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You know you're Polish when... ?

basiaa  3 | 13  
4 Aug 2007 /  #1
You have relatives who aren't really your relatives

You sing the same song - “100 lat” - on every occasion (weddings, birthdays, baby showers)

Your name always gets slaughtered on the first day of school
bunia  1 | 134  
5 Aug 2007 /  #2
regionpolski  33 | 153  
5 Aug 2007 /  #3
Your name always gets slaughtered on the first day of school

One of the coolest things that happened when I first met my wife, was that she saw my surname, and pronounced it perfectly. It was bliss.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
5 Aug 2007 /  #4
You have relatives who aren't really your relatives

Would you care to elaborate on this point please as i'm just a ignorant Brit :)

Your name always gets slaughtered on the first day of school

I love osme of the Polish surnames :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
5 Aug 2007 /  #5
Would you care to elaborate on this point please as i'm just a ignorant Brit :)

Like an Uncle Joe who is actually just a good friend of your father's :]
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
7 Aug 2007 /  #6
You know you are Polish when you need a partner to change a lightbulb, and he is the
one rotating the ladder...also you know you are a Polish man if you have 'duze chuj'!...
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
7 Aug 2007 /  #7
Hi Joe - Is that what you were talking about when your photo was taken in your profile ?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
7 Aug 2007 /  #8
Actually I was discussing matters of culture, religion & politics with an Irish Catholic female friend...but I guess this thread falls under the 'culture' category!
8 Aug 2007 /  #9
You know your polish when you get a university degree but you travel to western europe to get down on your hands and knees to clean toilets.
Daisy  3 | 1215  
8 Aug 2007 /  #10
Member Since: Aug 8, 07

Last Post: Today, 09:50
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Occupation: student
Location: glasgow
Interests: *******, drinking, fighting and *******
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Gender: Male
Latest Replies: You know you're Polish when... ?
Advertising for Electricians in Poland to work in the UK

just looked at your profile, delightful little individual aren't you?
magda09  1 | 54  
8 Aug 2007 /  #11
when polish comes out voluntarily while speaking any other language to someone who do not know polish :D
8 Aug 2007 /  #12
that is s *slight* indication.. ;) =D
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
8 Aug 2007 /  #13
In response to Siol: Hell, that's whats happening to Americans with college degrees right now in the USA...except, all the toilet cleaning jobs are being taken by Mexicans

because they work cheaper!...it's called the global economy!
gloios  12 | 76  
8 Aug 2007 /  #14
WOW - what a response. I'm sure people will be lining up for your work now
Firestorm  6 | 400  
18 Aug 2007 /  #15
just looked at your profile, delightful little individual aren't you?

<-- Ducks sharp claws. Hehe
OP basiaa  3 | 13  
20 Aug 2007 /  #16
when you can spot Polish people like Asians can spot each other
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
21 Aug 2007 /  #17

I wasnt going to post to this.

you buy lots of ketchup.

I think this is more of a global thing.. who has fries without it?

I have to admit.. its one of my addictions.. polish or not, I love it.
sledz  23 | 2247  
21 Aug 2007 /  #18
think this is more of a global thing.. who has fries without it?

they use mayo in Europe...on fries I`ve seen it..ick
Lady in red  
21 Aug 2007 /  #19
Your name always gets slaughtered on the first day of school

How true is that :) I remember being asked at my first school how can I remember to spell my name (5 year olds) and I was utterly indignant and said the same way you can !!! It feels quite good after all these years to hear that other peole had similar experiences. That's one of the many reasons I love this Forum :)

when you can spot Polish people like Asians can spot each other

Again, it's great to hear someone else say that. I can tell a Polish person straight away. Next an Eastern European (other countries than Poland) too.

when polish comes out voluntarily while speaking any other language to someone who do not know polish :D

I don't have that problem anymore :( I did until I started work. I used to think in Polish, then convert it to English until I left school. But once I started thinking in English and converting to Polish, I started slowly to lose some of the Polish vocabulary. Sometimes when I was little, I'd be playing with friends and polish words would creep in.......was funny now when I look back.

You know you are Polish when someone mentions pierogi and your mouth starts to water <g>

Next an Eastern European (other countries than Poland) too.

I could tell the lady who was serving me coffee recently was Eastern European but couldn't quite place her accent (I knew it wasn't Polish) so I asked. She was Czechoslovakian. (sp) we had a nice chat and she spoke to me in Polish , was good. There's an affinity isn't there ?

ou're very good at spotting Russians ;)

My parents had two good Russian friends. Their accent is very easy to identify when they speak. It's quite a bit harsher than some of the other Eastern European countries I think (not sure what others think of that, would be interesting to hear their views).
6 Sep 2007 /  #20
My heart is Polish...
buyyko  1 | 16  
9 Sep 2007 /  #21
IM a polish. I was born in there, i have spend all most of my live in poland. There is one gospel truth im a always polish, i'll always sing "100lat" I'll always "one of the poles" who com form so beatyfull country such poland, even if the country,s gonna to get copletely damaged because of former comunism, coruption, not reliable politics who has forced us to escape from our coutry.
9 Sep 2007 /  #22
you buy lots of ketchup.

It always struck me as laughable that the tomato, with its origins in Central/South America, was taken by the Italians who developed a wonderful cuisine based on its culinary potential, and taken by the Americans who turned it into a sauce to accompany skinny french fries

they use mayo in Europe...on fries I`ve seen it..ick

Delicious :-)
osiol  55 | 3921  
9 Sep 2007 /  #23
Italians who developed a wonderful cuisine

Fantastic stuff.

taken by the Americans who turned it into a sauce to accompany skinny french fries

Nasty stuff.

Give me potatoes with mayonnaise instead any day.
Brown sauce is good. Curry sauce... (I'm drifting)

you buy lots of ketchup

Keep it in the fridge or in the cupboard?
AniolekSA  1 | 10  
9 Sep 2007 /  #24
wen u have a short temper and wel lets just say i still have to meet a shy polish pirson
terenowiec  1 | 29  
11 Sep 2007 /  #25
You know you're polish when you can't pronounce "th"

Thanksgiving becomes "Sanksgeeveeng"

Happy birthday becomes "HAPPY BERRSDAY"

That cracks me up....
11 Sep 2007 /  #26
You know you're polish when you can't pronounce "th"

I had my wife practice saying "This, That and the other Thing" over and over and over again. Now, she gets it right, sometimes. I guess there is no TH combination / Sound in Polish...
11 Sep 2007 /  #27
You have relatives who aren't really your relatives

You sing the same song - “100 lat” - on every occasion (weddings, birthdays, baby showers)

Your name always gets slaughtered on the first day of school

PMSL!!!!!!111!!!! So true!!!! :D
terenowiec  1 | 29  
11 Sep 2007 /  #28
I had my wife practice saying "This, That and the other Thing" over and over and over again. Now, she gets it right, sometimes. I guess there is no TH combination / Sound in Polish...


this and that, becomes: "zis and zat"
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
11 Sep 2007 /  #29
re: You know you're Polish when... ?

- To me, being Polish means honestly and unflinchingly caring for Poland and Poles first.
Lightbulb  1 | 39  
11 Sep 2007 /  #30
It always struck me as laughable that the tomato, with its origins in Central/South America, was taken by the Italians who developed a wonderful cuisine based on its culinary potential, and taken by the Americans who turned it into a sauce to accompany skinny french fries

Except that catsup has Asian origins, and is named for a Malay word. At least, according to the history channel. :) But I agree that catsup is too sweet to use very often. When you grow into an adult, you drift from catsup to mustard and everything works itself out.

Coincidentally, the biggest consumers of catsup I ever met were Russians, and a Ukranian friend of mine in gradeschool used to eat the catsup straight from the packet at lunchtime, not as a joke but out of choice, and almost every day. Interesting preferences, I'd say. :)

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