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Joined: 5 Jan 2008 / Female ♀
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6 Jan 2008
Language / Polish Case System [32]

Michal, I know. And I make mistakes too. But, if you want help someone, you have to (or just should) be sure. Does it any sense, if you give someone something wrong?
6 Jan 2008
Language / Useful and the most common words in Polish [50]

"Kokcielić" is a slang word, isn't it? I think you should ask some hunter about it :]
It's voice, which black grouses "give" :] It's sneeze-like :) <- all my knowledge about it.

And we're talking about useful words :) Don't be so nasty.
5 Jan 2008
Life / Bolek i Lolek [30]

I hate Bolek and Lolek. They're so stupid. And my friends and I think that they're queers (well, don't insult, I don't have anything against gays).

I think that Reksio is cuter ;) just better
5 Jan 2008
Language / Polish Case System [32]

OK, I know. It was year ago, but please.

Nom. stól stoły
Gen. stołu stołów
Dat. stołowi stołom (stołowi a nie stołu O.o)
Akk. stół stoły
Lok. stołem, stołami
Instr. stole, stołach
Vok. stole! stoły

People, think before write. Maybe, I didn't write correctly, but Mark made amazing mistakes :|
5 Jan 2008
Language / Useful and the most common words in Polish [50]

There is no way to translate "do/did/will you" cause in polish you have to inflect the verb :) but as Slyder said, you can use "czy", but it's just drop in the ocean in making question.

Would you like something to eat?
Czy chciałbyś coś zjeść?

Haha, for me, one of the most useful words (or phrases) is "przepraszam, chciałabym wysiąść" (Excuse me, I'd like to get off ) :D or "gdzie mogę znaleźć?" (where can I find).

If you're looking for any particular word, just ask :)
5 Jan 2008
Language / "sorry" instead of "przepraszam" [76]

'przepraszam' is very long and sounds very official

The length doesn't matter, but as you said, it's very official, and teenagers wouldn't use it to another teenage.
But I can't imagine, when I say "sorry/sorki" to older woman :D