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Travel for learning about living in Poland, Suggestions? [19]
Im interested in visiting Poland, for a few days 4-5 days, the idea is to get an idea of the culture, the place, understand how things works there, the culture, people, learn some basic polish to survive in the meanwhile...
I dont have a plan yet, as I really dont know anything about Poland and that is why im going, I would be more interested in knowing Poland for living, not holidays, im want to see how it is like from the inside, like a local person living there.
I want to get a rought idea of how is everyday Life in Poland, I guess it depends as well on the city, I didnt choose any city yet. Any advice?, if possible i would like to meet some people and talk about how is it there based on their experiences.
After this I would analize the whole experience and what I could see and learn about the place and decide if in a near future I would like to move and live there.
Any suggestions about what city to choose?, where to stay, or somebody would be kind enought to meet and show me some of how is it like there, any advice?
If you could choose any city in Poland to live which one would you choose? and why?
Please reply, any piece of information will be usefull for me.
I got some offers for Gdansk, actually a place near there called LĘBORK, is not cheap but with a family, accommodation and polish classes for 1 week.
So what about Gdansk?, anything i should know about the place?, good, bad? I'm researching as well but any experience/advice is welcome!...