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The Change in the Role of Women in the Polish Society

23 Oct 2006 /  #1
How do we perceive women in the present Poland? In their families? At the turn of the 20th century the role of the Polish woman, her needs, and place within a family has changed with every generation. Not so long ago, a Polish woman was supposed to take care of household, kitchen, and children. It was her primary activity. Women took care of homely atmosphere, made sure that all household duties has been performed before a husband came back from work. It was very rare that a woman worked for living and it was impossible for her to devote herself completely to her professional career. There were few who could forget stereotypes and took up new challenges.

Modern Polish women seem to be the real human beings in the struggle for freedom. They are open for the new; they control their lives; search for opportunities. For many of them, professional career has become more and more important; they show the abilities which equal those of men. The old model of a Polish woman, devoted entirely to her home, becomes less and less popular and men gradually take up roles traditionally reserved for women. Polish girls and women are nowadays independent.

Even though it is more difficult to get a job paid equally to that of a man, they show great invention in creating a new class of a woman. They are eager to improve their professional qualifications as well as to develop their interests.

Is home still an important part of the Polish woman's life? Do other aspects of modern life not exclude their interest in family values? It seems that only the focus has slightly changed. Nowadays men take over many household duties, performed earlier solely by women; women treat professional career as something obvious and necessary in their lives. Such changes have been caused by overall emancipation of women in the world. Changes that take place in Poland create new environment for the development and activity of women in all fields. The trend is increasing and it is not likely to change. Women want to be strong, independent, appreciated by the society, and most of all, by men.

Professional careers of women are driven not just by reasons of pure ambition or self-interests. There is also an important, economical, side to it. Nowadays very seldom an income of a man is sufficient for a family to live on. Under the new economic conditions, after the political system change in Poland, an average income covers only up-to-date needs and in those families where only one person is a working - it often means low living standard. So the role of women is no loner restricted to taking care of children, husband, and household, but it also means earning money for a family.

Plenty of women in Poland try to fulfill their ambitions, not only professional ones. They develop their interests, search for new quality of life, and try to make use of all opportunities which modern world has to offer. Plenty of women in Poland postpone their maternity until they graduate and find a well- paid job. Their priorities have changed. Women no longer look for husband as the only opportunity in their life. They now seek partnership in their relations with men. They no longer want to be perceived as dependant and inferior to men in their social roles. However, the process is ongoing and there's still a lot that need to be changed for the Polish women to be able to obtain true freedom of choice.

26 Oct 2006 /  #2
Most Polish girls are very pretty and nice, but some of them are lazybones and count on their boyfriends to pay for their pleasures and everything. When they get old they have nothing left and their boyfriends find younger chicks.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
26 Oct 2006 /  #3
Has this happened to you? Fortunately I've never had this bad experience, or know anyone who's had a PL woman like this.
26 Oct 2006 /  #4
Yes, I had a girlfriend from Poland and she was nice until I had lots of money. But I think it' s not Polish girls are like that.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
26 Oct 2006 /  #5
Sounds like yo had a bad apple. Reminds me of some American women I knew. My pl gf doesn't let me pay for everything. She's fantastic.
krysia  23 | 3058  
26 Oct 2006 /  #6
My pl bf won't let me pay for anything either...He's also fantastic! It's very nice, but I'm not used to it and pay-back time will come.....hahahahaha
26 Oct 2006 /  #7
I have been in a relationship with a Polish women for 8 months now, and she is wonderful, i am of mixed race and American, we have a wonderful relationship , she is very different from American women , she has a very strong culture and history. she loves to read and study ,cook and things like that, she is very happy with just that. I have tried to do things to show her how much I care for her, she always says no, and that i dont have to do anything , she just wants a hug and that i am nice to her, she is very uniform ,which gets to me some time. We have a lot in common and we talk alot, she is the perfect Women , Its hard to get her to loosen up sometimes, she is not at all wild like american women she is , Very polite intelligent and lady like , she would make the perfect mother. Myself i am very polite like must Americans but when its time to have fun i like to cut up, which she does not like at all, this is the only source of conflict for us . We would get along perfectly if i where maybe 50 years old or older. If i am able to tame my wild American side this will last forever
krysia  23 | 3058  
26 Oct 2006 /  #8
Everybody is different and nobody is perfect.
Many times you have to compromise. Talk it over because time goes by fast. You never know what tomorrow will bring, you might have an accident and your whole life changes. Do not take life for granted. If you love each other, you must nurture that relationship, it's the most important thing in the world. Talk it over, realize that that nobody is perfect and try to undertsand each other. It might take some time for her to get used to your wild side, but love will conquer all. Give it time, patience and understanding. You are still young and you are you, she is her.

Things always work out at the end.
26 Oct 2006 /  #9
Polish women are so nice they should not work and their husbands should take care of them.
Ujjwal  - | 14  
29 Feb 2008 /  #10
I am sure polish women are growing in Poland. When i saw "The Women's Party" campaign was really surprised. I am sure it would have been a sin or treated as taboo to do something like that in India. Way to go Polish Kobiety!!!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
29 Feb 2008 /  #11
Women's average earnings as a percentage of men's, latest figures (%)
Ujjwal  - | 14  
29 Feb 2008 /  #12
I didn't get this properly. If men are earning 100% women are EARNING (comparitively) 90%
Ujjwal  - | 14  
29 Feb 2008 /  #14
Oh... thanks very much bro. Actually they women are being really independent. Earning well... but still i feel they are little more conservative than other EU countries.
Kasz  1 | 75  
29 Feb 2008 /  #15
Most Polish girls are very pretty and nice, but some of them are lazybones and count on their boyfriends to pay for their pleasures and everything

U are wrong m8, most of polish girls are lazybones...
Ujjwal  - | 14  
29 Feb 2008 /  #16
Is this true? Cause i have heard it quite many times!!!
Kasz  1 | 75  
29 Feb 2008 /  #17
well not all ofc, but im 100% sure most of them specially very pretty girls/womens...
And im not trying to judge them, sometimes its work she get free drinks and some ride in very nice car u get free casual sex, maby some short relationship based on ur money and her ass,and cute face... i belive its normal for both sides, but problem is when u trying to find girl not only for fun, cus if u have alot money and some nice car u never knew :PP And to be ok for all thse normals girls i need to say there is many of them very inteligence,cute,independent girls/womens so if u find one u are lucky =)
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Feb 2008 /  #18
During communism everybody had to work,so many women worked in factories and hard jobs and their attitudes changed a lot.Now they discover feminism and get grasp of the concept of girl power.
Ujjwal  - | 14  
29 Feb 2008 /  #19
So they are pretty money minded!!!! Whats the percentage like... 30-70 any idea
Kasz  1 | 75  
29 Feb 2008 /  #20
Well its not about percentage i belive, im sure every man love to pay for his GF and its 100% normal so dun take it wrong plz, just u must to be carefull with new friendships =) second thing is im talking about girls/womans 18-25 old living in Poznan so its not overall. In this age range its around 50% girls...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
29 Feb 2008 /  #21
So they are pretty money minded!!!! Whats the percentage like... 30-70 any idea

Who isnt money minded, we all like to earn it and we all like to spend it....

If some dumb ass is stupid enough to think that cash is going to get him a lovely lady then more fool him, the majority of women are not gold diggers! But any idiot that thinks that they can get a woman by flashing their cash deserve to be ripped off and taken for a very very very long ride! Respect gets Respects in return!
29 Feb 2008 /  #22
But any idiot that thinks that they can get a woman by flashing their cash deserve to be ripped off and taken for a very very very long ride! Respect gets Respects in return!

maybe be this is what he wants anyways:)
Ujjwal  - | 14  
29 Feb 2008 /  #23
I know... its quite natural... if i changed job for higher pay.. you can call me money minded.. But here i am talking about something else... But whatever i have been reading about poland's women were very positive... increasing employment rate, increase in spending power, being independent, when i saw "The women party" campaign poster i was surprised!!! So whatever i was hearing it was positive.... and felt that women in poland are getting really strong. And actually i was stupid to feel that such thing happens only in poland.. actually it happens everywhere. But i am sure majority of women likes to earn themselves and spend accordingly!!! And you are right guys you think they get things with the help of Money should be taken for a ride!!!

And i am sorry... but i am not of that kind of arrogant guy neither i have enough money to waste around!!!
lesser  4 | 1311  
29 Feb 2008 /  #24
Oh my God! Original post, what a heavy babble! :)

At the turn of the 20th century the role of the Polish woman, her needs, and place within a family has changed with every generation. Not so long ago, a Polish woman was supposed to take care of household, kitchen, and children. It was her primary activity. Women took care of homely atmosphere, made sure that all household duties has been performed before a husband came back from work. It was very rare that a woman worked for living and it was impossible for her to devote herself completely to her professional career.

Yeah, realize personal ambitions in professional career... Do you realize how few people is potentially able to realize their ambitions? Somehow in every society much more people do relatively low paid jobs than well paid jobs. Vast majority must work to survive and care about its family. Do you think that vast majority of men realized their ambitions, jobs that they hold satisfy them? Ask any average man! So if mostly intellectual capacity prevents them from this, how do you think those supposed modern woman would be different in general?

So if we accept that, that means that majority of woman will do often pretty the same jobs at work that they would do staying at home. Suddenly this would make them satisfied and fulfill ambitions? Sure maybe they need to work to bring cash but please there is no ideology behind this behavior just reality.

Modern Polish women seem to be the real human beings in the struggle for freedom. They are open for the new; they control their lives; search for opportunities. For many of them, professional career has become more and more important; they show the abilities which equal those of men. The old model of a Polish woman, devoted entirely to her home, becomes less and less popular and men gradually take up roles traditionally reserved for women. Polish women are nowadays independent. Even though it is more difficult to get a job paid equally to that of a man, they show great invention in creating a new class of a woman. They are eager to improve their professional qualifications as well as to develop their interests.

I swear that if you would replace modern to Soviet this would look like old Soviet propaganda. I have read parts (because this was very unreadable) of communist era book praising life in the Soviet Union, there was of course chapter about progressive woman (dojarki, traktorzystki etc). This is awful blah blah blah. Part about real human beings is just outstanding. Shame on you!

Women want to be strong, independent, appreciated by the society, and most of all, by men.

Utter nonsense, when on earth women where not appreciated by society?! By men?! What is more, women are part of this society!! How can you seriously believe in these things you wrote? :)

Women’s average earnings as a percentage of men’s, latest figures (%)

On the job market there is no men and woman, just employed people of whom work is worth some certain value. This is the factor which create differences as far as salaries are concentrated.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
29 Feb 2008 /  #25
when we looks on stats I presented we don't have probem with this process ( more and more independent woman).
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Feb 2008 /  #26
As the Leper case proved women still have an unfair advantage over their male counterparts for certain work positions.
Ujjwal  - | 14  
29 Feb 2008 /  #27
I know... i still happens in India.. but its changing and has changed dramatically!!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
29 Feb 2008 /  #28
And i am sorry... but i am not of that kind of arrogant guy neither i have enough money to waste around!!!

then you wont have any problems then with "genuine" women.

As the Leper case proved women still have an unfair advantage over their male counterparts for certain work positions.

True, in all countries...
Ujjwal  - | 14  
29 Feb 2008 /  #30
then you wont have any problems then with "genuine" women.

ha ha ha.... Still i did have problems... :)

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