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Losing the homeland identity of Polish people living abroad

Aleksandra  7 | 2  
20 May 2007 /  #1
Do you think Polish people living abroad are loosing their homeland identity???
20 May 2007 /  #2
No. I have noticed that when Polish live in Poland, they complain about Poland, but when they are in America, they complain about America.
They complain about Americans because they don't use the metric system, because they eat junk food and other cultural differences. So when the Polish are in America, they actually have stronger ties to their own country because they miss it and since it's in their nature to complain, they find fault with America.

Nobody's perfect.
daboos  - | 10  
27 May 2007 /  #3
i agree.
poles like complaining ;]
Goonie  8 | 242  
27 May 2007 /  #4
i lost it a while ago :)
Eurola  4 | 1898  
27 May 2007 /  #5
Unfortunately, whining, complaining and being very critical of everything is a characteristic of many polish people. I'd be happy to put some on the plain and ship back to Poland. Most are pretty established thanks to being in this country and still are negative....I run like hell from them... I can't stand it.

We all have choices and our well being is up us. Life is as easy and beautiful as you make it for yourself.
bunia  1 | 134  
27 May 2007 /  #6
I dont think we are loosing it. At least people who went abroad at "decent" age. Unfortunatelly in the city i live there are some polish guys and girls in their teens that dont give a damn about polish culture and all they do is getting drunk and partying. nothing against having fun but they do it the wrong way around. i dont want to say "english" way because i dont want to offend anyone.

Hope you all know what i mean :)
27 May 2007 /  #7
all they do is getting drunk and partying. nothing against having fun but they do it the wrong way around

i think this happens in most cultures around the world with the teenagers these days!
espana  17 | 951  
27 May 2007 /  #8
bunia  1 | 134  
27 May 2007 /  #9
i think this happens in most cultures around the world with the teenagers these days!

which is a bit sad :( Cause culture is what makes us diffrent. If everyone will be exacly the same in their behaviours it will be just boring !!!!
abdul jaroslav  
27 May 2007 /  #10
i enjoy my culture, although my belief is different i still maintain polish things e.g. recently we had a great wet sunday with loads of turkish muslim people i feed them halah bigos and they feed me adana kebab, its nice being around people from other cultures and lifestyles but deep down we are all the same.. peace

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Losing the homeland identity of Polish people living abroadArchived