If someone knows her contact or website, please let me know. What I know is her name and that she lives in Poland. I tried to search on the web, but I 'm not familiar with Polish and got no info. so far....
I tried to look her up in the Polish search engine but couldn't find any relevant information. She must be a good psychic indeed if she wants her name to be hidden...
Thanks for looking up... I heard she helps police investigations and also helps big name companies... I will try to ask the TV station which broadcast the documentary program about her.
Is this the famous psychic that could give patients a diagnosis just by laying her hands on them? If it is, I would like more info on her as well. E-mail me at Odegen@aol.com if you get any info.
Jestem Wodnikiem, w astrologii chińskiej Metalowym Wężem. Numerologicznie jestem szóstką. Wróżeniem zajmuję się od 40 lat. Nazywam się Janina Buczek - Szymańska. Od poniedziałku do soboty przyjmuję między 12 a 18 w salonie w £odzi, przy ulicy Kilińskiego 117.