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Germans and Poles - Fiction or Myth?

20 Mar 2008 /  #31
Fiction or Myth?

EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
20 Mar 2008 /  #32
Good catch, Sofi. I hadn't noticed that. Germans and Poles--Fake or Unreal? You decide.
Lady in red  
20 Mar 2008 /  #33
Germans and Poles ? Fiction or Myth?

One of my Mums best friends was German, though when she first met my Mum she pretended to be Hungarian because she thought my Mother wouldn't be her friend if she said she was from Germany. It's funny really because My Mum knew immediately she was German but they became very firm friends. It was only after my Mum died that her friend 'confessed' to me she was German and I had to tell her that my Mum knew and forgave her for it <it was a joke >.

Funnily enough on of my best friends was German too...My parents were never anti German ever and therefore it wasn't passed on to us either. I think the Germans are more conscious of their history when they meet Polish people than the Polish people are.

If this thread had said 'Russians' rather than 'Germans' well there may have been quite a few different types of comments unfortunately :(
Kowalski  7 | 621  
21 Mar 2008 /  #34
The Führer didn't like cats no :) There were some ppl that he didn't like too, I believe :)

  • some English did like Fuhrer
Grounded  4 | 99  
21 Mar 2008 /  #35
I also remember seeing pictures of dutch people applauding the german army when they marched in to holland.

Anyways for all you funny people who posted the David Hasselhoff and Modern Talking pictures. Here are three more things germany came up with:

Mercedes Benz
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #36
Roberto Blanco
Franz Jozef Strauss

And three more things...

21 Mar 2008 /  #37
When I had an opportunity to be in Germany and live with typical German family, I found in them real friends and I still have contact with. Their son, Jan (my new Bruder hehe) is going to visit me this May so such adventure from school-exchange didn't finish with my comming back to Poland but it still goes on. Plus I love the sound of German haha
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #38
I also remember seeing pictures of dutch people applauding the german army when they marched in to holland.

Many did fall over themselves to b become a part of the greater german Reich and wanted to fight for it in the Waffen-SS (biggest foreigner contingent from all countries) and to rat on their jewish neighbours...of course, after the war they were all resistance fighters (a bit like the Austrians).

And to prove how brave they are they rat now about the big, bad Germans and how mean they were...(just like the Austrians).

What a lame people!
(You surely don't want to have THEM as "friends")
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #39
Of course there were ppl in support of the 1000 year Drittes Reich (1933 - 1945) in Holland. Just like there were in Belgium, France, A lot of Eastern European countries, Skandinavia and Greece. But the majority did not like being invaded by some other country with a psychopath in power. But with other ppl the Führer didn't like I was of course referring to the Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Mentally Retarded, Political Opponents, Critical Journalists. Basically anything that ended up in a striped overall with a yellow, pink, red, blue or green star on the chest.

Bratwurst: don't put the blame on other countries by turning it that way that the traitors ever country has are worse than the Germans: it was Nazi-Germany who was responsible for WW2 and indeed it were the Big Bad Germans who invaded loads of countries without there being an essential need to, just the hunger to posess the World. This qualifies Nazi-Germany as the main villain in this drama. Let's stick to the facts and not blame other countries for that.

M-G (is getting a bit tired of this Hoch Lebe Deutschland cr*p and justifying crimes of the past by the behaviour of the victims of that very crimes)
Grounded  4 | 99  
21 Mar 2008 /  #40
Let's stick to the facts and not blame other countries for that.

Naw lets blame everyone else but us :-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #41
M-G (is getting a bit tired of this Hoch Lebe Deutschland cr*p and justifying crimes of the past by the behaviour of the victims of that very crimes)

Who is talking about "Hoch lebe Deutschland"?
You are a dutch creep who always tries to talk down Germany to make your little soddy waterbank look better - my do you must suffer complexes.

Now take them and f*cuk off!

PS: The Dutch in the Legion Nederlands were more than just some traitors. They were really alot of enthusiastic soldiers!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #42
Naw lets blame everyone else but us :-)

If you want to :) But to be serious, Germany has apologized long enough for the known facts and has shown to be willing to learn. As far as I'm concerned it is not an issue anymore, but it kind of irritates me that ppl like Bratwurst und Sauerkraut try to glorify something that can be recalled as the biggest blunder in human history, that's all. Like I said so many times before, some of my best friends are German :)

Who is talking about "Hoch lebe Deutschland"?

You are and you're doing it constantly. You must have some issues with the Dutch yourself. Did you get dumped by a Dutch girl? Aww, you poor thing. There are 16,399,999 more Dutch ppl out there. Small correction: the most enthousiastic soldiers in the Waffen SS were the Ukranians and the Lithuanians. They had also the biggest contingent with their ranks.

M-G (and try to keep your language clean, Sauerkraut boy)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #43
You are and you're doing it constantly.


You must have some issues with the Dutch yourself

I have an issue with you....normally the Dutch are to insignificant to concern myself with. I mean what else than spitting comes from them actually....

PS: Without the enthusiastic support of many of the citizens of occupied europe the Nazis could have never done all that what they did! Germany had only so many people and so many soldiers, most of them busy in Russia anyway - leaving in western europe not many policemen and some guards more or less!

It was a joint effort! But how convenient to forget that and to play the "wepoorvictims" or the "webraveresisters" record....lame, really!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #44
I have an issue with you....normally the Dutch are to insignificant to concern myself with. I mean what else than spitting comes from them actually....

It's not my fault that you are what you are. Ah well, only 80 percent of your vegetables and dairy products come from the Netherlands, let alone nearly all the flowers you can buy.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #45
It's not my fault that you are what you are.

I have no problems with what I am, thank you.
It's only your sick, little mind which wants me to feel bad about being German.
Sorry...I actually like being German very much!
And it's not me invading any thread and starting to whine about these bad Germans here and these mean Germans there...
You have a mighty complex but go with it elsewhere, it get's boring!
Grounded  4 | 99  
21 Mar 2008 /  #46
Ah well, only 80 percent of your vegetables and dairy products come from the Netherlands,

maybe we should have just kept you then hu? lol :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #47
Yeah...tomatoes for example.
Big and red they are, looking good but no substance, no taste...more water than anything else!
Come to think of....just like the Dutch: Big mouth but nothing behind it!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #48
I have no problems with what I am, thank you.
It's only your sick, little mind which wants me to feel bad about being German!
It's not me invading any thread and starting to whine about these bad Germans here and these mean Germans there...
You have a mighty complex but go with it elsewhere, it get's boring!

First of all, try to write correct English. Secondly, this is a thread about Germany, at least partly and I'm not the only one who gives out about Germany, actually I thought I was rather mild in this thread. Thirdly, I don't care about you or your easily hurt feelings. If you are getting upset by what is written on an online forum, then there is something else wrong with you and maybe you should seek some help. Fourthly, you do not even recognize sarcasm when you stumble over it, do you now? I do not give a gobsh*te about Germany and should I do, it's all in your mind. Finally, at least I participate and write other stuff as well than solely about Germany, don't think you or Germany is so important to me that I have to write about it all the time. I have over 900 posts and unlike your posts only a fraction of this number is dedicated to Germany and one little frustrated Bratwurst, Sauerkraut und Essig boy. Now, I do not wish to make myself any clearer than this, so take your complexes and put them where the sun doesn't shine.

M-G (now, back in your cage)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #49
I do not give a gobsh*te about Germany

Yeah sure...that's why you are writing and whining about us all the time!


Bratwurst, Sauerkraut und Essig boy

Now are we funny and innovative! WHOA...I'm so impressed!!!
Must be the famous dutch wit and humour....LOL
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #50
Must be the famous dutch wit and humour....LOL

What's the smallest book in the history of the written word?

Answer: "A full and unabridged history of German Humour".

M-G (like I said, back to your cage)
Polson  5 | 1767  
21 Mar 2008 /  #51
There are 16,399,999 more Dutch ppl out there

That's a pity, so close to 16,400,000 !!......... ;P

This conversation is interesting but the original topic was "Germans and Poles" ;)
If you want a "Germans and Dutch" topic, let's create it ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #52
What's the smallest book in the history of the written word?

Answer: "A full and unabridged history of German Humour".

M-G (like I said, back to your cage)

Who cares what you said?
At least we don't spit into others peoples hair....

This conversation is interesting but the original topic was "Germans and Poles" ;

Nah...mentioning of anything German is like a torch to it to come running and to start whining immediately unasked about the big, bad Germans...

Like a pavlov (erm dutch) dog, frothing at it's muzzle!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #53
At least we don't spit into others peoples hair....

Our one who did this was a football player and now trains FC Barcelona. Your one went on to kill about 55 million ppl. Just to compare :)

And Polson: I know and I would like to stick to the topic, but apparently this little Bratwurst thinks he needs to attack me on anything I say about the Gerries. But that episode is closed as far as I'm concerned - let's return to the original topic, good idea :)

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #54
Our one who did this was a football player and now trains FC Barcelona. Your one went on to kill about 55 million ppl. Just to compare :)

M-G (you care about what I say, apparently)

And how long will you use that as convenient excuse for your misbehaving?
Another 60 years???? Forget it...

...but apparently this little Bratwurst thinks he needs to attack me...

Dishing out but can't take it? How typically dutch....losers!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #55
Anyway, what I know about German-Polish relationships is that they are at best to be described as a peaceful co-existence. On one hand, a lot of Poles go to work in Germany and have done so since the Revolution, on the other hand they have trouble forgetting what happened in the past, leading eventually up to that shameful show the previous Polish prime minister gave during an EU summit last year. This definitively did no good to the Polish cause.

M-G (back to the topic again and Braadworst: since I am you and you are me, I can say what I want; it's a free world baby - try it, you'll like it:) )
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 Mar 2008 /  #56
You don't know much - you are Dutch!

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #57

Well in that case, at least somebody is having fun when nobody else does.

M-G (that at least is positive)
Grounded  4 | 99  
21 Mar 2008 /  #58
Poles have been working in germany before the revolution as well. My dad used to travel regularly to Wroclaw as he had a manufacturing plant out there. I can't really think of any incidents that would make me think that polish - german relationship is not a peaceful one
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Mar 2008 /  #59
I can't really think of any incidents that would make me think that polish - german relationship is not a peaceful one

I didn't say that it was not a peaceful co-existence. It's just that it sometimes strikes me as being somewhat double: a lot of Polish friends of mine would love to visit Germany and maybe even work there, but when I ask them if they speak German, they answer that they don't because they hate the language.

The fact that your dad had a plant in Wroclaw has something to do that Wroclaw used to be Breslau?

M-G (just curious)
Polson  5 | 1767  
21 Mar 2008 /  #60
- Stay on topic
- Do not insult or harass others, play nicely!
- Do not personally attack others to avoid temporary or permanent suspension

Hehe ;)

let's return to the original topic, good idea :)

Yep ! So Germans & Poles : Friction or Mutt ?

LoL, i have another one : Fashion or Mule ?


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