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Open Conversation - English/Polish

ludamad  2 | 18  
29 Mar 2007 /  #1
I think that it would be nice to start a little conversation everyone can post in. You just respond to the person who posted before you. Then, you put in parentheses '()' what it means in English, breaking it up as much as possible. Also, are there are people learning English here that speak Polish predominately?

Let me attempt that in Polish before continuing:
Ja myślę że by było fajnie rozpoczynać rozmova w każdy może rozmawiać. Tylko musicie odpowiadać osoba który mówił zanim ty.

I'll stop there as translating Polish is a lengthy process for me.

Corrections are welcome, as I'm sure I made a 'błąd' (mistake).

Alright starting this conversation:
Jak się masz? Moje imię jest Adam, ja mieszkam w Kanadzie.
(How are you? My name is Adam, I live in Canada.)

Breaking it up:
Jak się masz - Common Polish greeting meaning literally "How have you?", used as "How are you?"
Jak: Like, How
Się: Reflexive article, eg "Play with yourself"
Masz: Have, conjugating with 'you'. Notice how the word 'you' is not present, it is common to leave it out in Polish.

Moje imię jest Adam - Straight-forward Polish, literally "My name is Adam".
Moje - My
Imię - Name
Jest - Is ('to be' conjugated with 'imię')
Adam - My name. The 'AdAm' is pronounced like 'fAther'.

Ja mieszkam w Kanadzie - Fairly simple, literally "I live in Canada"
Ja - I
mieszkam - 'mieszkać' conjugated with 'ja', 'live'.
w - In the context, 'in'. Can mean 'with', 'in', 'of'.
Kanadzie - Canada as a object. The 'zie' indicates that it is an object, while if it was the subject it would be "Kanada", eg "Kanada jest fajna" (Canada is cool).
29 Mar 2007 /  #2
Czuje sie dobrze - I feel good
Mieszkam w Polsce - I live in Poland
OP ludamad  2 | 18  
29 Mar 2007 /  #3
mlody: Set your keyboard to Polish Programmers to easily do accents.
With accents you said:
Czuję się dobrze, mieszkam w Polsce
29 Mar 2007 /  #4
I don't need Polish keyboard, here:

To jest moja ojczyzna - This is my homeland
OP ludamad  2 | 18  
29 Mar 2007 /  #5
Moi rodzice wyemigrowali z Polski - My parents immigrated from Poland
EDIT: Corrected
29 Mar 2007 /  #6
Moje rodzice wyimigrowały od Polski

Should be: Moi rodzice wyemigrowali do Polski (LOL)

(but since you meant they immigrated from, not to Poland) it should be:
Moi rodzice wyemigrowali z Polski (LOL *)
OP ludamad  2 | 18  
29 Mar 2007 /  #7
Right you are, I should trust my gut more than those word by word translations. Polish is only partly natural for me though, I grew up learning it, but that stopped abruptly.
ella  - | 46  
29 Mar 2007 /  #8
Jak się masz? Moje imię jest Adam, ja mieszkam w Kanadzie.
(How are you? My name is Adam, I live in Canada.)

correction :)
Czesc. Jestem Adam (or: "Mam na imie Adam"). Mieszkam w Kanadzie.
29 Mar 2007 /  #9
Mam to wszystko w nosie - I don't give a damn about it
OP ludamad  2 | 18  
29 Mar 2007 /  #10
Correction? All I see you doing is rephrasing my Polish. Is "Moje imię jest Adam" incorrect? You propose: Hello. I'm Adam. (I) live in Canada.

There is nothing wrong wrong with leaving in 'ja', is there?
You make me unsure of myself.
29 Mar 2007 /  #11
"Moje imię jest Adam"

I think it's logically correct, but it sounds too artificial and word-to-word. A native Pole wouldn't probably say that.
OP ludamad  2 | 18  
29 Mar 2007 /  #12
I thought so, "Mam na imię Adam" sounds a lot more natural, but still it really isn't a correction persay.
ella  - | 46  
29 Mar 2007 /  #13
Czesc, jestem Adam i mieszkam w Kanadzie.
Hi, my name is Adam, I live in Canada.

Jak masz na imie? What's your name?

Milo mi poznac /or: Bardzo mi przyjemnie (after receiving answer about her/his name = Nice to meet you


Is "Moje imię jest Adam" incorrect?

is incorrect
OP ludamad  2 | 18  
29 Mar 2007 /  #14
Why is it incorrect ella? Do you mean grammatically or is it just too impractical?

Chcę mowieć płynnie po polsku - I want to speak fluently in Polish

Is that how I'd say it?
ella  - | 46  
29 Mar 2007 /  #15
"how are you?" we don't greet people with this sentence = jak sie masz?

Greetings: "czesc", "witaj", "hej", "dzien dobry" (during a morning&day), "dobry wieczor" (at night)

after "nice to meet you" you can ask:
co slychac?/ or: co porabiasz?/ or : jak leci? /or: jak sie masz? = how's are things?

Chcę mowieć płynnie po polsku

1) Chcialbym mowic plynnie po polsku. ("chcialabym" for female)

2) Chcialbym umiec mowic (or :rozmawiac) plynnie po polsku.

3) Chcialbym nauczyc sie plynnie rozmawiac po polsku.

Why is it incorrect ella? Do you mean grammatically or is it just too impractical?

both, sorry :)
3 Apr 2007 /  #16
It IS incorrect, noone in Poland would say : Moje imię JEST. You just can't translate word for word. You HAVE a name in Polish just as you HAVE years: Mam 26 (*dwadzieściasześc) lat. 'I have 26 years' and not I am 26 years old = 'Jestem 26 lat stary'. Mam na imię Jagna. Nazywam się Jagna + Surname. In some rare cases you might say : Moje imię brzmi Jagna ( if you wanted for example to correct someone mispronouncing the name).
3 Apr 2007 /  #17
this is the hard part of learning a language isn't it??? for example, the French don't say I am hungry - they say I HAVE hunger = j'ai faim; these small differences between languages are actually quite huge!!
OP ludamad  2 | 18  
8 Apr 2007 /  #18
Jagna: Thanks a bunch. I was scratching my head over why it was incorrect, but that makes complete sence. In French you also say "J'ai 40 ans" "I have 40 years". (I'm also learning French).
Ranj  21 | 947  
8 Apr 2007 /  #19
Czesc. Jestem Angelia.:)

Hi, I am Angelia.
OP ludamad  2 | 18  
8 Apr 2007 /  #20
Cześć Angelia, czy mieszkasz w Polsce?
Hi Angelia, do you live in Poland?
Michal  - | 1865  
13 Apr 2007 /  #21
Witam panstwa serdecznie. Ja to Michal i jestem anglikiem, ktory mieszka w Anglii pod Londynem. Mowie po polsku i umiem pisac w tym jezyku tez. I am sure that I make mistakes in both languages ale wszystko jedno, jest fantastyczne kiedy podruzuje po Polsce i daje sobie rade z konwersacja po polsku.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
13 Apr 2007 /  #22
Cześć Angelia, czy mieszkasz w Polsce?
Hi Angelia, do you live in Poland?

Nope. Ranj is an American woman and she lives in America.
Nie. Ranj jest Amerykanką i mieszka w Ameryce.

Witam panstwa serdecznie. Ja to Michal i jestem anglikiem

I'd like to see faces of Poles when they realise that they are speaking to an English guy.
Chciałbym widzieć twarze Polaków kiedy orientują się że rozmawiają z gościem z Anglii :)
TheDude  - | 50  
13 Apr 2007 /  #23
PZDR. Mam na imie thedude

Jestem Amerikaninem :)
pingwin  2 | 117  
13 Apr 2007 /  #24
I'd like to see faces of Poles when they realise that they are speaking to an English guy.
Chciałbym widzieć twarze Polaków kiedy orientują się że rozmawiają z gościem z Anglii

Ja chcę widzieć twoją twarz Bartolome!!
I want to see your face Bartolome.:)
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
13 Apr 2007 /  #25
Heheh, perhaps if I buy myself a camera.
Heheh, być może, jak kupię sobie aparat fotograficzny :)
pingwin  2 | 117  
13 Apr 2007 /  #26
Ty jestesz bardzo śmieszny i słodki!:)
You are very funny and sweet! :)
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
13 Apr 2007 /  #27
I'm rather bitter-sweet, I'm afraid.
Obawiam się, że jestem raczej słodko-gorzki...
pingwin  2 | 117  
13 Apr 2007 /  #28
Ja tylko lubię słodko-gorzką czekoladę!

I only like bitter-sweet chocolate!

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / Open Conversation - English/PolishArchived