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Bolek i Lolek

zbigniew  1 | 10  
28 Apr 2007 /  #1
I was raised on Bolek i Lolek as a child. Now my wee ones are watching it (I still peek in on some of my favorite shows).

So here is my question: Which one is Bolek and which one is Lolek?
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
28 Apr 2007 /  #2
Which one is Bolek and which one is Lolek?

No one actually knows. Furthermore, their relationship with Tola is still under a covert investigation by CIA.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
28 Apr 2007 /  #3
I think Bolek is the tall one. In all pictures they're always in the same position. But who really knows?
28 Apr 2007 /  #4
Bolek is the tall one, so Lolek is the shortie:)
Crow  154 | 9561  
1 May 2007 /  #5
From period of Yugoslavia (period of my childhood and early teenage period), I remembered Lolek and Bolek. It was very good accepted from Serbian children and as I know from all Yugoslavs. My thanks for this thread.

Polish science fiction movies were good, as I also can remembered.

In general, Polish art and fine work is well accepted from Serbs.
1 May 2007 /  #6
How cool is that? Thanks for posting the cartoon! I had my son (16) watch it with me, and we both really enjoyed it.

btw, Zbigniew.. I miss Canada so much!!!!! I lived there for 16 years.
witek  1 | 587  
1 May 2007 /  #7
I miss Canada so much!!!!!

why? what is so great about Kanada?
1 May 2007 /  #8

Kanada is great! I love living in the USA, but if it wasn't for my NJ born Italian husband I would be back in Kanada today.. or tomorrow.. lol

Canada is clean, friendly, and safe safe safe. People are very friendly. I just loved it there, and my son is getting ready to return there, for some reason he can not get acclimated here.. Honestly I believe Canada is the best place in the world to raise kids.

I seriously do am not saying there is anything wrong with NJ.. I would not live here if I thought that.. But there is a special place in my heart for Canada. Just can't help it..

And I do have a special place for Poland in my heart as well.. I'm sure you understand:)))
witek  1 | 587  
2 May 2007 /  #9
why? what is so great about Kanada?

it must be great because i live here
2 May 2007 /  #10
lol sorry I did'nt check your profile.. :) Where are you?
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
2 May 2007 /  #11
Recently I was chatting on Messenger with my Polish friend who lives in Kraków and we talked about our preferred cartoons during childhood. She loved Balbina and sent me a link to some episode...

7 May 2007 /  #12
i think so Lolek is the shortie one
Bolek is the tall
20 May 2007 /  #13
Interesting website in polish only. It is a virtual presentation of toys, games, stamps, posters, etc. related to the famous polish shows for children such as Bolek i Lolek, Reksio, Pszczolka Maja and many others. You can also find some items related to the shows from Eastern Germany - Piaskowy Dziadek (Sandman series); Soviet Union - Wilk i Zajac and Czechoslowakia - Krecik. This site brings back some of the memories from my childhood.

11 Sep 2007 /  #14
i grew up on bolek and lolek in india. cartoons know no barriers.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Sep 2007 /  #15
These were real cartoons, not some crap which is produced now.

i grew up on bolek and lolek in india.

Seriously ?
blackadder  1 | 114  
11 Sep 2007 /  #16
bolek is a fatso i think.
anyone watched professor balthazar?
oh yes are pat and mat polish too(a je to)?and Jezek?

lolek and bolek in india?that's fantastic.really.feck pixar and disney,lolek and bolek forever!
Lightbulb  1 | 39  
11 Sep 2007 /  #17
Very cute. Thanks for the video! :) It's good to see a bit of popular culture from times past.
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
12 Sep 2007 /  #18
anyone watched professor balthazar?

you mean Profesor Baltazar Gąbka (Professor Balthazar the Sponge, or whatever it was translated), the one with Wawel dragon and this nasty "Carrrramba" guy? I liked it.

"Pat and Mat" - doesn't ring a bell, probably not Polish

"Jezek" - doesn't ring a bell, maybe "Kretek" (Krecik in Polish) - it was Czechoslovakian

and earlier someone mentioned "Pszczółka Maja" here as Polish, unfortunatelly it was a Czechoslovakian/German (I think West Germany) co-production, not everything that was good came from Poland only :)
6 Oct 2007 /  #19
Lolek and Bolek were very popular (maybe 25 years ago) in former Yugoslavia (Im from Montenegro as you can see:))...
Blackadder, Professor Baltazar was cartoon from former Yugoslavia (croatian actually). It was the best yugoslav cartoon ever.
Regards to you all ;)
Polson  5 | 1767  
6 Oct 2007 /  #20
Bolek i Lolek...reminds me of childhood (even if i'm still young) good memories ;)
witek7205  1 | 65  
7 Oct 2007 /  #21
I was raised on Bolek i Lolek as a child.

Do you want to try again?
merlin.com.pl/frontend/browse/search/2.html?phrase=bolek&carrier=&offe r=O&category=&title=&person=&date=&firm=&sort=rank&x=0&y=0
plk123  8 | 4119  
7 Oct 2007 /  #22
rumcajs anyone? lol


20 Oct 2007 /  #23
znalazlem odpowiedz
wysoki, to bolek
maly, to lolek

i've found the answer
the tall one is bolek
the short one, lolek
3 Nov 2007 /  #24
Bolek is the tall one and Lolek is the short and really funny one

i miss poland

lolek is the funniest

they are both funny

im so bored

thats y i always watch them

i wish i can watch them every day

oh wait i can lol
finT  12 | 167  
12 Nov 2007 /  #25
Bolek is the plumber who moved to London and Lolek is the one who stayed at home and may well be gay!
Let's better talk about "O dwóch takich, co ukradli księżyc" lmao
Lady  - | 7  
5 Jan 2008 /  #26
I hate Bolek and Lolek. They're so stupid. And my friends and I think that they're queers (well, don't insult, I don't have anything against gays).

I think that Reksio is cuter ;) just better
z_darius  14 | 3960  
6 Jan 2008 /  #27
I hate Bolek and Lolek. ...I think that they're queers

I think that Reksio is cuter

A doggie then, eh? :)
PoloToon  1 | 9  
12 Dec 2008 /  #28
I love Bolek i Lolek! I'm trying to collect all of the episodes. I've got way more than half already, but I'll keep trying to get ALL of THEM!!!! My goal is to be a cartoonist, and Bolek i Lolek really inspires me to make a lot of polish cartoon characters. I've already got a lot of Polish characters made...

McCoy  27 | 1268  
13 Dec 2008 /  #29
I always preferred REKSIO

Anyone remembers classic polish comic books:

Funky Koval:
Tytus Romek i A'tomek
Binio Bill
Thorgal ( originaly from belgium but drawn by Rosinski )
Szninkiel ( drawn by Rosinski)
Kajko i Kokosz
PoloToon  1 | 9  
13 Dec 2008 /  #30
I also have some Reksio episodes...it's a really good cartoon as well! Bolek i Lolek and Reksio are my 2 favorite Polish cartoons. They don't talk much, but I like how their responses depend on body movement and expressions! I might have some of my cartoons do that as well!! Dziekuje, Polska!

I have tried to do business with "Zakupa" from Kultedobranocki (.com) about getting Bolek and Lolek plush toys, but the store/website tells me that they don't have it. Also, I am not quite sure on how to get it from there in PLN to here in USD, and I don't know how the shipping business would work out. I was thinking of getting it when I go to Warsaw, but what if they still don't have them?

Does anyone know how I could find them either in US dollars, or if there's any Bolek i Lolek plush toys available by next year? Dziękuję... That would mean so much to me!

speaking of Bolek i Lolek and Reksio, I cant seem to find a lot of Polish-made cartoons. I have heard of Koziołek Matołek and Włatcy Móch, but those are the only "best" Polish cartoons I watch and that I have found.


Why do some people hate the show?

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