Kenji75018 4 | 25
25 Dec 2009 / #1
In English when we say:
If I sung this song, you would cry
I had sung this song you would have cried
But can't we say:
Gdybym śpiewał, płakałbyś ( If I sung this song, you would cry)
Gdybym zaśpiewałbym, zapłakałbyś (I had sung this song you would have cried)
I have the impression that in Polish we use only one translation for both of them.
Which one?
Thanks for your answers.
If I sung this song, you would cry
I had sung this song you would have cried
But can't we say:
Gdybym śpiewał, płakałbyś ( If I sung this song, you would cry)
Gdybym zaśpiewałbym, zapłakałbyś (I had sung this song you would have cried)
I have the impression that in Polish we use only one translation for both of them.
Which one?
Thanks for your answers.