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Polish attitudes towards drinking alcohol

outintheyard 27 | 517  
14 Feb 2008 /  #31
We want the teens to drink . It is a billion dollar business in treatment and in supply as weel as the lawyereget a piece of the action to. That Is The USA!
Dublinjohn - | 38  
14 Feb 2008 /  #32
We should continue this conversation over a few beers, you know for "research"
Dzhaklin 3 | 166  
21 Feb 2008 /  #33
I think drinking and ridiculing drinking at an early age is ethnocentric. A lot of your own ideals are cultural constructs and just because people smoke or drink at a different age than when you did does not mean they have problems.

Also if you think mj makes pudding out of your brain, your head must be filled with S***
El Gato 4 | 351  
21 Feb 2008 /  #34
I think drinking and ridiculing drinking at an early age is ethnocentric. A lot of your own ideals are cultural constructs and just because people smoke or drink at a different age than when you did does not mean they have problems.

Thank you! At least some people understand that if it's different, that doesn't mean it's wrong. Thank you.
Filios1 8 | 1336  
21 Feb 2008 /  #35
you think mj makes pudding out of your brain

umm... its a proven fact that you are slowly making yourself more and more stupid by smoking mj. If you think otherswise, your either a smoker yourself, or have your head filled with shi$. I have many friends who thought the same as you do, and their hippy ways have led them to absoulate zero in society. They are all very slow in everything they do today, and have dead end jobs.

Alcohol is indeed worse, in that it does this quicker...
Dzhaklin 3 | 166  
21 Feb 2008 /  #36
They are all very slow in everything they do today, and have dead end jobs.

Maybe they lacked motivation. Some of the smartest people I've ever known were smokers and I'm sure you've known some smart motivated people who did too.
Filios1 8 | 1336  
21 Feb 2008 /  #37
Sure I've known some, and you can say the same about people who consume alcohol, but the truth is that the majority of smokers become lazy, and fry their brain. I have a friend who sleeps 18 hours a day now, because he smoked mj every day throughout his school years, (more than 4 years..) He is only a shell of what he was before he started smoking..
Seanus 15 | 19669  
21 Feb 2008 /  #38
My cousin was the same, he couldn't even be bothered with being lethargic after a while. Tragic!!
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
21 Feb 2008 /  #39
Sure I've known some, and you can say the same about people who consume alcohol, but the truth is that the majority of smokers become lazy, and fry their brain. I have a friend who sleeps 18 hours a day now, because he smoked mj every day throughout his school years, (more than 4 years..) He is only a shell of what he was before he started smoking..

I agree totally that smoking mj slows you down, i know a number of smokers and there all the same, lazy, can't be bothered and un motivated to do anything accept sit on their behinds and smoke.

Alcoholics are just as bad, wake up, have a drink, maybe go to work with a sneeky flask of vodka and drink it all day, go home or to the pub after and drink themselves to sleep.

People with these habits and addictions have no lives, this is part of the cause of them turning to it in the first place. They have nothing else to do so they sit in the mj smoking circles moaning about how wrong the world is and the wars going on when they don't want to do nothing about it. As for the alcoholics they don't care because their off their trolleys anyway :)



P.S. screw the lot of them
Filios1 8 | 1336  
21 Feb 2008 /  #40
People with these habits and addictions have no lives, this is part of the cause of them turning to it in the first place. They have nothing else to do so they sit in the mj smoking circles moaning about how wrong the world is and the wars going on when they don't want to do nothing about it

Well said. Exactly my thoughts.
Dice 15 | 452  
21 Feb 2008 /  #41
Every Polish immigrant I know that did NOT succeed in the U.S. and had to go back to the Old Country to start all over again had to do it because of our Polish love to vodka.

Usually it goes like this: one gets two or three drunk driving tickets, he gets some jail time, he loses his job, wife takes their house and kids away and leaves him, and he's stuck with $350/week child support, no house and no job.

PS. That's why i tend to stick to an OCCASIONAL beer or a glass of merlot :)
Davey 13 | 388  
21 Feb 2008 /  #42
Teens drink everywhere.
The only difference in Poland is that it's more accepted, and why not, they're going to drink anyway....
EbonyandBathory 5 | 249  
21 Feb 2008 /  #43
During Communism, Polish drinking was terrible. Something like, on average all Poles drank eight gallons of vodka a year. That might not be exactly right, but the point is, people were getting all kinds of drunk. It's better now, but just 15 years ago, Poland was one of the drunkest countries on earth, made Ireland look like a MAAD meeting.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
21 Feb 2008 /  #44
The only difference in Poland is that it's more accepted, and why not, they're going to drink anyway....

not a great attitude to have but i understand where your coming from there. There is a simple way to stop young kids drinking and that is to ID absoloutley everybody, also to inprison those who buy alcohol for people under the required age.

During Communism, Polish drinking was terrible. Something like, on average all Poles drank eight gallons of vodka a year. That might not be exactly right, but the point is, people were getting all kinds of drunk. It's better now, but just 15 years ago, Poland was one of the drunkest countries on earth, made Ireland look like a MAAD meeting.

is Poland proud of this?? if i was polish i would be ashamed, i'm English and i'm ashamed of what i see on our streets, week in week out, its more regular than the football!!!
EbonyandBathory 5 | 249  
21 Feb 2008 /  #45
I wouldn't say proud. I don't believe anybody wore this as a badge of honor. It was a terrible strain on their society. The idea was that drinking was an acceptable way to deal with their troubles, but it just served to create more. As the country has gotten better, there has been less reason to drink, but old habits die hard. In 1980 at the height of the Communist troubles, Poles consumed nearly 12 litres of alcohol a year. In 2002 it was down to 6 and a half.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
21 Feb 2008 /  #46
The idea was that drinking was an acceptable way to deal with their troubles

should have been no more acceptable then as it is now, drink is not and should not be considered an answer to a problem!!!!. Its outragous that people say, well because of my recent family loss i turned to the bottle, makes me sick!!!. If people need help then go and see somebody or sort your **** out.
RJ_cdn - | 267  
21 Feb 2008 /  #47
Alcohol consumption, liters per population aged 15+ - Alcohol consumption

Looks like Poland is not as bad as you think it is/was.
Dice 15 | 452  
21 Feb 2008 /  #48
RJ, there is a difference between 12 oz of beer and 12 oz of vodka. And that's the thing. People of the East; Poles, Russians etc. tend to drink lots of vodka and they have a serious problem with alcoholism, while the Westerners tend to drink beer or wine instead.
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
21 Feb 2008 /  #50
while the Westerners tend to drink beer or wine instead.

And there's a serious problem in the West as well, particularly UK.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
21 Feb 2008 /  #51
it dosen't matter what form the alcohol comes in or where in the world people are drinking it to excess, IT NEEDS TO BE CONTROLLED and those who go to far need to be cast away on a small ireland somehwere to live out the rest of their sorry sad lives
RJ_cdn - | 267  
21 Feb 2008 /  #52
there is a difference between 12 oz of beer and 12 oz of vodka.

Obviously you don't think. What would be the point of making any type of comparison between countries if these factors were not taken under consideration?
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
21 Feb 2008 /  #53
drinking it to excess

So you never get drunk?
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
21 Feb 2008 /  #54
yes of course i've been drunk but i don't have an alcohol problem. Especially since from January the 1st 2008 i gave up drinking al together :) so no i don't have a problem my dear dolly x x
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
21 Feb 2008 /  #55
yes of course i've been drunk but i don't have an alcohol problem

Getting drunk means drinking to excess. So if a person often sets out to get drunk then they have a problem.

since from January the 1st 2008 i gave up drinking al together :)

Good :)
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
21 Feb 2008 /  #56
So if a person often sets out to get drunk then they have a problem.

yes your right there, i've never gone out to get drunk, it just happens when i'm having a good time i tended to drink more.

Good :)

i know nearly two months, i'm proud of myself :)
El Gato 4 | 351  
21 Feb 2008 /  #57

That's MADD.... :]

People of the East; Poles, Russians etc. tend to drink lots of vodka and they have a serious problem with alcoholism,

You're absolutely right. We're the only ones in the world that drink vodka, therefore we are the only drunks...

it dosen't matter what form the alcohol comes in or where in the world people are drinking it to excess, IT NEEDS TO BE CONTROLLED and those who go to far need to be cast away on a small ireland somehwere to live out the rest of their sorry sad lives

That's the thing. Who are YOU to tell THEM what the appropriate age is for drinking? You don't live there. Let the people of other countries make their own laws. B*tch and moan all you want about how people drink in Poland, but they can choose what laws they have. Just because someone disagrees with you, does that make them wrong?
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
21 Feb 2008 /  #58
actually i don't care what country and who is drinking, i was making a more wider point. I wasn't singling out Poland or indeed my own territory the UK. I think that people should be 18 before they can drink alcohol and that is that. Nothing difficult about that. To be honest i couldn't care less if Poland drank itself to death as i don't live there and am not a national of that country, so i'm not moaning or ******** about that because i really don't care :)
El Gato 4 | 351  
21 Feb 2008 /  #59
because i really don't care :)

Then why all the posts? Obviously you have some interest in the topic, otherwise you would have just said "I think people should be 18 before they drink" instead of going on into detail.

IMHO, I think the only reason you believe that 18 is the right age to be able to drink, is because you've grown up being taught that it is the right age. If it was 16 or 21 your entire life, you would believe in that age instead.

I'm one of those people that tends to leave people be, but not always. I've read somewhere that the age of consent in Holland (i think it was Holland) was 16 and then the 16 year olds could marry and do whatever. I thought it was different, but never really saw anything wrong with it. Everyone has their own culture and we should all repsect each other's cultures instead of pointing out things we dislike or disagree with.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
21 Feb 2008 /  #60
repsect each other's cultures

ow believe me i have respect for all cultures, however i don't have to respect every aspect of those cultures.

i respect the islamic culture but i don't like the way women are treated, i respect the communist cuba but i don't like the way some things happen there, so why can't i repsect polish culture and have a problem with the drinking as i do with the UK.

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