Not at all. Specially young people.. sometimes this play start be dangerous.. evrytimes i was in Poland and go aut this day it was finish not good forme. I advice is better to stay athome.
Dangerous cos if someone spill on you little water nothing happened its yet tradition but if u r far from home is cold as hell and come to u some stupid mans and split on u all pail ( about 25 litters of cold like ice water) trust me u want kill them..
beside they can put weather in ur car or others unexpected places
'Bucket of Water Song' from Tiswas ...... wow, that brought back some happy memories :o)
A very young Chris Tarrant , Lenny Henry ....... and what about Sally James in her knee length leather boots :o))))
I used to love Smingus Dingus ..... my friends and I would get together and walk around to houses of girls that we knew and get them absolutely soaked ..... and this was with the cooperation of the girls' parents.
We used to run into other groups of Polish kids from another parish and that escalated in a 'friendly' water fight on the streets of West London ..... the English people stared in amazement not knowing what the hell was going on !
We used to finish up at our local church where anyone was fair game ..... but we mostly targeted attractive young girls, although I do remember one older lady getting sprayed with water when she complained that her daughter had got her new dress soaked !
All in all, it was and still is harmelss fun, young people trying to keep an old tradition - alive :o) my two young kids aged 7 and 5 yrs woke up early at around 6.30am on Easter Monday and soaked myself and my wife while we were sleeping soundly in our beds.
I believe that the cut off point for soaking is midday on Easter Monday.
this is something I found which explains the soaking associated with Easter Monday.