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Już and jeszcze

tonywob  6 | 43  
14 Jun 2009 /  #1

I'm having trouble understanding the meaning of "już" and "jeszcze". I understand so far that jeszcze means the verb is still on going, like English "still", e.g.

Jeszcze czytam ksiażkę -> I am still reading the book

and also "even"

Ta ksiażka jest jeszcze lepsza -> This book is even better.

However, I can't get when to use "już". According to the translator and my grammar book, it means "already and yet". But I'm seeing used in all sorts of phrases that don't seem to make sense, e.g. To ja "już" wybieram kino.

Can anyone point me in the right direction of an article or good explanation on the usages, etc..? Thanks
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
14 Jun 2009 /  #2
In the example "to ja już wybieram kino/to ja już wolę iść do kina", the use of "już" is quite specific. It means that of all other options previously mentioned, the speaker is ready to choose "kino", but he is not happy with this choice either. Here, the "już" has nothing to do with its basic meaning of "already/yet".
Gab  - | 133  
14 Jun 2009 /  #3
"Jeszcze tego nie zrobiłem/zrobiłam" = "I haven't done it yet" jeszcze (negative)=yet

"Nadal/wciąż/jeszcze czytam" = "I'm still reading" jeszcze (affirmative)=still

"Już skończyłem/skończyłam" = "I have already finished" już (affirmative)=already

"Ta ksiażka jest jeszcze lepsza" = "This book is even better" jeszcze (affirmative)=even
"Jeszcze" (=even) in the last example also means "nawet/wręcz".

I hope that helps :)
plk123  8 | 4119  
15 Jun 2009 /  #4
To ja "już" wybieram kino.

right now.. get on... kind of like "let's do this already!"
michalek  - | 42  
15 Jun 2009 /  #5
But I'm seeing used in all sorts of phrases that don't seem to make sense, e.g. To ja "już" wybieram kino.

it means that you have other options to choose (like going to the theater). but you know that both are boring for you. so now you say "To ja juz wybieram kino"... you don't want to go there but it's better than going to the theater :)
OP tonywob  6 | 43  
15 Jun 2009 /  #6
Brilliant, thanks for the help. It's starting to make sense now :-)

So "juz" in this context, is kind of like the "already" in the American expression, "Let's just go to the cinema already", when given a choice of things to do.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
15 Jun 2009 /  #7
So I am now confused. What about when you ask for one more? Is that not Jeszcze jedno? So where does it change to "another"
15 Jun 2009 /  #8
"Jeszcze jedno" = One more (lit. 'still one')

"Już nie" = no more, no longer (lit. 'already not'), for example "Już go nie ma." = He's not here any more/He's no longer here etc..

Gab  - | 133  
16 Jun 2009 /  #9
" Daj mi jeszcze jedno jabłko" = "Give me another apple" or "Give me one more apple"

"Jeszcze go nie ma" = "He is not here yet"

16 Jun 2009 /  #10
Jeszcze mam więcej czas. = I still have more time.

Piję jeszcze jedno Żywiec! = I'll have another Żywiec!
Marek :-)
16 Jun 2009 /  #11
Piję jeszcze jedno Żywiec! = I'll have another Żywiec! -- I don't think so.
It sounds more like I’m still drinking that beer. Since pije is a present continuous verb…
I think it'd be better if u'd say 'Wypije jeszcze jedno/ jednego Zywiec/Zywca' which makes more sense here.
16 Jun 2009 /  #12
I should have realized:-)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
16 Jun 2009 /  #13
'Wypije jeszcze jeden/ jednego Zywiec/Zywca'

16 Jun 2009 /  #14
well... i'd rather say jednego zywca than jeden zywiec... but it's all the same anwyays.
michalek  - | 42  
16 Jun 2009 /  #15
'wypije jeszcze jeden żywiec' sounds strange
frd  7 | 1379  
16 Jun 2009 /  #16
'wypije jeszcze jednego żywca' sounds better : o
Gab  - | 133  
16 Jun 2009 /  #17
"Jeszcze mam więcej czas" = This sounds awfully clumsy in Polish

"Mam jeszcze czas" / "Jeszcze mam czas" = "I still got time" or " I still have time" is correct

"Mam więcej czasu" = "I have more time" or "I got more time"

"Piję jeszcze jedno Żywiec" = Clumsy in Polish
"Napiję sie jeszcze jednego Żywca" = "I'll have another Żywiec" or
"Wezmę jeszcze jednego Żywca" = "I'll take another Żywiec" or
"Dla mnie jeszcze jeden Żywiec" = "Another Żywiec" (for me)" / "One more Żywiec (for me)"
"Poproszę jeszcze jednego Żywca" = "Another Żywiec, please"

gumishu  15 | 6228  
16 Jun 2009 /  #18
but you can encounter colloquial -' Pijesz jeszcze jednego żywca?' - Will you have another żywiec
Marek  4 | 867  
16 Jun 2009 /  #19

You seem to know almost as much Polish as Gumishu. How's that? Are you Polish too?
Gab  - | 133  
17 Jun 2009 /  #20
Yes, Polish is my native language :)
17 Jun 2009 /  #21
I thought so:-)
Thanks ever so much for straightening me out about the "WYpiję jeszcze jedNEGO ŻywCA". vs. what I wrote.
Gab  - | 133  
18 Jun 2009 /  #22
Sure :) I'm glad I could help :)
hawzhn  - | 1  
18 Jun 2009 /  #23
Hello Gab can You help me
19 Jun 2009 /  #24
Piję_______ = I drink...... (all the time) vs. Wypiję_________ = I'll drink right now.

Is this correct then?:-)!

frd  7 | 1379  
19 Jun 2009 /  #25

Glad I could help : o
Gab  - | 133  
19 Jun 2009 /  #26
Hi Marek,

"Piję" e.g. "Piję kawę" = "I'm drinking coffee" (Present Progressive - now)
"Piję" e.g. "Piję kawę 3 razy w tygodniu" = "I drink coffee 3 times a week" (Present Simple)
Also Present Simple (habitual meaning): "Pijam kawę 3 razy w tygodniu" (it sounds kind of old-fashioned, but is also correct)

"Wypiję" as in "Wypiję kawę i pójdziemy do sklepu" = "I'll finish/have coffee and we''ll go to the store"

"Dopiję kawę i pójdziemy do sklepu" = "I'll finish coffee and we''ll go to the store" (if you have a little coffee left in your cup, like 2 sips) or:

"Dokończę kawę i pójdziemy do sklepu" = "I'll finish coffee and we''ll go to the store"

"Napiję się" as in "Napiję sie kawy i pójdziemy do sklepu" = "I'll have coffee and we''ll go to the store"

"Czego się napijesz?" = "What would you like (to drink)? / What are you going to have?" =
Answer 1: "Napiję się kawy" = "I'll have coffee"
Answer 2: "Poproszę kawę" = "I'd like coffee, please" or simply "Coffee, please"
Answer 3 : "Dla mnie kawa" = "(For me) Coffee, please" (you wouldn't say "please" = "proszę" in Polish, but it's implied)

19 Jun 2009 /  #27
All makes perfect sense as you've explained it. You must have spent lots of time here in the States, Gab. You're English is unusually good.

As we struggle valiantly with the Polish aspects, sure most of ya'll get ever so mixed up with the English tenses, a different sort of nightmare-:)!

Gab  - | 133  
19 Jun 2009 /  #28
I think foreign language learners encounter many problems learning target languages whether it's grammar, pronunciation or whatever. For Polish learners of English it's certainly pronunciation, verb tenses and articles (as Polish doesn't have them), idioms and phrasal verbs. I almost forgot: prepositions. Other than that it's OK I guess.
20 Jun 2009 /  #29
Other than that it's OK, I guess.

:-)))))...sort of like saying "We had a party yesterday. The guests barely showed, the food was spoiled and the few who came, left early. Aside from that, it was great! LOL

After English pronunciation, tenses, articles, idioms, and of course, prepositions, Gab, frankly, what's left??!

gumishu  15 | 6228  
20 Jun 2009 /  #30
After English pronunciation, tenses, articles, idioms, and of course, prepositions, Gab, frankly, what's left??!


nouns and infinitives ;)

me work good ;)

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