Hi I've just started to see a polish girl and we are really crazy about each other. So what i want to do is learn polish as i'd think she would like this.
I've been using the net to send her basic polish text messages and i've started to try and speak it but not having much luck.
Does anyone have any tips for me or any really good audio books that i could buy to help me
I did a google search and got the link... "byki/download_FLS.pl?cod=BM9ec1" is this the one? The file to be saved was an .exe file which can be a little dangerous unless you truly trust the server, and seemed very small to be of any use. Is it just a gateway type file (i.e. just allows you access to the site)?
If no one knows its not a problem, just didn't want to go any further without a bit of advise!
check out this site it might be helpful, polartcenter.com/Books_on_Poland_or_related_to_s/5.htm, I've been getting all of my gifts for my girlfriend there, the store is family owned, the owners daughters work there, they always help me pick out some of the best gifts, they have anything you could think of.....
Merged: Any Good "Polish to English" Audio Programs? Please help!
Hi there everyone (czesc) lol
My boyfriends family is fairly new to Canada as they came over from Poland about 5 years ago. Anyways, his mom still cant speak English and I dont blame her! I picked her up an mp3 player but I cant seem to find any good "Polish to English" audio programs. I found pimsleur for myself but of course, it teaches me Polish through the use of the English language.
Is there anything any of you used to help master the language? What was it called?
An old Polish Linguaphone course, from around 1990 or earlier. They are very good, but they don't make them any more. you should be able to find one on ebay occasionally. That's where i got mine :)
Merged: Audio CD "We are learning for Polish language"
I'm new here. Thus I'm introducing myself: I'm French and I'm learning for polish language. I just came back from Kraków with a wonderful girlfriend which is learning this lovely language too. :) I've some family here.
We bought a learning method in Kraków composed by two books. It's called "Nous apprenons le polonais" which means "We are learning for polish language".
I don't know if you remind this method, but we need the audio CDs... which wasn't with the book even if we paid for them... :(
I wonder if you can tell me how to get them!? :) :) :)
I'm interested to hear the forthcoming Michel Thomas Advanced Polish course, though if it's anything like the Russian advanced, the level will be patronisingly low.
By the way, if you're learning Polish, it's hard to find a better resource for tuition books than the website of the publisher Universitas. They publish a wide range of titles covering all levels, and catering for learners of Polish with different native languages.