Life /
Swine flu vaccinations taking place in Poland? [52]
And why inject junk into your body to fight off something you might never end up getting?
This is kinda sorta like insurance (health, home, car etc). You may never get in trouble and yet people buy insurance.
then all those chemicals and foreign antibodies live in you. Your body then relies on this "foreign body" and in the meantime becomes weaker because of it and you become more suspectible for other diseases.
I don't think you understand the mechanism of vaccines.
- Yes, foreign body is introduced into yours.
- No, your body does not rely on that foreign body to fight off disease.
That foreign body is a weakened (so to speak) virus, so of course it won't fight itself. Since it is a weakened virus your body can fight it without any trouble (rare exceptions may occur) and during that fight it becomes familiar with the DNA of the enemy. When a full fledged virus hits then your body already knows how to deal with it becaue it has some experience fighting the crippled version of the same virus.
This is grade 8 biology, so please forgive my grade 4 language. That ought tomake it easier to understand some of the hazy basics.
Many people die from infections that antibiotics should have cured...the reason...people have been filling themselves up with pills and potions of every kind for the slightest ailment , and many diseases have developed a resistance to the antibiotics....
Except that antibiotics are a completely different ball game. While vaccines "teach" the organism how to fight with a particular enemy antibiotics do not. They just do the fight for you.
What's more, antibiotics are not used to fight viri (or viruses, if you prefer) such as H1N1, or any other. Instead antiviral drugs may be used, for instance TamiFlu. As for the vaccinations, they may be effective in immunizing against both viri and bacteria.
It's OK to refuse this particular, or any other vaccine. But people! At least try to understand what you're refusing , and the reasons why you are refusing it.