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Joined: 21 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Jan 2009
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13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Re: Napoleon. He's been evaluated quite critically in Poland. He promised us independence for fighting on his side. A huge chunk of the French army consisted of the Poles. Then he used us to do terrible disgraceful things, such as crushing the Spanish and San Domingo freedom fighters. Many of us perished in Spain and San Domingo. That was a big disgrace. Also, he gave us much less than he'd promised; he made deals behind our backs with the Russians and Germans. But at first, there was nothing 'misguided' about our joining him: he was the most powerful conqueror since the times of Julius Caesar and he seemed able to change totally the face of Europe, and even the world. We stood by his side to his very end, for the sake of honour.
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Hm, daffy, really? In Canadian history books, if I remember it right, it's said that the Fenians were Irish who by fighting on US side against the English in Canada thought they were doing it for Ireland's freedom. Sounds pretty convincing, even more so in the light what you and Frank have said about Irish history, the 800 years of the often hopeless struggles.
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Frank you haven't answered my questions straightforward. Isn't it so that when the case is about Irish fighting for Ireland on somebody's side, it's a just cause for you, but when the Poles do it for Poland, is an unjust cause for you? Some double standard? If yes, then why? :)

Thanks, espana. How do you do? :)
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Daffy, you wrote: ' forgetting that poland is in iraq, there are polish descendants in america, like the irish also ' (sic). - So by that you meant that you were ' givin you [= me, Puzzler] a situation - trying to show you [= me, Puzzler] that there would be polish in iraw even if the polish army was not ' (sic)? If so, would you explain even further what you mean? Some clarity, please.

13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Frank, what do you mean by that 'short term gain' was in their [Poles'] grasp'? Was Poland's independence and freedom a 'short term gain'? If so, then why? So when you Irish fought unsuccessfully, numerous times, during 800 years, for Ireland's independence and freedom, also a 'short term gain' was in your 'grasp'? Were you 'misguided'? Did you have a 'history' o 'doing this'? How about the Greeks fighting the Turks for 500 years? 'Misguided'? 'Short term gain in their grasp'? Had 'a history of doing this'? :)

So, Frank, did the Poles fighting the Russkies on Napoleon's side fight for 'the just cause,' or for the unjust one? Why? Was our, Poles, trying to give the bloody nose to the Germans or Russkies a good thing to do, or not? Poles also fought other Poles in opposing foreign armies, e.g. during WWI, Poles fighting on the German side fought Poles fighting on the French and Russian side. There is a poem, by Slonski, on that.
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Daffy, from what I know the Fenians fought against the English in Canada on the same principle as we Poles fought against the Germans on the British and American side in WWII. The Fenians fought for free Ireland. Were they 'misguided,' fighting on Americans' backs? :) Why should we ignore the fact that Polish soldiers are in Iraq? Why should we say it has never happened? There are scores of other foreign troops in Iraq: the English, Danish, Japanese, you name them. :)
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Why would the Poles fighting the Russkies on Napoleon's side be 'misguided'? So the Irish fighting on the side of many others nations were 'misguided' too? And why do you think we fought 'on the backs' of the French? Do you mean we were sitting on their backs while fighting? :) By the way, the Irish also fought on our, Polish side, in at least one of our national uprisings against the Russkies. Were those Irish misguided? Did they fight on anybody's back?
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Daffy, so the Fenians all were born in America? :) By the way, what do you mean by 'forgetting that poland is in iraq' (sic)?
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Hello, Frank. Well, so you suggest that we invaded Russia 'on the backs' of the French during Napoleon's times, and that it was foolish? What do you mean by 'on the backs of the French'? Why exactly was it foolish? By the way, in the 19th century, you Irish attacked once Canada from the US territory (and were beaten back mercilessly by the English). Was the Irish attacking Canada wise, or foolish? Oh, and from what I know there were also Irish in Napoleon's army attacking Russia, weren't there? If yes, were those Irish also foolish, or wise? :)
13 Apr 2007
News / Political purges in Polish politics [14]

Giles uses the following terms re Polish government and it's attempts to clean up Polish politics of the communist mafia: 'a hardline catholic right wing government,' (would you explain why do you call them so?), '[i]t [ie. attempts to expose comunist mafiosos - P.]smack of Macarthyism in 1950's USA' (can you give evidence odf that?), 'it [ie. lustration] is inherently self destructive' (why? prove your point), 'a snide manor' (why? any proof?), 'the Polish government is a very dangerous entity, staffed by out spoken racists, anti-semites, homophobes, virulent nationalists and hardline catholics' (and any proof of this?), 'hardly men suitable for a nation tryig to grow into liberal Europe' (why? What do you mean by 'liberal Europe'? Is such Europe good? If yes, why?)

12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Daffy, I ain't no hypocrite - and you know that. As for the neo-nazis, well, your views, Frank, are a bit like that, but you have the right to hold them. And don't worry - I would first die than limit your right to free expression. But don't expect you can ever limit my right to free expression, eg replying in ki9nd to you. I love the Irish - now after this exchange even more. I love you guys. Good night!
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

No, I can't skip this un! - Fok, Frank, if you were occupied for 800 f...king years, why don't you understand us? We went through exactly the same hell. How would you feel if I scolded the Irish for fighting for independence? We, Poles, had to do it even if it was sometimes hopeless. Know the motto that it's better to die stranding erect than living on your knees? Good night, dobranoc now, guys.

Long live Ireland- kocham Irlandie and the Irish. :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Daffy, now I don't trust you a whit. You glib-talker. Daffy, I am dead tired, you little bastard!!! I was to write another couple of pages of my novel, and am wasting my precious time on you guys!!! Go to hell all of you.

Dziekje za rozmowa. Dobranoc. :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Why are you so defensive when I call your countryman 'neo-Nazi'? His views on Polish history are not only neo-Nazi, but actually Nazi. Why deny this simple fact? That's not true, Daffy that you defend 'any member of the forum,' because in this case you defended your fellow Irishman, and not myself. Why deny this fact?

Hm, and all this in spite of the fact that your countryman is a very weak debater indeed - he has made lots of claims but could not explain nor prove them.

But how powerful national solidarity and fanaticism is.

How does it relate to your vision of united Europe, Daffy? :)

Wow, how actually history works. I've heard about the Irish being Germanophile, but didn't expect you were so to such a degree.

If I'm not mistaken, Ireland remained 'neutral' during WWII, right? And just before his death in 1939, an Irish (but writing in English) poet Yeates wrote a letter to Hitler in which he praised him highly, right?

12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Hm, Frank, let's summarise our exchange.

So based on the posting by 'ola,' you assume that ALL the Poles share her opinion and don't want to sell Polish land.

You don't actually mean it's Polish, only German, right?

If so, what about if, following your reasoning, we consider the whole of Ireland an English land? Why not? It belonged to them in the past too. :)

Then you expound your view of Polish history making some scattered, vague, mataphoric, bad-grammar remarks, such as:

'Poland did ide with Napoleon 1812, supplied 50000 troops......and pissed off the Russians since then, the main reason you country was so trashed by your great neighbours German/Russia, was to put your previous misjudgments to bed, plus a weak Poland was good for both countries... Poland seemingly harboured (by original invitation to lots of religions) the very people Hitler took offence too.......the jews...and Poland for inviting them in, paid a very, very heavy price........true.....Poland was expansionist too........ you just want to bury your head in the sand........not a nice place to be....'Wake up and smell the coffee.....'

When I asked you what you meant, you answered unclearly, or not at all - on the grounds that my questions were 'irrelevant.'

You haven't proved they were irrelevant.

You make claims, Frank, but can't prove them.

Shouldn't you therefore be considered a liar?
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Daffy, defending your fellow neo-Nazi countryman? :)

Wow, so my questions are 'irrelevant,' Frank? Prove that even one of them is so. Evading to answer them because unable to do it? :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Oops, Frank.
Re: 'before I bothered replying to your endless denials and attempt to deflect any blame from poland for anything ever.' - Give proof of my alleged 'endless denials' and attempts to 'deflect any blame from Poland for anything ever.' What actually have I denied, what specific 'blame' have I allegedly deflected?
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Frank, you're 'afraid of debate' because you're not sufficiently knowledgeable and strong enough intellectually to carry it on. If you were strong enough, you wouldn't be afraid to talk with me. Proof that you're ignorant and weak intellectually: you make claims but can't prove them, can't give sources, can't answer simple questions. You speak like an old-date German or Germanophile brought up on Hitlerite and neo-Hitlerite propaganda. Well, I'll reserve the right to comment on your postings, and hope you won't flee from this board because of fear of debate (SIC!), or fear of expressing your views. I don't have anything against your expressing them freely. Good night, Frank. Thanks for the exchange.
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Re: 'So 50000 Poles werent in napoleons army...remember how long the motherlands memory is Puzzler...how about for ever' - So what does this fact signify that allegedly 50000 Poles were in Napoleon's army? Why were they there? What do you mean by: 'how long the the motherlands memory is'? Do you mean that the russkies will remember for ever that Poles were in the Napoleon's army? And what was first - the partitions of Poland by the russkies, or Poles going into Napoleon's army? So you say Poles shouldn't have gone into Napoleon's army? Why not?

Re: 'A weak Poland was in the interests of Germany/Russia......fact' - Do you justify the Russian and German invasions of my country? If so, do you also justify the English invasions of Ireland?

Re: 'Giving someone like Hitler a reason to destroy your country wasn't exactly great......even though inadvertant' - What reason would that be?

Re: 'Poland never invaded/displaced another European country/population?' - did she? Give the facts.

Re: 'None of the above events occurred ??....which is what you are saying!!!!' - What specific events do you mean ? Where did I say that none of the events occured? Give quotes.
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Fiszek, well, some of Davies's 'colleagues' prefer the hateful, ignorant, anti-factual, 'nightmarish' vision of Polish history that Frank has expounded here. Davies was punished by his positive version of Polish history - the Zionist crazies has prevented him from obtaining a teaching post at Princeton. He speaks about it in an interview with a Polish periodical. I can try to get the interview and translate it. Cheers. :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Fiszek, I have. It's one who likes things Polish. Do those who call Davies 'Polonophile' suggest that his view of Polish history is positively prejudiced? Do they give any facts to back the claim? :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Re: 'Pity you have to blame a fellow Pole Puzzler...lol'

- Have I blamed 'ola' about anything? What? Or rather you've been doing it?

Hm, the more I talk to you, the more convinced I become that you may be a prejudiced Polonophobic idiot.

Do you hang around on this forum to belittle the Poles and thus lift your own low national self-esteem? :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Did I do any name-calling in our exchange, Frank? Give the names. :) Ah, so facts speak for themselves? Which facts? Are you sure you've given all of them? Or just a few conveniently chosen (and interpreted) ones? Ah, so questions don't speak for themselves? They surely don't; it's you who ought to. Are you able to? :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Hm, so some troll's scribbling you Frankie take for an expression of an allegedly prevalent Polish attitude? Think Frank! :) And learn some more about the Polish history. Read Norman Davies' 'God's Playground,' 'A Heart of Europe,' 'Europe,' 'Rising 44.' And don't scribble till you know for sure. :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Frank, well, my questions are in reply to the numerous claims you've made. When you made claims expect reactions to them. Got to be responsible for what you say. Don't answer, if you don't want to. Think over what I've signalled. By the way, I think I know what country you're from. And I can tell you we Poles have lots of understanding and empathy towards your country's history. We don't have such an arrogant and insensitive outlook as you've got towards us. I wonder why we are so, and you are the way you are? :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

What do you mean by 'the original sentiment that Poland doesnt want or need foreigners buying "Polish" land'? And why did you put the word 'Polish' in quotation marks? Do you suggest that Polish land isn't really Polish? Who the devil are you Frank? What country gives life to the likes of you? :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Well, Frank, you've actually been slagging off my country, and in an extremely crude manner too. What country are you from? What is your nationality? Do they teach all the $hit in your schools? I wonder how would you feel if i started babbling about your own country in the same manner as you about mine? You're using big negative words, with great impudence too: 'isolationism, distrust of foreigners.' Give examples of our alleged 'isolationism' and 'distrust of foreigners.' Able to do that? :)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Frank, first of all, where did you take all the data from? Can you give specific sources? What is your nationality? Is that what they teach you in your country about Polish history?

So do you assert that Poland first supplied Napoleon with troops, and in revenge Russia and Germany invaded Poland? Do you say it was right that my country was invaded by Russians and Germans?

So you say that Hitler wrecked Poland for her harbouring the Jews?

What do you mean that Poland was 'expansionist'? Give the facts. How could she be expansionist if she was partitioned by the Russian- German expansion? Do you suggest that Poland did some 'wrong' to Germans and Russians? What wrong exactly?

What do you mean by Polish insistence on 'great reparations'? What 'short-term gain'? What 'misjudgement'?

And where did you take it from about our nobility undermining our 'rulers' (we actually had kings)?

What do you mean that the 'last 60 years don't seem like a nightmare'? What are you excusing for?

Re: 'History has and will repeat itself.....' - Do you mean that Russians and Germans will again partition us? And do you also mean that, for example, the English will again inflict the potato famine on the Irish? Oops, sorry, according to your reasoning, I should've said: the Irish will inflict the potato famine on themselves? Is that what you mean, Frankie? :)

Re: 'My argument is factual' - What do you mean by that? You've given some facts, but interpreted them in an extremely Polonophobic manner, haven't you?

Re: 'Yes..........you just want to bury your head in the sand........not a nice place to be....' - That's a metaphor. Can you explain clearly what you mean in this sentence?

Re: 'Wake up and smell the coffee.....' - And what do you exactly mean in this one? :)