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nazywam sie vs na imie mi - the difference

15 Jan 2007 /  #1
Hi there,
What is the difference between:

nazywan sie
na imie mi

Many thanks
alexandra  - | 26  
15 Jan 2007 /  #2
Nazywam się (not "nazywan") :-)
You give you whole name like James Bond

Na imię mi (you can also say "mam na imię")
You give your first name only like James
15 Jan 2007 /  #3
Its not true that after nazywam się you give your whole name... you can as well give your first name only (most people use nazywam się)

Na imię mi (is rarely used) and yes after this you give your first name only
sausage  19 | 775  
12 Oct 2008 /  #4
Merged: Nazywam się vs Jestem

On several occasions I have heard/read the word "Jestem" used when someone is saying their name instead of the usual Nazywam się / Mam na imię.

When is it ok to do this? If it's a nickname etc... or a positive affirmation/correction of your name?
mafketis  38 | 11199  
12 Oct 2008 /  #5
nazywam się "I'm called ...." (my name is but usually first and last name are given)

mam ni imię "My first name is ....." imię is 'first name, personal name"

Jestem "I'm ......." in the phone context, it's a little like saying "This is (name)"
Siegfried  1 | 100  
12 Oct 2008 /  #6
"jestem ..." is more unofficial - you say it when you shakehands with someone on barbecue.
sausage  19 | 775  
12 Oct 2008 /  #7
Ok, thanks guys. I'd only heard it on movies/cartoons featuring superheroes so I wasn't sure of the more general usage.
Siegfried  1 | 100  
12 Oct 2008 /  #8
Jestem wspanialy. Jestem James Bond ;)
sausage  19 | 775  
12 Oct 2008 /  #9
Jestem James Bond

Interesting example, in films he normally says "The name's Bond, James Bond"
I was wondering whether sometimes the use of "Jestem" was the subtitlers being lazy/economical with words.
Marek  4 | 867  
16 Oct 2008 /  #10
Czy pan jest Polakiem? - Tak, jestem. (or: Nie, jestem Niemcem.) = Are you Polish? - Yes, I am (No, I'm German). In English, chances are we'd be as likely to ask "Are you from Poland?", rather than "Are you Polish?", much the same in the response "I'm from Poland."/"I'm from Germany." etc. It's more of a cultural point, I suppose.
osiol  55 | 3921  
16 Oct 2008 /  #11
Jestem James Bond

Nazywam się błąd. Wielbłąd.
Would jestem look better? Who is this camel anyway? Maybe it's not even a camel.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / nazywam sie vs na imie mi - the differenceArchived