23 Dec 2009
Life / Pasowanie (knighting) [7]
Had a look into You Tube. The term pasowanie here seems to have nothing with Easter tradition, methinks. The first meaning of this word is 'knighting' - 'pasowanie na rycerza' (rycerz-knight); probably derived from the noun 'pas' - 'girdle' (for weapons; only a knight was allowed to keep a sword at his girdle.)
The secondary meaning - a rite of passage, making someone a new member of a community (school, for example, or marking an adulthood.) Of course, it looks a bit different than knighting a young warrior, but the meaning corresponds with ancient ceremonies.
Had a look into You Tube. The term pasowanie here seems to have nothing with Easter tradition, methinks. The first meaning of this word is 'knighting' - 'pasowanie na rycerza' (rycerz-knight); probably derived from the noun 'pas' - 'girdle' (for weapons; only a knight was allowed to keep a sword at his girdle.)
The secondary meaning - a rite of passage, making someone a new member of a community (school, for example, or marking an adulthood.) Of course, it looks a bit different than knighting a young warrior, but the meaning corresponds with ancient ceremonies.