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Polish Christmas customs and food

9 Dec 2005 /  #1
Trying to find out some of the Polish Xmas customs and food serverd at Xmas
OP Guest  
10 Dec 2005 /  #2
Food -- carp for sure. And "beek soup"... any other ideas?:)
10 Dec 2005 /  #3
I can't understand how you can eat carp *shiwers* I have tried it once, and can't make myself eat it. Hm.. I wonder what to tell my family in-law at cristmas eve? They eat it every year.. I miss the norwegian cousine these days..
OP Guest  
11 Dec 2005 /  #4
have a go at this one and enjoy your polish Christmas: christmasnotecards.com/polish-christmas-customs.html
merry Christmas - wesolych swiat
12 Dec 2005 /  #5
Is therea certain website for poland where I can get pictues?

Is there a certain website for poland where I can get pictues?
OP Guest  
13 Dec 2005 /  #6
Pictures of Polish Christmas?
OP Guest  
19 Dec 2005 /  #7
i need to know how they cellabrate christmas
OP Guest  
21 Dec 2005 /  #8
The Christmas time is the biggest holiday for Polish people. The Christmas Eve is called "Wigilia". They meet together in one of the family member's house and eat Christmas Eve supper at about 5-7PM (or as soon as the first star appears on the sky). Carp, pierogies, bigos are among the most popular dishes. Traditionally, there should be 12 different kinds of food. On Christmas Eve NO meat is allowed. People pray before eating, then share the so called "Oplatek" and make wishes. For each Polish man this time is very joyful, but they don't forget about their past relatives either -- they leave one empty chair for an unexpected guest. So if you are homeless, you will be welcomed by every Polish family to join the meal. This is a great Polish tradition.
Marzena  2 | 122  
17 Jan 2006 /  #9
Basicus,so how did you manage the food on Christmas Eve? :) What is norwegian food like?
Firestorm  6 | 400  
12 Dec 2006 /  #10
Try here Angela. :)


Can Anyone tell me a Traditional Polish Christmas Greeting.??
krysia  23 | 3058  
12 Dec 2006 /  #11
Are you ready? Here it goes:
"Wszystkiego Najlepszego z Okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia"
dulciana  - | 28  
12 Dec 2006 /  #12
Well, I think I understand Okazji........

I think I will have to cut and paste this into my files, because I will never learn to write it before New Year!

12 Dec 2006 /  #13
Quoting: krysia, Post #13

"Wszystkiego Najlepszego z Okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

Krysia how does the greeting read in English?
krysia  23 | 3058  
12 Dec 2006 /  #14
"Everything the best from the Holy Occasion of God's Birth"
13 Dec 2006 /  #15
I'm having my first ever Polish Christmas this year. :)

My fiancee's parents, sister and brother-in-law will all be coming over from Poland.

I've had Wigilia, carp, barszcz, traditional white tablecloths, all that stuff explained to me and now I'm getting quite excited! Especially as I was on my own last year between 23rd December and 2nd January.... it was a very lonely Christmas and New Year for me..... :(
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
13 Dec 2006 /  #16
Nobody should spend Christmas alone. I'm glad that things turned right for you this year blur. :)
uk_  8 | 85  
22 Dec 2006 /  #18
Merged: Poles to eat only fish during Christmas time?

Is it true poles eat only fish during christmas time. So funny init?
wht's the problem is eating meat or vegetable..?

can you guys explain me..
22 Dec 2006 /  #19
They don't only eat fish, they confine themselves to a 'Lenten feast'

hello  22 | 890  
22 Dec 2006 /  #20
Poles usually don't eat meat on the Christmas Eve only - that's the catholic tradition.

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