media as well as in the politics, which`s is to enforce political correctness, and where everything oficially looks "nice and dandy" but in reality creates frustration and anger among people cose they can not say anything against i.e. the muslims (i.e. when as I have heard in England they demand the removal of the "racist" national flag from various festivities and pubs because they say that it reminds them of the crusades ect. ect.)
In my opinion, if the situation continues to develop this way then in a very near future the people in the old EU are going to be so fed up with this "tolerance" that they are going to turn into the far right - you can see that already in France where in the name of "tolerance" the police is allowing the muslim "yought" to burn over 100 cars PER DAY.. and where an extremist like Le Pen is likely to become president..
Is the statement above "racist" - well perhaps - it is - by the standards of those who`ve lost the oversight of what is tolerance and what is plain stupidity - in my opinion we have a very healthy attitude towards such issues and it`s the old EU who is clearly heading in a wrong direction at the end of which - it is WE who perhaps are going to have to recive hundreds of thousands of refugees from W. Europe - just like it happened during the medieval times - during the inqisition.