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Polish people have low self-esteem?

iwona  12 | 542  
16 Dec 2006 /  #1
Why do polish people have so low self-esteem.?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
16 Dec 2006 /  #2
The last time I answered a question like this I got shot down.

But. They might have loss of faith in government and their future place in society.
Some might lose a certain degree of hope when they see others doing well.
Being well educated and not seeing positive results from it.

On the other hand, I don't see that many examples of low self-esteem.
OP iwona  12 | 542  
16 Dec 2006 /  #3

In Poland it is not so bad but abroad- we have quite low self-esteem.

I wouldn't say that everyone but majority has.

I didn't think like this before moving to UK- Ok, there are lots poeple here who learn quickly have some ambitious and look for better jobs. But there are also lots people well educated who are frightened to move on....I don't think it is laziness it is just lack of confidence.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
16 Dec 2006 /  #4
I wonder if the negative press [Daily Mail etc] has an effect.
OP iwona  12 | 542  
16 Dec 2006 /  #5

DM is not very friendly towards us ...it goes from patronising to mild hostility.....
16 Dec 2006 /  #6
DM is not very friendly towards us

I wonder who finances them (it) ?
OP iwona  12 | 542  
16 Dec 2006 /  #7
I don't know but they are very "England" orientated- which is ok to some extend before it gets narrow-minded.

Articles about Poland are completely twisted- but people here read it and believe.

Like....polish translator ( woman!) said that in Poland it is completely normal and acceptable that man ( stranger) gropes woman.... Is it !!!!!

or this article about so mnay polish children being born in UK...sounds as all these women escaped from Poland as from 3-rd world.....
16 Dec 2006 /  #8
I don't know but they are very "England" orientated- which is ok to some extend before it gets narrow-minded.

Are there any other, more reliable soureces of articles about Poland and Polish people?
Here we have Toronto Sun - which I don't touch since the level of Enlish is suitable for grade 9 education -which is for almost illetarate people, Toronto Sun,which has a more complicated vocabulary, but happened to bash immigrants at one point( I don't touch it anymore, why would I?) and then there is Globe and Mail which is an equivalent of Polish Rzeczpospolita and it's a good read.

Do you read any other sources Iwona. I am sure there a lot of really good newspapers in England. I also came upon some people here who were doing documentires about Polish influx in England and I believe that AnnaMaria(member of this forum) writes articles to newspapers re Polish topics.
truebrit  3 | 196  
16 Dec 2006 /  #9
DM is not very friendly towards us ...it goes from patronising to mild hostility.....

Iwona - I advised you before to please stop reading the Daily Mail! This newspaper thinks everwhere is bad - it might say bad things about the Polish but it says even worse things about Britain.Actually,according to the Daily Mail(but no one else) Britain is the most terrible place in the world-please ignore it.
16 Dec 2006 /  #10
Why bother with snooze papers at all??
You do have the internet after all :)
OP iwona  12 | 542  
16 Dec 2006 /  #11

I suppose Financial Times is good paper ( maybe sometimes too sophisticated and too financial) but articles in it are quite sensible and reliable.
Times and Daily Telegraph is also quite good.
16 Dec 2006 /  #12
You do have the internet after all

can you claim that's a reliable source though?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
16 Dec 2006 /  #13
I don't mean to be awkward. But I read the papers on the internet.
krysia  23 | 3058  
16 Dec 2006 /  #14
I noticed that people who drink excessively, who smoke, take drugs are the ones who have low self-esteem, because they are covering up the reality of life by engaging in an activity, which gives them a sense of being confident. But that only lasts for a while. Once it wears out, they need to get drunk again or take those drugs to get a "high". They live in a very small world, while the real world is passing them by.
16 Dec 2006 /  #15
Quoting: Hobbitual, Post #10
You do have the internet after all

can you claim that's a reliable source though?

Is any source 'reliable' ? It always comes down to your view point in the end.
One paper will always claim to be more objective or impartial than another paper.
Readership = $$

In the end you have to decide whether reading between the lines is more telling. :)
16 Dec 2006 /  #16
Is any source 'reliable' ? It always comes down to your view point in the end.
One paper will always claim to be more objective or impartial than another paper.
Readership = $$

good point
Eurola  4 | 1898  
16 Dec 2006 /  #17
Polish proverb says "jak cie widza tak cie pisza".
Loosely translates to "they write about you the way they see you".
Would it somewhat explain the trash in the papers?
Kowalski  7 | 621  
16 Dec 2006 /  #18
Daily Mail chooses to look where others don't. I like tabloid newspappers generaly because there's moore real news in them then in other, more respected newspappers that happen to have their bias on "progress", "jobs", "economy" etc, etc. Daily Mail doesn't ever make me feel brainwashed! Enough on tabloids!

I happened to visit Romania some time ago and would witness - what you call "law self esteem" there. Whenever the Romanians I met identified themselves as "Romanians" some tended to have sense of shame for being Romanian. It was strangly familiar to what some Poles feel.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
16 Dec 2006 /  #19
It was strangely familiar to what some Poles feel.

My feeling, exactly. Especially, the Americans of polish heritage. I work with a couple of "samples".
16 Dec 2006 /  #20
The Sun newspaper also has negitivity vibes regarding the polish and that paper is under the 'Rupert Murdock' branch line.

The channel 4 programme location location location praised polish builders and labourers in this trade in the magazine of the same title a month ago who work in the Uk and spoke to 2 polish males who had been hired by an english bloke to do up majority of his house.
Kowalski  7 | 621  
16 Dec 2006 /  #21
Don't Poles have better opinion in Scotland , Ireland rather then Enlgand proper? I've been reading many rather symphatethic comments toward Poles on forums and article comments made by Scotish and Irish.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
16 Dec 2006 /  #22
Don't Poles have better opinion in Scotland

My GF is in Edinburgh....she hates it. She said she doesn't feel the same as when she's home in PL. It's very depressing there. But she does have her fun days.
uk_  8 | 85  
16 Dec 2006 /  #23
DM is not very friendly towards us

It's the most popular newspaper in UK
ANIAH  - | 60  
16 Dec 2006 /  #24
DM wants to sell papers, if feeds people's fears and insecurities. Most people in the UK don't care about world politics or current affairs outside Britain but would rather read latest news about celebrities, scandals about members of parliament and idiotic articles about Poles and foreigners in general invading their country. Hence the paper enjoys a large volume of sales. I have to say it is written in a readable yet not patronising format, hence it pretends not to be a tabloid, whereas in actual fact that's exactly what it is.
OP iwona  12 | 542  
17 Dec 2006 /  #25
I must admit I like some articles there - but just some.( and little picture stories in the end-my favourites about grumpy man and about dog).

I suppose DM is popular as it is in balanced middle between Sun or News of the world( tabloids) and Guardian, Financial times(more sophisiticated).
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Dec 2006 /  #26
I like the Guardian I buy it on a Saturday since its the only day I get chance to have a good old read of the paper - wouldnt waste my money on the Daily Mail, I purchased it once and enjoyed a couple of articles but for the most it wasn't a particularly good read. It does seem to have a very negative view of Polish people living in England, but as we say in England yesterdays news is todays chip paper!
OP iwona  12 | 542  
17 Dec 2006 /  #27
Not only- The problem with DM is that this paper is negative about everything.....make syou feel littel depressed after reading it.

I am not so sure about Guardian- it is quite sophisitcated and artisitc....But has bit too left views for me.

Is it Labour paper?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Dec 2006 /  #28
Is it Labour paper?

It used to be, but not any more, yes the views are left of centre but I dont think that they're pandering to the views of muslims etc.,

I'm not sure its a sophisticated paper my parents have always read it and I would say it's more widly read now that it's not a broadsheet - I find it more a weekend paper because its a quality read, I watch the news throug the week to keep abreast of whats going on in the world and that does me.
OP iwona  12 | 542  
17 Dec 2006 /  #29
I was reading it once or twice but while ago.....Maybe I will have another try...
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Dec 2006 /  #30
I would recommend it, get it on a Saturday more chance to actually enjoy the read.

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