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Mrs Kowalczyk - should it have a feminine ending ?

okgirl66 3 | 90  
1 May 2009 /  #1
Could some kind person give me some advice as I have to write to a lady in Poland. Her family name is Kowalczyk but I know that sometimes there is a feminine version of polish surnames. Do I address her as Mrs Kowalczyk or is there a feminine version of this?

Many thanks :-))
anubis - | 35  
1 May 2009 /  #2
Mrs. Kowalczyk is correct. Not all polish names have feminine version , mostly just ones ending in -ski, the feminine version of those ends in -ska.
OP okgirl66 3 | 90  
2 May 2009 /  #3
Mrs. Kowalczyk is correct.

That's great - thanks for the help anubis. :)

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