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Polish for look and see

xwelcomex  5 | 5  
3 May 2009 /  #1
Does the Polish language distinguish between verbs of the senses such as look/see, touch/feel and listen/hear?

Thanks :-)
3 May 2009 /  #2
It sure does.

(niedononany-imperf.) widzić - to see
(dokonany - perf.) zobaczyć - to see
oglądać - to look (around), browse, view
patrzyć - to watch, look
obejrzeć - to observe, scout, have a look at
spojrzeć - " " " "
przeglądać - to look through
wglądać - to have a look into
Only a partial list!
OP xwelcomex  5 | 5  
3 May 2009 /  #3
Thanks MArek :-)
Marek  4 | 867  
4 May 2009 /  #4
Oh, yes. I almost forgot "WYglądać" = to appear, look like

gumishu  15 | 6228  
4 May 2009 /  #5
to look - to see

as in they look but they don't see

popatrz - look!

spójrz means quite the same as popatrz (spojrzeć - to take a look, to take a glance)

spojrzeć komuś w oczy - look somebody in the eyes
Marek  4 | 867  
4 May 2009 /  #6
Thanx again, Gumishu:-):-)!!

Rather then like "to look, but not see/observe" or "to hear but not listen". LOL
4 May 2009 /  #7
Just a few examples may suffice:

Teraz widzę książkę. = Now I see the book.

Oglądasz televizję Olku? = Hey Alex, you watching TV?

Czy Pan chce zobaczyć gazetę? = Would you like to look (briefly!) at the paper?

Patrz, Andrzeju! = Hey, Andy! Look there!

Spójrź całą dolinę! = Observe the entire valley!

Proszę pani przeglądać nowe czasopisma. = Please go look (leaf) through the new magazines.

Marek  4 | 867  
5 May 2009 /  #8
An "amendment" or two (.. or three!) to yesterday's post:-)!!

Second sentence (better version)

Olek ogląda telewizję. = Alex is watching/watches television.
Czy pan chce zobaczyć gazetę? = Would you like to look (briefly) at the paper?
Patrź, Andzeju! = Hey Andy! Look there!

z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 May 2009 /  #9
a couple more from the same semantic field:

gapic się
przygladac się
Piorko  - | 9  
5 May 2009 /  #11
lookać XD
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
5 May 2009 /  #12

słuchać / słyszeć
Słyszała, co mówiłem, ale chyba nie słuchała mnie uważnie (She heard what I was saying, but she rather wasn't listening carefully). (past tense)


dotknąć - dotykać (imperfective aspect)/ poczuć - czuć (imperfective aspect)
Dotykam kamienia i czuję jego tysiącletni chłód (I'm touching the stone and I (can) feel/sense its thousand years' cold)

czuć (to feel/sense), often with the reflexive pronoun się [oneself] shares also many nuances of meaning of the word feel in English - not only about palpable things - what you touch, but also about:

physical conditions - I feel exhausted = Czuję się wykończony,
I feel sick = -le się czuję (only in the medical sense of this expression, when you feel unwell/unhealthy),
perceiving your situation - I feel conned = Czuję się oszukany,
emotions - to feel pleasure = odczuwać przyjemność,
I feel regret = Czuję żal.

czuć in Polish also is used for olfaction (to smell something)

Poczułem dym - I smelt [smelled] smoke
Czuję silny zapach - I can smell a strong odour/scent.

When you want to say that something smells (= is emiting an odour) you have to use other verbs:
pachnieć (neutral or nice)
śmierdzieć (foul smell, stink)
The flowers smelt great - Kwiaty pięknie pachniały
This room smells odd - Pokój dziwnie pachnie (odd, but it's not stinky, just strange)
The pipes stinked/smelt badly - Śmierdziało z rur.

When you describe a voluntary action of recongizing/learning/memorizing an odour, you have to use the verb wachąć / powąchać:
The police dog approach the suitcased, smelt / sniffed [or is it "snuff" in the past tense?] it and started barking.
Pies policyjny podszedł do walizki, powąchał ją i zaczął szczekać.

to taste - smakować, but mostly used as an intransite verb (the food tastes good - jedzenie dobrze smakuje)
This tastes like chicken = Smakuje jak kurczak/

In other situations it's often replaced with different verbs:

próbować / spróbować (literally "to try / to sample", but not in all contexts - for clothes, you'd say "Where can I try this dress on?" = "Gdzie mogę przymierzyć sukienkę?")

Would you like a taste of this wine? - Chciałbyś spróbować (more common) / posmakować (less common) tego wina?

I tasted a little cinnamon in the cake. Poczułem trochę cynamonu w cieście (so literally "I felt a little cinnamon in the cake")

the sense of smell is called węch
sight (vision, visual sense) is wzrok
hearing (audition, auditory sense, sense of hearing) is słuch
sense of touch is dotyk
taste (gustation, sense of taste) is smak (also used in figurative meanings, but often replaced with "gust")
he really has a bad taste - on ma naprawdę zły smak / gust
a joke in bad taste - niesmaczny dowcip (literally "untasteful" joke)

6th sense = szósty zmysł
intuition = intuicja
5 May 2009 /  #13
Most helpful, Krzyśiu:-)!
Your English is excellent. Where in the US did you study? I mean, maybe you studied further in Britain after university in Poland, but since you seem to write "without accent", as it were, I naturally presumed you must have learnt here in the US. LOL

After all, where is the standard taught nowadays?


Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / Polish for look and seeArchived