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chaza  50 | 253  
24 Dec 2009 /  #1
i am confused with this ich.nich issue. when i am sent comments in ploish and i translate them, i seem to be getting them wrong. what is the correct translation of these suffixes.

some example will help greatly please.


Derevon  12 | 172  
24 Dec 2009 /  #2
If you're talking about the endings of adjectives, -ich/-ych marks that it's genitive, accusative masculine personal or locative plural agreement.

For example "Wesołych Świąt" (Merry Christmas). Here it's "-ych", because it's implied "Zyczę Ci/Was Wesołych Świąt", and the verb Życzyć requires the wish itself to be in the genitive case. Świąt is of course in the plural genitive as well.
24 Dec 2009 /  #3
What issue do you mean? If you mean whether to use "ich" or "nich" to translate "them", then it's just that you use "nich" instead of "ich" when following a preposition, e.g. "dla nich", not "dla ich".
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
24 Dec 2009 /  #4
As dagenhamdave said, you use "nich" instead of "ich" when using a preposition. This modification also occurs with the following pronouns:

go -> niego
mu -> niemu
jej -> niej
ją -> nią
je -> nie
im -> nim
OP chaza  50 | 253  
24 Dec 2009 /  #5
does that mean them the go /niego both mean them, can you give me the english to these words so i have a clearer undertsanding please.

Derevon  12 | 172  
24 Dec 2009 /  #6
Ich/nich is used for genitive plural and accusative masculine personal plural. Nich can also be used for locative plural. Yes, they would all be translated to "them" in English.

"Ona lubi ich" -> "She likes them" (at least one person of "them" is male)
"dla nich" -> "for them" (at least one person of "them" is male)
"Ona lubi je" -> "She likes them" (them = women, things...)
"dla nie" -> "for them" (them = women, things...)

"Myślę o nich" - "I'm thinking about them" (them = anything... men, women, things...)

"Dla nich rodziców" - "For their parents" (their = male... nich, not ich, because "dla" = preposition.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
24 Dec 2009 /  #7
My Christmas gift for you:
All personal pronouns

Prepositional form is within [brackets].

nom.: ja
gen.: mnie
dat.: mnie, mi
acus.: mnie
instr.: mną
loc.: mnie

You (singular)
nom.: ty
gen.: ciebie, cię
dat.: tobie, ci
acus.: ciebie, cię
inst: tobą
loc.: tobie

He (/him)
nom.: on
gen.: jego, go [niego]
dat.: jemu, mu [niemu]
acus: jego, go [niego]
inst.: nim
loc.: nim

She (/her)
nom.: ona
gen.: jej, [niej]
dat.: jej, [nie]
acus: ją [nią]
inst.: nią
loc.: niej

It (if neutral gender)
nom.: ono
acus: je, [nie]
all other cases are the same as for 'He'.

nom.: my
gen.: nas
dat.: nam
acus: nas
inst.: nami
loc.: nas

You (plural)
nom.: wy
gen.: was
dat.: wam
acus: was
inst.: wami
loc.: was

nom.: oni
gen.: ich [nich]
dat.: im, [nim]
acus: ich, [nich]
inst.: nimi
loc.: nich

They (if only females)
nom.: one
gen.: ich [nich]
dat.: im [nim]
acus: je, [nie]
inst.: nimi
loc.: nich

ich, nich

Both mean the same: they or them, depending on the so called grammatical case.

go, niego

Both mean the same: he or him, depending on the grammatical case.
OP chaza  50 | 253  
24 Dec 2009 /  #8
is it the same with,
and so on
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
24 Dec 2009 /  #9
No, these words are not declined. But there are a few different constructions that equal the English translation.

if = jeśli or czy (depending on situation)
both that and then can mean several things in English, you must be more specific.
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
25 Dec 2009 /  #10
I posted a PDF document on the web, which I made myself when learning Polish. I picked everything I could find in books and at Polish classes into a file which is more convenient to access.


This file contains complete declension tables of adjectives and pronouns. There are explanations in French in it. Sorry about French but I did it primarily for my own purpose some time ago. However it may be useful for those of you who understand without a big explanation, or who understand a bit of French. One day, I will take the time to translate those explanations in English for the sake of everyone here on PF. I'm also currently finishing a file for declension of nouns, including proper nouns and rules for foreign names, acronyms etc...

It takes time but I realized that learning half the rules form one book, the other half from another book and the exceptions from Polish classes or a web forum isn't always particularly convenient either. So, better put everything together in a file.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / ich/nich/ychArchived