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Posts by Chipmunk  

Joined: 15 Aug 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Nov 2010
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 60 / In This Archive: 23
From: Warsaw this fall
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Photography, running, my family

Displayed posts: 28
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6 Dec 2009
Life / Giving birth in Warsaw. [4]

I've read in a few posts some experiences with the local hospitals.

However, I'm particularly interested more in any information about hiring a midwife for a home birth. Can anyone provide me with anything in that regard. Perhaps recommendations of a midwife or a practice. Also any information or recommendations for a doula. Or even a birthing center that is staffed by midwives and is not a medical facility.

Typically they like to send expectant mothers out 6 weeks prior to birth and then they return 6 weeks after the birth, here at the embassy. Personally, I think that's insane. Who wants to go readjust their life for 12 weeks some place that is not currently your home and do it all over again when you do return, with a newborn! Especially when you have other children. Also it doesn't help that my husband would not be able to accompany me and our 4 year old for all but 2 weeks of those 12 weeks and we all know babies come when they want for the most part!

So I'm pretty much refusing to leave, which is an option. However I'd like to birth at home. Just trying to find the right resources to make it happen!

ETA: Also I'm not sure whether or not the insurance will cover a home birth as I know ours in the States would not. We have the same insurance here just a international policy. So if anyone has a rough estimate generally on how much a home birth costs, that would be helpful as well.

12 Nov 2009
Life / A few questions about the bus system [13]

Thank you!! I will try that out tomorrow morning! It may be validated already, but I'll look for my green light!
12 Nov 2009
Life / A few questions about the bus system [13]

Yeah I checked out the website and I was still confused.

Made it on the bus this morning.. pretty uneventful, just how I like it.

I've been able to figure it all out (thanks for the responses it did hell) and then I went and got our passes. Thankfully... It's so exhausting figuring all of this out. I know though once we do the rest of our time here will be so much fun!

One last question. For this 90 day bus pass, how do I validate it? For the ticket today I just slid it in the slot and it stamped it but do I need to do anything for the pass or do I just hold onto it and show it if asked?

Thank you!
11 Nov 2009
Life / A few questions about the bus system [13]

I've asked a few people and our neighbors about the bus system and no one seems to know. When I met with my son's school they didn't either so I'm sort of at a lost.

On the public transportation website it says that the child rides free until school age. No one can tell me what age that is. I have heard 6 and 5 and that it doesn't matter if he is going to school he must pay. My son is going to preschool/Pre-K and is 4 years old.

Another person told me he rides half price. But when I got the tickets I was told there is only one 24 hour pass for the 9,00 Zloty.

I hope to next week get the actual bus passes through the post office or what not but tomorrow I'd like to take him into school for the first day if I can get over this one little hang up.

Additionally is the post office the best place to go for the bus passes?

And lastly what does it mean by 1 line? Like I can only ride the 222 bus with the pass? I'd like to get a pass for my husband and I (one each), and then our son if need be and I'd like for it to work on the tram, bus, metro but I get all confused when it mentions zones and then the lines. Thank you!
9 Nov 2009
Life / Running in Poland during winter [7]

Nov 10, 09, 03:07 - Thread attached on merging:
Places to run near Mokotow (trails?)

Another quick question. By chance does anyone know any off street routes or low traffic areas that are good for a nice run? 5 miles or so would be nice but I'll take any length.

I haven't ran since my half marathon and I'm considering the March half marathon and want to get my body back up to par.

Thank you!
7 Nov 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

I have arrived... and interesting enough my first full day here and all I am craving is Indian!!! Will have to see what luck we have tonight with dinner. Going to do my best not to have to cook tonight!!

Thanks everyone again for the help and support. Drove for a little bit out and about today and saw my son's school and did some shopping. While I don't want to jump the gun I can easily see why people come to love and stay here. It's beautiful and so far everyone has been very helpful. Got a little turned around in the airport (if that's even possible to do haha) and people came up and helped us right away.
21 Oct 2009
Life / Swine flu vaccinations taking place in Poland? [52]

The Swing Flu Vaccination is a live virus. Research shows that this causes permanent scarring to your lungs.

Get the Flu Shot but I'd skip the Swine Flu.
21 Sep 2009
Life / Should we bring our truck or go small? [15]

You guys are all so helpful and we much appreciate it!

Our potential buyer is meeting my husband tomorrow morning to transfer the money. So hopefully I don't need to utilize your wonderful advice, but if we do at least now I have it!

Like with Poland there is a profit to be made on it. Our Titan is the only one here. In fact the gentleman buying it has the Navarra in almost the similar color and everything but has been wanting an American BIG truck. So we lucked out since we are literally down to the last few days before it either has to be shipped or sold! I'm still happier to have it sold and with the profit but I think my husband would still rather have his truck! lol

If you need any help i could give you some advice, I spent 2 years of my life importing cars from Japan to sell in the UK and would be happy to help.

Thank you! I appreciate that offer. If this deal becomes a dud I will have to inquire. I didn't realize there would be so much alternations needed. I was just happy to see that it was left hand drive over there like this vehicle already was.

You guys are all so helpful! Thank you!
20 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

Scottie - You should see this little notebook I have started. I found a down moment at work quite a few days ago and have been scribbling little notes in it about Warsaw ever since. My own "lonely planet" from this website. I will add Palestra to my lists.
19 Sep 2009
Life / Should we bring our truck or go small? [15]

We have another potential buyer here. ***Fingers crossed**** That would be the easiest route to go and put $$ in our pocket since vehicles here are so over priced. Personally with me wanting another bum in the oven I'd prefer to buy something more family friendly but we shall see!

Additionally it was confirmed we will have a garage and a drive in front of it. *yay* I saw pictures of the garage and I'm doubting it would fit in there but the drive is long enough. IF we move it he'll just have to throw a bed cover on it. I googled but I couldn't find anything that says there is a Nissan Dealership in Warsaw. Anyone know if there is?

Titan height 78.8 inches / 200.15 CM Titans aren't that tall as many American trucks or so it seems. It's just wide as a boat. Let me see what I can find online. Thank you!!

Holy moly that is a lot of snow.
17 Sep 2009
Life / Should we bring our truck or go small? [15]


edit, just looked at the spec, is it the 5.6 litre engine? Would be worth converting it to lpg to help combat the european petrol prices?

It is the 5.6 SE king cab I believe it's called. Not sure on price. How much do they go for there?

My major concern (other than paying stupid money in fuel costs) would be underground garages.

The underground parking is what I am mostly afraid of as well. We can fit in a standard garage by height but the width makes it tight and usually the length. For parking spots in length we usually just take up two spots in addition to parking in the last spot of a row. We're no stranger to parking at the back of lots and so forth but yeah height for underground will be a concern.

Gas I am a bit concerned with but we were paying $5 gallon in the states before this move to Zamland and then here it's been anywhere between $6-8 a gallon. The number one difference will be commute. We both commuted in excess of over an hour in the States and here and in Warsaw the commute should be about 10 minutes! Although unlike here there will be places to drive around too outside of just to and from work!!!

I'm all for buying there I just haven't found enough supporting detail/confirmation to tell my husband why it's insane for us to ship the truck there. Plus the best part of shipping it back to the States is we'll have a vehicle when we return there! Argh. MEN! I'd drive a small POS if it meant I would be able to get from A to B without inflicting my inner desire of road rage!

I've spent the last six years digging my car out of the snow in mornings. Have you?

Do you street park? If so am I being deliusional when I think of a snow plow just burying the vehicle even more?

A lot of people park on the street and Mokotow is considered a safe part of town.

Hello new neighbor! Thank you!
16 Sep 2009
Life / Should we bring our truck or go small? [15]

We have a fullsize left hand drive Nissan Titan truck.

We found out we will be living in the Mokotow district (Yay!!) and I'm still waiting to hear back about whether or not there is a garage or at least (hopefully) a driveway for the town house.

If not then of course we'll have the street parking. Is it common for meters to be placed in neighborhoods? Excuse my naiveness but I've never lived in an area that has considerable snow fall. So if street parking is all that is available, is it common for the city to plow neighborhood streets? If so, will we have any issues with the truck being parked there as far as shoveling it out etc? (once again I'm sure this is a stupid question but I have not the slightest idea)

Will we find it difficult to manuver the truck around Warsaw? I am anticpating the expensive petrol costs. I'm more concerned with how difficult we will find it to manuver around and parking at like grocery stores. If the townhouse does come with a garage I'm quite sure it won't fit but am praying there will at least be a driveway to park it in instead!!

I'm currently leaning towards shipping it back to the states and just buying something used, but it would make financial sense to keep it with us.

Thank yoU!
9 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

NO CILANTRO!!!!! Oh that is going to suck. I will have to find seeds, I suppose, and see if I am able to bring them in. Yes salsa MUST have cilantro as well as a lot of my fav mexican dishes!

Maybe if I gorge on mexican while in the States I'll have no desire for it for a good while. At least then I won't crave it as much.

Never went to Pannikan. Heard about it though. That's another thing I miss about the States. Nice cafe's that make delicious cold cuts sandwiches. Had a lot of those back in Washington and San Diego. Doesn't even have to be a cafe even just those hole in the wall joints that seem to excel in mouth watering sandwiches. I'm sure I'll have better access to this in Warsaw though.

Time is flying. Getting so super excited about this move!
6 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

Scottie - HAHA you're right about "BFE". That perhaps is a little harsh for the city, but close enough. Suppose at least I can say I got the "real African experience". :0)

YES! Del Norte (Fidel's Norte) is still there. Great place for Margarita's, probably some of the best I've ever had there. Garcia's is slipping me. I don't think I've been there. But when we return, I will have to seek them out. The other one, Juanita's is the one out in Leucadia. I get the whole strip there between Solona Beach and Carlsbad confused as they all seem to run in together. I hate to say, I don't think any Mexican anywhere else would ever compare to to what you can find down there, just a skip and a hop from Mexico!

I am excited to hear that there is live music in Warsaw. That's another great pass time I enjoy. I just love a nice meal and music in the background. Although I have to say living abroad has made me quite the delicious cook so I am sure we won't do much dining out. Once we get settled and if you're ever up in Warsaw we'll have to have a dinner party! I was lead to believe I needed a bunch of hosting ware and the likes when we moved here. Which I never use. So I always am looking for excuses to have people over for dinner.

I'm really looking forward to the cold and snow. We've lived only in warm places outside my childhood in the Pacific Northwest. I know it's insane but I can really only handle one possibly two seasons for so long! I may say other wise after Warsaw :)

Lou's records! It finally came to me.
5 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]


Don't let that influence your decision. I miss Mexican food but I've learned to live without it, and Poland offers so much to replace it but in a different way. I love this place.

Oh it won't! I don't have a choice regardless. HAH I think it'll be quite nice there. Every place has things to get use to and so forth. I just have to keep telling myself it won't be anything like it is here, which I must admit sort of sets the mood as far as expectations go. Once I get back to the states and enjoy some of my mommy's cooking I'll perk back up!

I remember before here I couldn't stand Indian food. And when my friends would insist on Indian for dinner before going out I'd have to eat prior just so I wouldn't be a lush later in the night. Now I can't believe what I was missing. I can't consume enough Indian. And sadly I doubt it'll even be a fraction as yummy back in the States as it has been here.

I've never been to Garcia's.. but I've been to quite a few mexican places in CB so it could have changed names. There was a joint, not the chain but similar off of Coast HWY right after the state beach that had breakfast burrito's... ohhh I miss those and then there was Juanita's off of Coast HWY just a little further South down by the damn record store which name now escapes me. Nothing tastes better after a night of drinks and music than a breakfast burrito with Frank's sauce to dip it in! :)

What brought you to Poland? I mean being a Marine and all I know you guys like travel and adventure so you probably won't shock me with your reasons. I can imagine. Between what I've read here and can google, Poland sounds like a hidden gem in all of Europe. I'm really anxious to get there but trying not to get too excited so I can still enjoy our trip home!
4 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

What's the name of the school in Mokotow which you've found?

The International Preschool of Warsaw. preschool.pl

The tuition is another reason I am leaning towards this school right now.

I am very fond of the montessori approach to learning, especially for my son and his learning styles. But I didn't get a good vibe from the one montessori school I was in touch with. He attends a montessori school now which is ran by Korean Missionaries and it is hands down the number one thing I will miss the most about our stay here.

What I would say is that the British School kidergarten/pre nursery which is on the smaller Dabrowskiego site ( in Mokotow when considering housing ) is a well run school with a warm & friendly atmosphere . Both of my kids loved it there

it was smaller & I felt less intimidating for my kids

That was one of the main reasons I went with the school I did. He was 1 of 8 in his preschool class last year and is 1 of 10 this year in Pre-K. Both classes have 1 teacher 1 assistant and then two helpers. The American school here had 23 preschoolers to 1 teacher and 1 assistant! That said my son is a social butterfly and has been trying to leave the nest since he could walk so I think he'd fair well in either envirnonment. I just can't wrap my mind around sending him possibly 20-40 minutes from me. I'm not one of those ultra paranoid mothers but he's only 4 and on top of that he's an only child. If he had an older sibling that would be ideal. So I will have to add the British school to my list to check out when we arrive. The British school wears uniforms, correct? That could be adorable :)

From memory at least, children of US govt employees go straight to the front of the queue.

That is very good to know. Thank you!

A school with a very similar name operates near Piaseczno, but is run by a private local company and has standards which fall very far short of the minimum one might expect. So much so that a few years ago many of the parents (including most of the expats) withdrew their kids en-masse.

Thank you! Noted!
4 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

I'm not a fan of the fast food joints like McDonald's but TGIF was always yummy! Never been to a Hard Rock Cafe before though.

We use to live in Oceanside bordering Carlsbad, off of College!! Hope relocate back there after Warsaw. I could go for some Pizza Port. Great beer and grub! :)

Oh how about olives, green or black that are sliced and canned (maybe what is called tinned?)
What is wrong with buying a jar of olives and cutting them yourself?

Nothing, as long as they're pitted I'll slice them myself :) Other wise I'm too lazy for that. I mean after-all, I am an American! LOL

Everything sounds quite nice. I can't wait to get there! Really appreciating all the tidbits of information!

Speaking of getting there.. We're looking at either staying in Mokotów and Ursynów. Are those pretty decent areas to live?

I found a school in Mokotów, which I am leaning towards but am also debating about the American School. I just don't like how far out the American school is and I wasn't a fan of the American school here either. I'd like him to attend a school where he'll get a lot of influence in Polish and the culture. Any mom's/dad's here have an opinion/advice there? He'll be in Pre-K this year and then a Kindergarten before we depart! Sniff, sniff... growing up so fast!

Thank you!
3 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

Thank you all very much! This is helpful.

Scottie!!!! We just left San Diego before moving to Africa! What part of San Diego? . Ohhhhh how I miss the beach. Although the weather here is much like San Diego so that I don't miss yet! I can't stand to be land locked though and look forward to the option to drive to a coast line while in Warsaw!!!

Cornstarch would be nice to have since like Scottie I currently make our own pizza as well. I had to stop using my pizza stone because I couldn't figure out a way to make it not stick to the stone, which I normally do with cornstarch!

I have to admit, the one stop shopping is the luxury I miss. But it sounds like for the most part with some tweaking I can get what we need. It's definitely going to be light years ahead of what we're experiencing here! :)

Do they have sour cream? Here they have greek yogurt and it's similar but not quite it.

Is it true, there is a TGIF's?

As far as the language courses I was going to take one or what not through the Embassy. Any other suggestions?

Oh and a Malls, not just one but plural... YAY!!!! Even if just to window shop and walk around. We did a lot of that back in the States. Go for lunch and just walk the mall with the kiddo.
2 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

It is a lot of fun! I never thought we'd be living abroad. I've always wanted to visit but to live... well that is just icing on the cake! :0) Now, if I can only tackle the Polish language!! I'm sure I'll learn through my son. They say youngsters are sponges!
2 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

This thread has given me a laugh, what do people from outside of Europe think Poland is?

As I originally posted, I'm looking for those comfort items. I don't expect nor would I want Poland to be like America. That said those comfort items or those similar to such are a nice treat when you're home sick.

I've never traveled within or even through any European Country. So I have no idea how it compares to the rest of Europe or even America. In addition to that being here in Africa for the past 18 months (in a capital city at that), I have reservations about another overseas post. I have not left this continent since arrival so my perception is probably skewed by that. My husband is usually assigned to the hardship posts so it's a treat and an exciting one at that, to be able to goto Warsaw. In addition to what is available here lacks in quality. You over pay for poorly made items and once again since my experience is only those of what I have personally had I am not aware of what can be said for Polish goods and those they import. I don't know the difference between what one could find in UK versus Warsaw. I'm going off the experiences at hand.

I wanted to make sure that while we are back in the states I gather the items I will want (miss) for the next 18 months and ship them on over.

I'm glad you have found such humor in my posts. From the outsider looking in, a new country, any country is something new and different. If I knew the answers I'd assume forums such as this would have no point. I do however appreciate the helpful advice and information.

Why not trying the local products? that's the fun of living abroad!

1 Sep 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

Thank you!

This comes as a huge relief. After 16 months here in Africa I am in need of something a little, no I fib, a LOT easier. It's a pain relying on shipping everything in and the wait that comes with it!

We're going back to the states for 2-3 weeks prior to Warsaw, so I planned on doing a lot of the winter clothes shopping there. While I am from a colder part of the country, the snow fall is minimal and so I'm not quite sure what to expect in that department. I hear it differs year to year. So I suppose I plan for the worst and hope for something light!

We'll be in Warsaw for two winters! If need can I find decent winter clothing locally as well?
31 Aug 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

I've found there are more comfort items that I ever thought I had.

Book stores? Like B&N type where you can stroll in, pick up a coffee and browse and if you find a 'must have', purchase.

Those crunchy hippie coffee shops? (I'm from Seattle so maybe that's not an American thing)

One stop grocery shopping?

REAL pizza?
Mexican food?
Pickles? Preferably dill?
Hamburgers? It has a game taste to it here, not Cow!
Milk? I am tired of Long Life Milk!!!!

How does the cheese fare for any American expats?
What about pepperoni and salami?

Oh how about olives, green or black that are sliced and canned (maybe what is called tinned?)

Toys?? My son doesn't even know what a toy store is. And what can be found on local shelves here are imported from China, crap, and you pay twice what you'd pay for a decent quality brand back in the states. He's never even been down a "toy aisle".

Kids clothes?

Ice cream?
Soda flavors besides Cream Soda and Coke? Like how about a Dr. Pepper or ROOT BEER?


On the line of home goods, I know there is an Ikea. Is that the general quality of what things are there for things like kitchen ware etc? What about linens and the quality of clothes? Are they cheap and thin and knock offs or a mixture of all that and high end too?

Shoes? I need a variety outside dollar store quality, please!

And the night life? Any good bars (pubs)? Preferable a nice Irish pub or two? Not that I really have a clue what that may be like. I'm going off what an American Irish pub would be like. What about dance clubs?

Hmm I have a laundry list of things running through my head. This should suffice for the time being! :)

Thank you!
31 Aug 2009
Life / What to bring, ship, pack for our move to Warsaw [67]

I've been trying to stay active and lurk but time, the free type, escapes me.

I'm coming from "BFE" Africa, but I am an American. Can I expect similar quality for items at the stores as I would in America? How are the prices? We will be living on the USD so I am not sure how the recent exchange rate of about 2.89 Zloty will be a comfort or pain.

I plan on doing a majority of the winter clothes shopping prior to arriving. I'm just trying to get a better idea of what comforts I may find myself without. I've spent roughly 18 months here in Africa and outside perishables I do not shop on the local economy. Warsaw will be a huge shock for me, a welcome shocked.

15 Aug 2009
Life / Running in Poland during winter [7]

While I imagine it's quite easy to find some great running paths and routes during the spring/summer. Where do most run during the winter? I despise treadmills but am assuming I may need to learn to adapt for my move?