Honey if you don't like it here, which it would seem you don't go back to your perfect health service in Poland
Believe you me, I am working very hard on this. Hopefully this is my last year in the UK. I do not regret coming here, as I have learnt a lot. But my home is elsewhere.
where you have to actually "bribe" someone to ensure you get your test once a year!
Never ever bribed anyone in Poland, including the medical profession.
Maybe they tell these people to take an aspirin because there isn't actually anything wrong with them!
Yeah, for example a high fever, wheezy cough, severe pain around the ribcage, dizziness... Sure, a paracetamol or two will fix that right up.
I was out with a friend who is a doctor on Friday and she was soooooooooo pissssed off because of the idiots coming into the hospital (A&E) with a "cold" not "flu" a "cold" TIME WASTERS!!!
This is the flip side of the coin. Some people get so annoyed with being ignored by their GP, or not being able to get an appointment when they need it, that they prefer to turn up at A&E instead. Shouldn't the triage nurse be able to get rid of those?
There are many things I like and appreciate about the UK but the NHS is definitely not one of them.