That are free? I just moved to Warsaw to start University. Currently I understand most Polish, but as far as speaking my grammar and such is off. I want to find a website where I can learn to read basic, as well as correct ways to say things. If you know of any good websites, let me know. Thanks.
Know any "Learn Polish" websites?
hi there. put the word "links" in the search box (top right of your screen). The 4th item you will find is entitled learning links or something similar.
30 Jun 2008 / #3
why people do not search the Language threads first is beyond me no offense kinimod ... but all links are there :)
It didn't occur to me that there would be something more. I was in the language threads and I saw specific people asking for specific help. Thanks, none taken.
I was in the language threads and I saw specific people asking for specific help
Not unreasonable that you should do the same. You did specifically ask for "good" sites. I quite like these sites, they don't require too much brain power.
[] - Polish Grammar
[] - Goethe Verlag, English/Polish Multiple-Choice Tests