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Bajm latest record

30 Nov 2006 /  #1
Hi there. this is my first post. I an englishman who is trying to make his polish girlfriend happy by getting a copy of Bajm's latest album. Does anyone know where I can download off the internet or buy in the UK ?

Many thanks
FISZ 24 | 2116  
30 Nov 2006 /  #2
iwona 12 | 542  
1 Dec 2006 /  #3
Was it their song...Szklana pogoda?
10 Dec 2006 /  #4
No.This song was singing Malgorzata Ostrowska(LOMBARD)
Bajmson - | 2  
24 Jan 2008 /  #5
Wanna know something very cool? I can get you a live recording of Dariusz Kwietniewski who used to be a member of bajm. He was the lead guitarist. The coolest thing is....... He is my dad.

I'm Adam Kwietniewski, and I was searching bajm to see if i could find his name. He lives in Canada now. lol I feel so proud now ^_^
Davey 13 | 388  
24 Jan 2008 /  #6
I love Bajm!
El Gato 4 | 351  
24 Jan 2008 /  #7
The coolest thing is....... He is my dad.

I feel so proud now ^_^

Yeah, well I had tea and cake with former US President Clinton. :P
Bajmson - | 2  
1 Feb 2008 /  #8
I'm not lying im serious!
Przemas 1 | 101  
1 Feb 2008 /  #9
I love Bajm!

cosign - Bajm is beauty.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Bajm latest recordArchived