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90 days soon expire - where can I go?

OP BLS 65 | 188  
11 Oct 2008 /  #31
No - they did NOT give me a letter. They simply asked me to sign a piece of paper stating I would leave Schengen for one day.

They did give me a piece of paper that says "Potwierdzenie Złożenia Wnioaku" at the top. I think it means "confirmation of delivery of papers" in this context. I did carry this with me during my trip, but they never asked for it.
masks98 27 | 289  
11 Oct 2008 /  #32
Hey BLS, how did you pull this off exactly? is it because you applied for a residency permit? I came to Poland a while ago and have already overstayed my welcome, I'm freakin out thinking about what'll happen when I go back to NYC next spring, (will they beat me senseless at border conrtol..) but before my 90 days were up I had been told that there was nothing to do to extend my stay, I had to go back to NY, get a work visa there, and then return.
OP BLS 65 | 188  
12 Oct 2008 /  #33
Yes - I applied for residency before my 90 days expired.

As I understand Schengen law, it is likely that you will not be able to return to Poland for 90 days after you leave. I am nowhere near an expert on the subject, however. Powodzenia!

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