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Saying the year 2000

stelingo 5 | 14  
19 Jan 2008 /  #1
How do you express in what year something happened? For example 'He was born in 2007

Urodził się w roku/ w roce / w dwa tysiące siódmym (?)

How would you say in 2000?
OP stelingo 5 | 14  
19 Jan 2008 /  #3
OK thanks but how would I say in the yrar 2000?
osiol 55 | 3,921  
19 Jan 2008 /  #4
It might be:

na lat dwa tysiąc

...but I'm just a beginner (have been for nearly a year) so the 'tysiąc' might be grammared-up slightly wrongly!
RJ_cdn - | 267  
19 Jan 2008 /  #5
how would I say in the yrar 2000?

w roku dwutysięcznym
osiol 55 | 3,921  
19 Jan 2008 /  #6
So what's this all about:

wydarzylo sie na przelomie lat tysiac dziewiecset osiemdziesiat cztery

There seem to be a lot of words before the actual numbers begin.
RJ_cdn - | 267  
19 Jan 2008 /  #7
"wydarzylo sie na przelomie"

I can't find her original post but I think that, normally, the above phrase is used when time (years) is not specified (e.g. nineties, eighties, on the turn of the 20th century).

If years are specified eg. between 1984 and 1994 I would rather use "pomiędzy”
If something happened in 1984 eg. "It happened in 1984" then I would say "to wydarzyło się w 1984"
but if something was happening throughout (repeatedly) 1984 then, I think, you can say "wydarzylo sie na przelomie 1984"
bamse - | 12  
21 Jan 2008 /  #8
but if something was happening throughout (repeatedly) 1984 then, I think, you can say "wydarzylo sie na przelomie 1984"

That is not correct. Na przelomie means on the turn (two years/ centuries/months).
I haven't seen ellas topic but:

in Polish: wydarzylo sie na przelomie lat tysiac dziewiecset osiemdziesiat cztery i dwa tysiace dwanascie

there are two dates and you translate years not year. She gives years 1984 and 2012 what doesnt make any sense because after 1984 is coming 1985 of course :).

but if something was happening throughout (repeatedly) 1984

its better to write "działo się w 1984 roku", but some cases you can still write "wydarzyło się w 1984 roku"(depending on context)

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / Saying the year 2000Archived