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The first Polish movie I watched (I am Chinese).

christy1991  4 | 37  
12 Jun 2009 /  #1
The first Polish movie i watched is "Vinci",directed by Mr.Juliusz Machulski.i think it is very nice and interesting,only pity is i watched dubbed film,all the lines are in chinese,not polish!

I'm a chinese,but i'm very curious,Poland is a famous movie country,why in China,there aren't many movies made in Poland???

Hope we can have more and more movies from Polan in China.it will help to deep understand your culture!!!

By the way,i also want to know more Polish friends,if you are willing to,add me by skype:christy-zeng ^_^
Kasz  1 | 75  
12 Jun 2009 /  #2
ok now im confused... im trying to imagine all those "slang"from Vinci movie translated to chinese :P
Why there is not may movies in china from poland? cus in poland they dont make too much movies, good one atleast, second thing is language barier and comunism barier whats mean ur govermant must acept movie b4 they can realese it... so chance that someone will translate polish movie to chinese its way lower then to any other language... next point is that simply not many chinese ppl know polish good enought or poles why know chinese good enought to translate movies with alot of "slang" and situations humor... and im not sure if Vinci is good way to try understand better our culture. Btw Juliusz Machulski doin the best polish comedy movies.

12 Jun 2009 /  #3
Hmm... Probably "Reksio" :-)
chinczyk  - | 32  
13 Jun 2009 /  #4
the first and the only Polish movie i have watched is Katyń,It overthrew Stalin's image in my heart(you know Stalin used to be popular in China)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
14 Jun 2009 /  #5
he used to be "popular" in all the world also, still I know the truth and that does count ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 Jun 2009 /  #6
The first Polish movies I watched were A Short Film About Killing and A Short Film About Love by Krzysztof Kieślowski.
8 years ago I was coming to Poland but knew nothing about Poland, so I got these two films and boy are they depressing.
He also did Three Colors Blue, Three Colors White and Three Colors Red which were great!.

Wow christy1991,
That place in the photos looks absolutely amazing, perhaps you could start a thread about China?, it is such a big country with such a long interesting history.

Since when??????

I would say during communism, I can't think of any good films in the last 8 years.
Could be that during communism, they had to be creative to get past the censors.
OP christy1991  4 | 37  
24 Jun 2009 /  #7
I will try to stay in Xingping for the tranquility

Are you in Guangxi now???you act so fast!!!

nce when??????

Are you Polish? :( see following !

In all the countries of eastern europe,Poland is the second important country,first is Russia,Polish films have a long history.in 1896,Krakow,Warsaw and Lodz these three cities held the earliest public movie show,and there appeared the first special cinemas.in 1902,the first film studio was founded,in 1908,the first real polish festure film was published.

Unfortunately, because of being occupied by Geman Nazi during world war 2,polish film industry stooped developping.but from 1957~1961,polish film industry grew rapidly,many famous films were come out,and appeared many prefessional directors.

Now,under the conditions of Hollywood films' attack,polish film industry as a nationality industry is being threated.it is also similarly happenning in China,our local film industry also make chinese be embarrassed,"Hua Mu lan"," kung Fu Panda" etc chinese characteristic are used by Hollywood,it is a pity for China.

Hope Polish young people could pay more attention on your own movies,really!
MichaelB  1 | 8  
26 Jun 2009 /  #8
Believe it or not, there's actually a Polish-Chinese film - Extras/Statyści (2006), directed by Michał Kwieciński.

It's a pretty standard-issue romantic comedy for the most part, but at least the setting is original - it's about a Chinese film crew filming in Poland, and hiring a load of Polish extras for background roles. The reason they're in Poland is because the film is a tragedy and they think Poles look uniquely miserable, which is just one of many stereotypes that fly in both directions.
OP christy1991  4 | 37  
27 Jun 2009 /  #9
Believe it or not, there's actually a Polish-Chinese film - Extras/Statyści (2006), directed by Michał Kwieciński

I just google this movie,yes,there is!!! i believe you ^_^ in 2007,the film&media arts festivel was held in Berwich-Upon-Tweed,Extras/Statyści was introduced especially,but it isn't published in China,where can we wtach it? :(
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
27 Jun 2009 /  #10
The reason they're in Poland is because the film is a tragedy and they think Poles look uniquely miserable,

lol; perhaps the Poles need a 'smiling campaign'.
OP christy1991  4 | 37  
27 Jun 2009 /  #11
but in my impression,i think poes are optimistic.why different?because i don't understand poland?

I have one polish client bought from me in last year,yes, he felt a little serious,but couldn't have relationship with "miserable",not at all!

Maybe it was just for cinematic effects!
1jola  14 | 1875  
27 Jun 2009 /  #12
lol; perhaps the Poles need a 'smiling campaign'.

I remember living in Paris and an American girl from California came and couldn't understand why men were stopping on the street and chating her up. Almost in unison we asked her if she was smilling at them as she passed them by. She said yes; of course, she was a friendly, grinning American. Our advise to her was to stop grinning for no reason, as the men think you are a prostitute. :)

Here is a good film. I'm sure it can be found with subitles. No car chases.

From he same director:
MichaelB  1 | 8  
27 Jun 2009 /  #13
in 2007,the film&media arts festivel was held in Berwich-Upon-Tweed,Extras/Statyści was introduced especially,but it isn't published in China,where can we wtach it? :(

It's out on DVD in Poland and the UK - I don't know if the Polish edition has English subtitles, but the British one definitely will have.

Try moviemail-online.co.uk/film/55272/Extras-(Kwiecinski,-2006)/ - sorry I couldn't post a full link, but the forum software won't let me until I've made a minimum number of posts.
OP christy1991  4 | 37  
28 Jun 2009 /  #14
Try moviemail-online.co.uk/film/55272/Extras-(Kwiecinski,-2006)/ - sorry I couldn't post a full link, but the forum software won't let me until I've made a minimum number of posts.

Michael,thank you ^_^.meanwhile,i noticed you are a writer,talk about it,or show me your essay,if you don't mind :),because i want to read,you know,in the forum,it isn't easy to meet a real writer,he he he......

Almost in unison we asked her if she was smilling at them as she passed them by. She said yes; of course, she was a friendly, grinning American. Our advise to her was to stop grinning for no reason, as the men think you are a prostitute. :)

Really?so ghastful :( if i were there,when other people says hello to me,my first reaction is smile too!

How to do???nothing to do but just run away hurriedly?if it is impolite?

Here you go - this was written in December 2007:

An amiable romantic comedy, closer to a second-tier Sandra Bullock vehicle like Two Weeks Notice (2002) than a streamlined Richard Curtis effort, The Extras does at least boast one unique selling point in that the travails of its film-extra characters are set against the backdrop of a Polish-Chinese culture clash. Somewhat implausibly, a Chinese film crew is making a romatic tragedy (‘Sad Wind in the Reeds’) in Poland, for no better reason than Poles are supposed to look uniquely miserable - one of many cultural stereotypes that fly thick and fast in both directions.

Hi,Michael,above content is what you showed to me yesterday night?i just begined to read,it disappeared suddenly,maybe the forum editor moved it away!!! i found it in other thread "The Random Chat Thread (deleted monthly)"

I don't read throughly,what a pity, :(

So do you have any blog or website,maybe we can read your new articles,i will track,he he he.......
OP christy1991  4 | 37  
3 Jul 2009 /  #15
Calligraphy is regareded in china as the art of writing,beautiful handwriting with brush, or study of the rule and techniques of this art.

As a traditional art, calligraphy occupies the same position as painting in the history of Chinese art.

In China, many people can write a good hand but only a few of them could become calligrapher. It takes paintaking effort and years of assidicous practice to qualify oneself as an artist in this field. One of the great masters in calligraphy in chinese history is WangXiZhi, he has exerted profound influence on Chinese calligraphers and scholars.

  • chinese calligraphy01

  • chinese calligraphy02

  • chinese calligraphy03

  • chinese calligraphy04
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Jul 2009 /  #16
It was Seksmisja I think. An overrated film but watchable.
mr cool  
3 Jul 2009 /  #17
Many foreigners are here in Poland,My advice,is the so called Television station and the film makers,really I,m tired of the talking all the time,we need subtitle in English please
OP christy1991  4 | 37  
3 Jul 2009 /  #18
we need subtitle in English please

I really agree with you! films are also an important factor to understand polish culture and life,and fashion.if there is english subtitle,i can possibly watch polish movie earlier and earlier!
mr cool  
3 Jul 2009 /  #19
I love polish programs but really the talking without the subtitle is not pleasant.We are going upward not backward
OP christy1991  4 | 37  
8 Jul 2009 /  #20
Yesterday,i went shopping in one of the suppermarkets,when i passed the electrical appliances department,there was showing a cartoon in the television which is on sale.it is a very old french cartoon "Barbapapa"! so i standed there and watched for about half hour ^_^

In deeply memories of chinese children's,we know well about this french cartoon-Barbapapa,and other Czechic cartoon-The Mole.

How about Polish cartoon???

  • Barbapapa

  • The mole
8 Jul 2009 /  #22
Why there is not may movies in china from poland?

Polish films are probably considered examples of "Western decadence", even though they aren't really, iyswim ;)

Actually, I'd quite like to hear some Polish films dubbed into Chinese. I have quite a few HK martial arts films dubbed by Czech actors, and that's pretty cool too, lol
anton888  - | 82  
8 Jul 2009 /  #23
Why there is not may movies in china from poland?[/quote]

Do you know if any Polish film makers/distributors actually try to promote Polish film in China?? I don't think that people from China will be going around searching for Polish film to show by their own initiative, there are many offers out there.
chinczyk  - | 32  
12 Jul 2009 /  #24
I don't think that people from China will be going around searching for Polish film to show by their own initiative,

I will search for that on my own initiative,however I can not guarantee that all my countrymen will do so.both as emerging markets,Poland and China should promote relationships between them.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / The first Polish movie I watched (I am Chinese).Archived